
I agree. Gabbi band Vivi have been awesome. Also kudos to Coale for coaching them to these wins.
This was a coaching win, pure and simple. With Maddie out Texas has a huge advantage at the 4 position. Not one of the "experts" on this board who are always telling us how they would make better coaching decisions than Coale would have handled it the way she did. Nor would have I. Guarding 6'4" with 5'9"? Well, that's why she makes the big bucks and we don't.
Okay I know this is way off base but watching the replay after the Little 3 and Mulkey is on the bench caking on what looks to be chopstick - just odd to see that in timeout but whatever helps! Good win!

I saw that, too. She's a girl after my own heart. I have to have chapstick nearby 24/7!
OK. Was it "chopstick" or" chapstick?" I was trying to figure out what part of a chopstick you eat.
This was a coaching win, pure and simple. With Maddie out Texas has a huge advantage at the 4 position. Not one of the "experts" on this board who are always telling us how they would make better coaching decisions than Coale would have handled it the way she did. Nor would have I. Guarding 6'4" with 5'9"? Well, that's why she makes the big bucks and we don't.

Tango, I was one of them. Just a brilliant defensive scheme. I watched Peyton and Chelsea back off their poorest outside shooter, with help inside. I just love watching a good defensive scheme, and Sherri and staff put together a really nice game plan.
As I watch the post-game interviews, I am struck by the difference exhibited by Vivi as compared to a couple of years ago. She seems like an intellectual who just happens to be a basketball player. It is a pleasure just to hear her describe what she does. She also expresses a confidence--no other post player can stop her when she makes her move? Exactly what did she say? She has become a formidable force, hardly someone who had little background.

We may find that putting Gabbi, Vivi, Nancy, Maddie, Chelsea, and Ana on the court isn't really fair. (I know there are six.)
This was a coaching win, pure and simple. With Maddie out Texas has a huge advantage at the 4 position. Not one of the "experts" on this board who are always telling us how they would make better coaching decisions than Coale would have handled it the way she did. Nor would have I. Guarding 6'4" with 5'9"? Well, that's why she makes the big bucks and we don't.

Experts? :ez-laugh: That's quite a reach, Tango.
Tango, I was one of them. Just a brilliant defensive scheme. I watched Peyton and Chelsea back off their poorest outside shooter, with help inside. I just love watching a good defensive scheme, and Sherri and staff put together a really nice game plan.

It appears to me with the absence of Maddie the team is starting to grasp for the first time the concept of effective team offense and effective team defense being a result of following the game plan.