Surprised there is no SAE discussion


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Nov 12, 2008
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on the board. Just watched the video, pretty crazy! I think Boren has reacted properly.
If they don't get banned completely then there will definitely be fewer pledges. Hard to join a frat that all the athletic programs want to physically harm.
I have heard of that crazy nonsense. The frat should be banned.

I have not seen the video. Can someone post a link? Thanks.
They're gone, the area around their house is a circus right now with police and media crews.

Boren said they have to be out by midnight tomorrow, which I'm not sure they can do, but they're definitely done for. Not even their ridiculously rich and powerful alumni base can save them at this point (the bus on which the video was taken was headed to okc golf and c.c., for reference).
Let's just hope this doesn't effect recruiting. Opposing coaches will definitely bring it up.
Let's just hope this doesn't effect recruiting. Opposing coaches will definitely bring it up.

I think in light of Boren's decisive actions we won't see an effect. Any kid who is willing to listen to reason will understand that the hammer got laid down on those idiots, and that's netiehr commonplace nor tolerated at OU.
They're gone, the area around their house is a circus right now with police and media crews.

Boren said they have to be out by midnight tomorrow, which I'm not sure they can do, but they're definitely done for. Not even their ridiculously rich and powerful alumni base can save them at this point (the bus on which the video was taken was headed to okc golf and c.c., for reference).

Stupid, prejudiced, privileged, and rich.
What the heck are you guys talking about? Can someone post a link, video or a condensed version of the story?
It's disgusting and embarrassing.

Tremendous and swift response though from Boren, and the student protest this morning was handled extremely well.

Unfortunately, the damage has been done. Will be interesting to see how long this lingers.
Geez. I had not even heard about this. What a bunch of idiots.
Anyone who has complained about Boren recently should look closely at this situation. Boren saved what could have been an absolutely disastrous situation here.
OU football just lost OT Jean Delance because of the video. He just de-committed.
Why should we "real" Sooners lower to their classless standards. I'm old and remember when OU received their first black students and I'm very proud that we were one of the first universities in the "south" although we are not in the south, to do so. Today I'm discussed to think that a few bad apples would give our great university a black eye.

I only hope that President Boren has the balls to kick them out of OU