So where is Blake going (aka who gets the number 1 pick) Poll

Who will win the lotto?

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The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
I only included those with at least a 1% chance! haha
I voted OKC with my heart. As a Bulls fan , I just hope he does not end up in New York.



(er, is there something in the system here that blocks all caps? Sometimes, as in this post, they're needed.)
This will be another test of the conspiracy theorists regarding the NBA lottery being rigged to allow players to go where the NBA would benefit the most (ie-Lebron to Cleveland, Ewing to NY, Rose to Chicago etc).

I hope OKC wins the lottery and Griffin gets to play in front of his home fans like Rose and James instead of going to Sacramento purgatory (unless the Maloof bros move back to KC he he)



i know why you want him there, but i've said for awhile if OKC doesn't get the top pick that i sure hope Blake ends up in NYC. i think it would be awesome for him. especially if they can lure a big free agent over the next summer or two.
This will be another test of the conspiracy theorists regarding the NBA lottery being rigged to allow players to go where the NBA would benefit the most (ie-Lebron to Cleveland, Ewing to NY, Rose to Chicago etc).

I hope OKC wins the lottery and Griffin gets to play in front of his home fans like Rose and James instead of going to Sacramento purgatory (unless the Maloof bros move back to KC he he)

Put me in that group if OKC does indeed win the lottery. I won't make a peep though because I really hope it happens.

I voted for the Clippers though, just a hunch.