Players Facebook Pages

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Nov 4, 2008
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Do you think players should be allowed to have Facebook pages? I know other programs, including OU Football, do not allow players to have these sites anymore because of the problems they can cause.

I say this because I just looked at TMG's Facebook page. You can barely understand any of it with most quotes being n***a this and n***a that. It's obviously not a good image to portray for a top athlete at a major university. I'm not saying he is trying to be someone other than himself but do you need to throw the real you out there for the world to see.

This is also another interesting post that he recently put on there:
Tommy Mason Griffin im not a student athlete so ...wateva happens happen for a a athlete dat has to be a student to play ball..
Yesterday at 8:28pm

WW's response:
Willie Warren
I feel ya on that young fella lol..this mus mean u didn't go to class lol boi u'z a trip lmmfao
2 hours ago

Tommy Mason Griffin
nah i miss my tutor session low key off diz skool ****...nah it aint even low key no more
10 minutes ago

I'm sure many athletes are not in school for academics but you at least have to try. I hope nothing comes from this.
Freaking ridiculous. The above is why this team sucks. Our three best players, or the 3 that were suppose to be the best, are doing this crap. You don't have to guess on what "agendas" Capel was talking about the other day. Here they are. Loud and clear.

I'd say alot more, but my "honest" opinion would most likely get me banned.
What's even worse is the 14 people who "liked" his comment.
it is troubling but I hated school too and couldn't wait to get out. I did hang in there though. Lets see if TMG does too.
Do you think this problem would magically go away if they didn't have a Facebook page? No, we would just never hear about it.
Do you think this problem would magically go away if they didn't have a Facebook page? No, we would just never hear about it.

The problem doesn't concern's common everywhere.

It's just the fact that they have an outlet to make themselves look like idiots.
The problem doesn't concern's common everywhere.

It's just the fact that they have an outlet to make themselves look like idiots.

Exactly. It makes people think less of them.
Blake was also quoted as saying he hated school last year
Blake was also quoted as saying he hated school last year

Hating school, and having two teammates laugh about a player missing study hall, after ALL the problems we've had this year, couldn't be two more different situations.

I don't care that they don't like school.
Blake: I'm not a big fan of school.

TMG: nah i miss my tutor session low key off diz skool ****...nah it aint even low key no more
Can this season please just end already? I'm on the verge of saying we should just pull an Indiana and just start over.
It is very ignorant for them to publish this where everyone can view it but you guys crack me up...

Welcome to NCAA basketball behind the scenes...been this way for there is just an outlet for fans to see what has always been going on...
Hating school, and having two teammates laugh about a player missing study hall, after ALL the problems we've had this year, couldn't be two more different situations.

I don't care that they don't like school.

You are surprised guys missed study hall and then players laughed about it? Not the first or last time.
It is very ignorant for them to publish this where everyone can view it but you guys crack me up...

Welcome to NCAA basketball behind the scenes...been this way for there is just an outlet for fans to see what has always been going on...

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