Saturday 12/3

I'll be at Bedlam.

I really wish they'd get the cellular reception better or have WiFi put in across the stadium. Then I could watch the basketball game on my phone while at the football game.

Last year, I went to the Kansas State/OU football game and they had great WiFi in the stadium. I was able to watch the MLB playoffs clearly while watching the football game. I wish OU would do that.
I really wish they'd get the cellular reception better or have WiFi put in across the stadium. Then I could watch the basketball game on my phone while at the football game.

With all the money they've spent on the stadium in the past 10 or 12 years, it's amazing they haven't. Inexplicable, really.
I think it's an easy call for the football game based on importance. However, I wouldn't use any "LOLs" in this thread. Now, going to an OU football board in late March and finding out more posters would watch a spring practice if it was televised than OU in the Final Four - THAT is an LOL. Actually, it's pathetic.

that is so ! crazy.
I'm getting the game here in NYC. I set my DVR last night, but I didn't notice what channel it was on.
With all the money they've spent on the stadium in the past 10 or 12 years, it's amazing they haven't. Inexplicable, really.

My thoughts exactly. I don't know what service providers that everyone uses, but I can tell you that Verizon is terrible in and around that stadium. Otherwise, Verizon is adequate for me wherever I go.
I have Cox, and the BTN shows up on my guide, but I'm pretty sure I was looking to catch a few minutes of one of their football games on that channel the other day, and it was a channel that I'd have to pay extra for. And I get most of the other sports channels. Get the SEC Network. Get the LHN. Odd.
Watch the OU-OSU football game live and record the BB game. Bedlam for the conference title is too big to ignore, even for a short time. I may switch back and forth during the commercials.

Any other football game and OU basketball would be my first option.

I agree Ada.
Well the situation with football is very consequential and hoops less but if it were football against ku or Tulsa I would stick with hoops live. I have known Cox to make available games in the past to just be good guys, I hope they keep it up so I can DVR. I wonder if this is on their radar? I wonder if I subscribe for one day then cancel what that would cost?
Well the situation with football is very consequential and hoops less but if it were football against ku or Tulsa I would stick with hoops live. I have known Cox to make available games in the past to just be good guys, I hope they keep it up so I can DVR. I wonder if this is on their radar? I wonder if I subscribe for one day then cancel what that would cost?

It's likely that you have to subscribe for 1 month and no shorter.