****OU-Michigan Game Thread****

Quit blaming the refs. The Sooners are getting out hustled by the Wolverines.

I like our hustle. We've just mistimed a few rebounds and have had more silly turnovers. OUr guards are going to have to hit their shots and hope that Wright starts missing a few.
Don't worry about champ, he is a pr!ck who feels like he needs to chime in whenever fans start getting mad. You can't expect that jack@ss to know much, after all he thinks soccer is a real sport.

More WW and AJ in the 2nd half plz. And yes we could be playing much better but the Refs have been frustrating as well.
I don't know bout the dumb part, but there's a lot of truth to the rest of it. This guy called me dumb last season. He's better than everyone else.

Hahaha. I have no idea who you are or what you said, but I'm sure it was well deserved. You've been carrying that for over a year now? Let it go man.
what is with the people on these threads now ? march madness bandwagon jumpers ?
I like our hustle. We've just mistimed a few rebounds and have had more silly turnovers. OUr guards are going to have to hit their shots and hope that Wright starts missing a few.

Exactly. Our hustle is fine. We're playing hard. Michigan is just playing well.
Forget the refs the turning point was the back-to-back Pattillo unable to finish near the hoop, than he gives up an open 3 to Wright when he let him run by him on the press , and than he fouled on a 3 point shot.
I don't feel like we are playing that bad. Michigan is a pretty decent team and is playing really good. Beilen is a great coach and has his team ready. We just need to be more patient, do a better job at getting it to Blake and that will open things up. Defense is doing a decent job covering their 3s but it's hard to cover up a team that has anyone that can hit a 3.
Don't worry about champ, he is a pr!ck who feels like he needs to chime in whenever fans start getting mad. You can't expect that jack@ss to know much, after all he thinks soccer is a real sport.


You're making this way too easy for me.
The Thanks button is needed in this thread.
Complaining about the refs (in most cases) is a cop out, there are a couple of things we aren't doing well...Michigan is just playing tougher than us. That is pretty much what it boils down to.
I will admit that I complain about the officials A LOT. Certainly not every game. I just have this problem with incompetence. Sorry. I can't help it. That's just how I am. I do it to a fault. Others won't put blame on anyone else no matter what and they think they are the bigger person for it. That attitude can be taken too far too. Example: There are people who don't blame the Oregon screwjob/loss on the officials.


But about the game, the officials aren't really helping, but it also doesn't help when a dude that averages 2 points a game hits his season high (a mighty 12) against us.