OUHoops IPhone App?


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
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Would anyone be interested in buying an OUHoops IPhone (or Droid or whatever other type smart phone you use) app?

To be honest, I haven't even researched it to know how much it would cost or if I would need to justify even charging for it to make up the cost.

I'm just thinking of something basic with the schedule, links to daily stories online, link to message board etc.

Anyone know how much it would cost to have something like that put together? Anyone here possibly have the ability to do this and might be able to give us a deal? :)

What other features would you like it to have?

Or is it just a complete waste of time altogether?
I'll be honest with you and tell you that I don't think it would have a lot of utility for me. I just use Safari on my iPhone to get to the message board, and it works just fine. As far as updates I subscribe to the Twitter feed
I use Tapatalk and a few different boards and it's really nice. Should be an easy install within vB too.
I use Tapatalk and a few different boards and it's really nice. Should be an easy install within vB too.

And that just makes the board easier to read and with a more condensed version on a smart phone? Kind of similar to OUI's mobile version, which I really like.

I just install that and then the user has to also purchase that app, which recognizes the boards who use it? Am I understanding this correctly?
Pretty much.

Say like I find a link somewhere to OUHoops.com message board. If I surf to it from from my iPhone or Droid, a message will pop up saying that the board uses Tapatalk. It'll give you the option to go buy it or you just launch the app and log in. Once you're setup, you don't have to log in again.

That said, I don't know the ins and outs of installing the Tapatalk function.

Here's a video I found. There are a bunch on YouTube.

i would use it if availible for all smart phones, i have a blackberry right now but will be getting an andriod in the fall when my contract is up
The Missouri rivals site looked into an iphone app. Turns out it would've cost five figures to get done.
I actually read that the development tools are provided for free by Apple, but you have to pay $99 yearly to stream your content onto the marketplace.
Yes!!! I'm on my phone 90% of the time I'm on the board.
I actually read that the development tools are provided for free by Apple, but you have to pay $99 yearly to stream your content onto the marketplace.

The cost was in finding someone capable of doing it.

I believe Gabe DeArmond (rivals guy for Mizzou) had inquired with people at the MU journalism school. Even with students using it as a learning tool, it was going to be incredibly expensive.