Players Facebook Pages

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Most athletes don't really care about school from my experience. That's the way life is.

Most, or 99%?

Obviously, that is a common stereotype, and obviously some athletes fit the description. Regardless, it is inaccurate to say 99% don't care about school, but thanks for the lesson in life.
Most athletes don't really care about school from my experience. That's the way life is.

I think a significant number of OU athletes would disagree with you. There are sports other than football and basketball.
You are right. And those "other" times probably happened on crappy teams too.

I bet you that crap didn't go on last year, wanna bet?
I would take that bet.

Considering Willie told him last year they would charge him 8 bucks when he would miss as a comment on his status.
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I think a significant number of OU athletes would disagree with you. There are sports other than football and basketball.

I think a significant number of OU athletes on the basketball and football teams would disagree with him.
So are these posts still up on their pages, or have they been removed? Maybe I'm overreacting but I almost feel like somebody needs to let the athletic department know about this so they can get this crap taken down. It's an embarrassment not only to the people that posted it but to the University as well.
I love how one little status update creates so much drama, lol.
So, this is what my University of Oklahoma Sooner Club donation goes to!?!

I guess I was very naive. I wish I had not seen this thread.
So, this is what my University of Oklahoma Sooner Club donation goes to!?!

I guess I was very naive. I wish I had not seen this thread.

Welcome to the extremely disappointed club, Trav! :eek: Just when we thought nothing else could happen to make this season any worse, a thread like this appears to prove us wrong.
I skipped 112/162 classes one semester, so my opinion is a little slanted. I completely understand skipping classes, even when your scholarship relies on it. School feels like the biggest waste of time, and I NEED to graduate for my future. I can understand these guys having no motivation and being frustrated with school when their dream has nothing to do with finishing school. I can't hate on them, I used to post this kinda stuff all the time freshman year, though it was a little more clear.

I was the same way...
Actually might have been worse than the 112/162 stat.

My first semester junior year I took four 3-hour classes.
One class I did not attend a single time.
Not once.
Another class I attended 3 times, for 3 different exams. Unfortunately, the class had about 8 exams.
Another class I attended for the first three weeks and we were assigned a paper. I didn't want to write the paper, so I never went again.
Another class I went to all of the exams and probably 3 or 4 lectures. I had a good friend that was also in that class, which is why I went to it so often. Unfortunately, it was a class with homework and quizzes, which I never did.

I got a D in the class I went to all the exams. I got a W in the class I never attended (even though I never applied for withdrawal). I obviously failed the other two classes, which gave me a .33 GPA for the semester.

I followed it up with a 3.8 GPA in the spring semester of my junior year. I guess the light just finally turned on and I realized I needed to go to class if I wanted to get the college thing over with.
That said, there's no way I would have graduated in 4 years without all the CLEP and AP credits I came in with thanks to the slacking off I did for my first 2.5 years.
I don't want to come across the wrong way. Hopefully it doesn't

But, those of you who know more about kids like these with backgrounds like these kids have, how have they made it through any level of school with writing like what is displayed in these facebook quotes?

"dat" "boi" etc. Is this just lingo that they feel they are supposed to use? Is this the way that they actually write for school?

I'm fairly young and none of my african american friends write like that.
Unless I'm missing it, it looks like the stuff the original poster put up has been removed from TMG's page.
I realize it doesn't sound too great, but I wouldn't read too much into their comments. What occurs to me is that they are still children, well--adolescents. Research has recently shown that the brain continues to grow up to the age of 26. The frontal lobes are not fully developed (judgement center of the brain) before that.

I look for things to improve by next season. Theres a lot of work to be done in the off season--for coaches, players, trainers etc.
Unless I'm missing it, it looks like the stuff the original poster put up has been removed from TMG's page.

It was still there about half an hour ago.
I'm guessing somebody might have seen this thread...
This stuff makes me sorry OU even recruited a few of these kids. Of course, I'm old and totally not hip, so I'm probably overreacting. Still, I hope that Capel will indeed make changes in his recruiting philosophy and start bringing in some kids who we wouldn't be embarassed to call "student athletes."

It's been a pleasure seeing TMG grow as a college basketball player. But after today I may never be able to watch him play without Facebook coming to mind.
Who knows how/why it got removed, but I know that the university takes "social networking" VERY seriously. They actually have people that monitor facebook, myspace, etc, and they also monitor the message boards. They don't just view it as harmless fun.
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