So why no Orlando Allen?


New member
Sep 27, 2009
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The guy has lost weight and now looks like a player. He started once in Alaska and played well (granted for discipline reasons). Why are we not seeing him at all?

This team could use an inside game with an actual 4 and 5 player on the floor at the same time. It seems rotating Allen in a few minutes for Gallon at the 5 and Fitz a few minutes for Wright at the 4 would get a bigger lineup on the floor with some consistent presence of height.

It's not like the small lineup is lighting up the scoreboard or establishing a lock-down defensive performance.
He has some mental stuff to overcome. I guess that is the best way to put it.
It is a valid question, MO. I think a lot of it has to do with Orlando not being able to keep up with the speed of the game. He has certainly shown some decent flashes in his limited minutes over the past year and a half. I will give you that.
Does that mean he can't run up and down the court for very long? If that is what is holding him back, then he might eventually get some PT. He sure looks in a lot better shape than he did a year ago. Maybe he progresses from losing weight, to developing stamina, to learning the right footwork to playing time. Didn't he have three years to play and that would give him two more or is next year his last?
Right now Big O has some issues to work out off the court, that's pretty much why we have seen a limited roll with him.
Does that mean he can't run up and down the court for very long? If that is what is holding him back, then he might eventually get some PT. He sure looks in a lot better shape than he did a year ago. Maybe he progresses from losing weight, to developing stamina, to learning the right footwork to playing time. Didn't he have three years to play and that would give him two more or is next year his last?
Running up and down the court is not the issue Tiny can't do that for long
Right now Big O has some issues to work out off the court, that's pretty much why we have seen a limited roll with him.

I have no idea what is going on here however the result is we are wasting a ship. We need folks that can help us on the court. If a guy can't get it together off the court to earn PT we need to pull the ship and find someone that can. This is his 2nd year on the team and he hasn't done anything to help this team on the court. Sure he is a great cheerleader during games but so are the blondes waving the pomps.

Its time to cut bait and move on we need help on the court not high fives during TO's.
Postgame with Capel, he gave lots of credit to the scout team for their work during preparation for MU. I'd imagine Orlando is a big factor in that.
After a year and a half, O is who he is, just like Chris Walker. If he gives us any production, take it as a bonus. He's a good guy though.
Postgame with Capel, he gave lots of credit to the scout team for their work during preparation for MU. I'd imagine Orlando is a big factor in that.

This is not FB we don't have 85 ships to give. We are in grave need of Post depth, we have Crocker and Davis playing the 4. If a guy is doing something off the court that keeps him from helping us on the court the ship needs to be used elsewhere.

We had 5 guys score against MU.
Does that mean he can't run up and down the court for very long? If that is what is holding him back, then he might eventually get some PT. He sure looks in a lot better shape than he did a year ago. Maybe he progresses from losing weight, to developing stamina, to learning the right footwork to playing time. Didn't he have three years to play and that would give him two more or is next year his last?

I don't think stamina is Orlando's only problem. He is too slow of foot to be a good defender in the half court, too. Capel wants to play faster and that doesn't fit Big O's game. I also think that may be one of the things that is holding Fitz back, but he moves a lot better in the half court than O does. I like Orlando, and I hope I'm wrong about him. You're right, he did come to OU with three to play, so he has another season after this to get better.

Tiny is a whole different story. He may get tired, but he runs the floor really well for a guy his size. If he could drop 20 more pounds, develop a few more post moves and learn to stay out of foul trouble so he can average 35 minutes a game, not 24, he would be a lottery pick in two years, maybe sooner.
I understand that, but I watched the game he started in Alaska. I think maybe it was San Diego. I thought he played rather well for the five minutes he played. He didn't look over-matched or slow.

I never thought Ryan Wright could contribute to this team. He couldn't catch a pass to save his life and is the only player I've ever seen that air-balled an uncontested shot from 3 feet. Now, he is contributing. I have think there is some role a big body like Orlando can play.
I understand that, but I watched the game he started in Alaska. I think maybe it was San Diego. I thought he played rather well for the five minutes he played. He didn't look over-matched or slow.

I never thought Ryan Wright could contribute to this team. He couldn't catch a pass to save his life and is the only player I've ever seen that air-balled an uncontested shot from 3 feet. Now, he is contributing. I have think there is some role a big body like Orlando can play.

I don't disagree with you at all, MO. I think most of us felt that Big O and Fitz should have been getting more minutes to prepare them for conference play. Now, we're in the toughest part of our season and we're suffering the consequences of their lack of playing time by having almost no depth at the post positions. But, the truth is, none of us really know what goes on at practice or why O and Fitz don't play more? That's where trust in our coaching staff should take precedence over what we want as fans.

As others have pointed out, Orlando has been dealing with some distractions of a personal nature, and that is where they need to stay. By all accounts, he is a very nice person and a great teammate in so many ways, I'm glad he's on OU's roster, whether he develops into a starter someday, or just someone with size who never really fulfills expectations.
Capel seems to eventually make players out of some of these guys. Anyway, I'm hoping he reaches his potential.
I still think it's funny that so many on this board acted like I was an idiot for disagreeing with them before the season when they said that Orlando would be our starting center and Ray Willis might start as well.

That being said, I hope Orlando has a good senior year. He seems like a good guy and we will definetly need him next year.
I understand that, but I watched the game he started in Alaska. I think maybe it was San Diego. I thought he played rather well for the five minutes he played. He didn't look over-matched or slow.

I never thought Ryan Wright could contribute to this team. He couldn't catch a pass to save his life and is the only player I've ever seen that air-balled an uncontested shot from 3 feet. Now, he is contributing. I have think there is some role a big body like Orlando can play.

I don't think Wright is a superstar but I have never seen Orlando as a guy who is as good as Wright.

The game moves too fast for Orlando. He tries hard but just isn't good enough to contribute.