Scoring possibilities


New member
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
when is the last time we had this many scorers on one team?

Warren -- easly averaging in the teens...possibly in the twenties

crocker -- its possible he could average double digits

tmg -- its also possible to average double digits

gallon -- its possible he averages somewere in the teens

willis -- with some playing time he can average double figures

not saying its going to happen...but 5 guys in double figures!! I can remember the last time we have had a chance like this
sorry big, I meant to say cant...I was just thinking about our scoring options I forgot how to spell
oh, when?


Seriously though, I can't remember when. I doubt in the Sampson era because he usually relied on one maybe two guys to do the scoring (e.g., Minor, Erdman, Brewer, Price (maybe MaGhee), etc.).

What is also impressive is that not only do we have this many potential double figure guys, it is conceivable that they could all score double digits in every game based on their complimentary skill sets. Too often, you have a team of guys averaging double digits, but when you look at the true numbers, they never score in the same game. You have two three point shooters and there just isn't that many threes to go around. Everyone you mentioned kind of brings a different scoring prowless to the game. Additionally, each guys skills open it up for the other. For instance, Willie's driving opens it up for Croker and Griffin to shot the three. Crocker's and Griffin's shooting open up driving lanes and room for the big guys.

I think we will actually be better this year compared to last because while there is a drop off from whomever tries to replace Blake, we will be as good if not significantly better at every other position.
I think offensively we will be better...just because of the scoring options...but loosing that rebounding, shot blocking ability hurts....But I think every game is going to be interesting!
One thing that will be decided this year is tempo. There have been stories since Jeff arrived that he prefers to play more uptempo but we didn't have a full complement of players who fit that style very well. This year we have those players in place who can run more if that is the offense that Jeff wants to install. It will be interesting to see what happens.
One thing that will be decided this year is tempo. There have been stories since Jeff arrived that he prefers to play more uptempo but we didn't have a full complement of players who fit that style very well. This year we have those players in place who can run more if that is the offense that Jeff wants to install. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I agree that our roster just didn't have all the pieces for Jeff Capel to run his system to his liking. To be honest, I think TMG is the cornerstone of Coach being able to run his up-tempo offense. You really have to have a true pg before you can fathom how much of a difference it makes in the flow and composition of a team.:woot
Very good point. TMG is the piece that Coach Capel has been needing. You do have to admit that the pace has picked up a little bit more each year. I think we'll see a pretty big step this year for a more up tempo pace. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Very good point. TMG is the piece that Coach Capel has been needing. You do have to admit that the pace has picked up a little bit more each year. I think we'll see a pretty big step this year for a more up tempo pace. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

This Means Greatness!

With WW leading this team, Tiny and Big O down low, TMG being the PG that he is, T-Croc with his long sleeves, and with the bench with guys like Steven Pledger that can shoot lights out, Fitz that can rebound and provides a hiiiigh motor, willis scoring any way possible and, of course, cade doing what he does best (hustle) (Longest run-on sentence ever?).... This team could be awesome to watch. Lets hope these guys can click at the right time in the right way.
a quick, heady guard will obviously help the probability a more uptempo style, but so will a big man who starts the break with great outlet passes and can run the floor. we saw how fast tiny gets the ball down the floor off rebounds in high school, so that could be the rare upgrade we see from our main big man this season. and if he can finish the break half as well as blake, the ww/tmg/tiny fastbreaks are going to be ridiculous.
a quick, heady guard will obviously help the probability a more uptempo style, but so will a big man who starts the break with great outlet passes and can run the floor. we saw how fast tiny gets the ball down the floor off rebounds in high school, so that could be the rare upgrade we see from our main big man this season. and if he can finish the break half as well as blake, the ww/tmg/tiny fastbreaks are going to be ridiculous.

And I certainly look forward to seeing those!!!
How soon they forget:

Price 16.5
Ace 16.0
Ere 14.6
Detrick 9.2
With 2 other guys averaging 7 and 8 points.

I'd also argue we were close to that in 2003 as well with Hollis at 18, Ere at 13, Bookout and White at 9 each.

2006 had Gray at 14, TE at 13, Neal at 12, and Bookout with 11.

2005 had 5 guys in double figures if you round up.
Good point...
I could see with the right situations and playing time the scoring laying out like this

1) WW - 19-22 a game
2) Gallon - 13-16 a game
3) Crocker - 10-12 a game
4) TMG - 10 - 12 a game
5) Willis - 10 - 12 a game (maybe more depending how much playing time)

Then we still have other guys that will score

6) Pledger -- 3 a game
7) Cade -- 3 - 5 a game
8) Allen - Around 8 a game

So if that plays out and everyone gets close to those predictions we could easily average 80 a game as a team...exciting stuff!
We will be a scary team come tourny time...I wouldnt want to play us we will have a shooters chance
Can somebody please explain to me the optomistic outlook on Willis by so many people. Based on what I saw last year I would be pleased if we could get a solid 10 minutes a game in a back up role for him....I just don't see him making the huge leap from playing only in blowouts last year to being a double digit scorer.
Cuda, I am cautiously optimistic about Willis too. I didn't get a warm fuzzy feeling about him last year but I'm hoping this year is different.
Ray willis averaged 6.4 minutes a game and averaged 3.3 points in those minutes a game

Cade davis averaged 14.6 minutes a game

So assuming ray gets the same minutes cade had 14.6 / 6.4 = 7.52 points a if he has been working hard he can easily imporve his shooting precentage bumping him up to around 10 points per
Can somebody please explain to me the optomistic outlook on Willis by so many people. Based on what I saw last year I would be pleased if we could get a solid 10 minutes a game in a back up role for him....I just don't see him making the huge leap from playing only in blowouts last year to being a double digit scorer.
Because Ray knows how to score, when talking about him in strictly a scorer role it is easy to guess he could score 10 a game. Of course he still has a ways to go with the rest of his game (team role, defense etc). If Ray learns to pass up some shots and play solid defense he could get that 10 minutes a game appearance and while he might not average 10 I could see 6-8 rather easily.
One thing that will be decided this year is tempo. There have been stories since Jeff arrived that he prefers to play more uptempo but we didn't have a full complement of players who fit that style very well. This year we have those players in place who can run more if that is the offense that Jeff wants to install. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Did you watch last season? That team ran plenty of times, and with a PG that seemed more comfortable in the half court. We had three bigs that loved to run the floor. One of them (Blake), would push the ball himself.

The situation will be slightly reversed this year in that it will be the backcourt that will really push the tempo with Warren and TMG. I bet will continue to put up good offensive numbers and push the ball.


As for Ray, he is a top three scorer on this year's squad. He was a top three scorer on last year's squad as a true freshman. Capel even said as much in an interview on the Sport's Animal.

That is why folks are excited about him.
Did you watch last season? That team ran plenty of times, and with a PG that seemed more comfortable in the half court. We had three bigs that loved to run the floor. One of them (Blake), would push the ball himself.

The situation will be slightly reversed this year in that it will be the backcourt that will really push the tempo with Warren and TMG. I bet will continue to put up good offensive numbers and push the ball.


As for Ray, he is a top three scorer on this year's squad. He was a top three scorer on last year's squad as a true freshman. Capel even said as much in an interview on the Sport's Animal.

That is why folks are excited about him.
Yep, I watched but I didn't see an uptempo game. We saw the ball pushed upcourt a few times but certainly not enough to say we had gone to an uptempo offense.

I do think that with Willie and TMG that will could change.
Yep, I watched but I didn't see an uptempo game. We saw the ball pushed upcourt a few times but certainly not enough to say we had gone to an uptempo offense.

I do think that with Willie and TMG that will could change.

I agree...if we have the personnel to pressure the ball more outside 25ft, that will help as well.