Surprised there is no SAE discussion

You're right about Delance, but wrong about the rest.

Not at all races sing about lynching other races. They simply don't. And if they did, it would have less resonance because their grandparents (figuratively, if not literally, speaking) didn't actually lynch (figuratively, if not literally speaking) our grandparents (I don't know your racial heritage, WT; the above presumes that, like me, you are primarily Caucasian).

What's wrong with America these days is not overreaction to racism, but that racism is still as pervasive as it is. Great progress has been made, and thank God for that, but many want to pretend that we're basically at square one now, that racism is now a thing of the past except for a few bad apples.

I wish it were so, but it's not. Not by a long shot. Pretending that everything is ok now, that recent (and not-so-recent) history doesn't matter any more, accomplishes nothing.

I'm very proud of President Boren for his swift and righteously angry response, and of OU students and faculty of every race and color who have spoken out with passion against these bigots.

Some may recognize this:

You've Got to Carefully Taught

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!

Read more: South Pacific - Youve Got To Be Carefully Taught Lyrics | MetroLyrics

This situation is an example of a lot of problems in our society:

1) Someone's parents didn't do a good job of raising their son or sons to be something other than an idiot in every sense of the word.

2) Where was the leadership in this fraternity to nip this kind of idiocy in the bud? It's been a long time since I've been in the Greek system at OU but when I was there most fraternities had their share of knuckleheads but they also had some mature, responsible members who kept them in line. I've read that the numbers of fraternity members in each fraternity is much smaller these days. One could only hope that it's because most young men don't agree with this type of imbecilic behavior.
Sorry, didn't realize it had to be specific to lynching.

Killing white folks is fine. Shooting them. Stabbing them. Running them over. But no lynching, right? That's where you draw the line?

I made no such distinctions. You did.

Not at all races sing about lynching other races. They simply don't.
Don't listen to much rap music do you?

I am not sure how I'm supposed to read your post any other way.
I knew he was speaking of killing...I never even thought for one second he was specifically talking about lynching.
I made no such distinctions. You did.

I am not sure how I'm supposed to read your post any other way.

Clever. :facepalm

I simply quoted his text. Everybody knew what I meant. Don't claim otherwise.
Sorry, didn't realize it had to be specific to lynching.

Killing white folks is fine. Shooting them. Stabbing them. Running them over. But no lynching, right? That's where you draw the line?

WT, it sounds like you are defending these guys. The fact that someone said something stupid in a rap song doesn't make it ok for these dimbulbs on a bus to do something just as distasteful. Fraternities are on campus at the pleasure of the university and have to abide by the rules the university sets. The individuals's right to be stupid is trumped by the university's right to ban them.
For the record, there is only one way this thread ends: badly.

It's a hoops board. And I barely tolerate most of you opinionated yahoos on hoops as it is. :)
Football team walked 5 guys arm and arm into practice and stood for 5 mins. then recited the lords prayer and walked out.
Bob stoops along side.

This is getting a little ridiculous. People are acting like this was a whole institution using hate speech or committing hate crimes. It was a group of idiot privelaged white kids.
Clever. :facepalm

I simply quoted his text. Everybody knew what I meant. Don't claim otherwise.

Clearly everybody did not. Lynching is a racially charged term that has a very specific context.

Regardless, the "other people say bad stuff too" argument doesn't hold any water with me. What they said was wrong. Other people saying wrong things doesn't make it less bad.
Clearly everybody did not. Lynching is a racially charged term that has a very specific context.

Regardless, the "other people say bad stuff too" argument doesn't hold any water with me. What they said was wrong. Other people saying wrong things doesn't make it less bad.

I absolutely agree. I'm not justifying a single word they used, but somehow the term "white people" keeps getting said and I'm white. I don't sing those songs and I'm sure you don't sing racially insensitive songs either. I think WT was responding to a post with a similar vibe to it. You can't pile on lyrics to a song as some sort of "gotcha" for an entire race without recognizing the equally insensitive lyrics advocating harm of another race... IMO.
Now we are seeing football players taking pictures in protest wearing hoodies.
I get it. Racism is terrible. But these kids didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn a cross. It was all idiotic and immature talk. It's just more of the mantra of today....always playing the victim.

This thread should probably be closed though b/c it isn't headed in a good direction lol
Now we are seeing football players taking pictures in protest wearing hoodies.
I get it. Racism is terrible. But these kids didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn a cross. It was all idiotic and immature talk. It's just more of the mantra of today....always playing the victim.

This thread should probably be closed though b/c it isn't headed in a good direction lol

So you have a problem with the players protesting blatant racism? Are you kidding me?
Now we are seeing football players taking pictures in protest wearing hoodies.
I get it. Racism is terrible. But these kids didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn a cross. It was all idiotic and immature talk. It's just more of the mantra of today....always playing the victim.

This thread should probably be closed though b/c it isn't headed in a good direction lol

Well, that and we'll never agree. I truly believe it will take a monumental effort by both races to ever see much more movement in my lifetime. Too much to gain for certain people.
For the record, there is only one way this thread ends: badly.

It's a hoops board. And I barely tolerate most of you opinionated yahoos on hoops as it is. :)

I think this is spot on. I am moving the thread to the Smack Talk board since it is already moving in that direction.
For the record, there is only one way this thread ends: badly.

It's a hoops board. And I barely tolerate most of you opinionated yahoos on hoops as it is. :)


The difference is that some of us can be an idiot on hoops and only insult your intelligence.
So you have a problem with the players protesting blatant racism? Are you kidding me?

yes. it seems silly for a group of football players to protest a group of 20 students in a frat. It gives the racists more attention then they deserve and isn't really relative.

Everybody knows racism is wrong except for a select few racists. This isn't the 50s or 60s where racism was everywhere and these protests actually did good.

This would be like homosexuals going to the national cathedral and protesting the westboro baptist church
these kids didn't kill anyone. They didn't burn a cross. It was all idiotic and immature talk. It's just more of the mantra of today....always playing the victim.

Their attitudes -- or attitudes like theirs -- killed plenty of people. A misguided sense of superiority and entitlement just like theirs impacted millions of lives and continues to do harm today. These idiots aren't in power today, but they soon will be--some of them, anyway.

A black student at OU today may well have (or have had) grandparents who lived under Jim Crow, who had to use separate bathrooms, separate entrances and seating areas in movie theatres, separate water fountains. Should he laugh it off when a bunch of frat boys are joyfully singing songs about lynching?

A dear friend of my family who grew up in Atlanta remembers very well having to enter Atlanta's Fox theatre, a gorgeous movie palace still in use today, by a long stairwell that took him and his parents to the balcony. They were allowed to sit nowhere else. He remembers whites-only water fountains and restaurants and other degradations his family went through.

His son just finished grad school. His son. So this is not ancient history we're talking about. In some cases, we're talking about one generation, two at the most. My friend doesn't have to play the victim; he was one.