This Joe Mixon thing.....

I agree with this. There's also the fact that witnesses on the scene said that it was Joe's group who instigated it with homophobic remarks directed at the woman's friends. Mind you, she didn't cover herself in glory, either, but I have read literally hundreds of posts about this incident on the Hale board, where it is discussed with regularity, and while her reported use of the N word is frequently cited to justify Mixon's actions, his (or his friends') unprovoked use of anti-gay hate speech never gets mentioned (unless I bring it up, which I do, but I'm a voice in the freaking wilderness over there).

The persistent portrayal of Joe as a victim in this incident, as someone who was protecting himself, is a significant reach. I'm of the opinion that he has paid a sufficient price for the incident, but a victim he was not. Was he legally justified? I'll leave that to coolm and other legal minds to sort out, but if he was my son, I'd tell him he was wrong, no matter what legal niceties were at play. He wasn't at risk, he was dealing with a drunk who was no real threat to him, and he should have walked away, period.

And I'd add with great emphasis that he should cut out the homophobic crap (or stop hanging around with people who call that kind of crap, whichever applies). For pete's sake, the most basic of lessons I'd expect someone to have learned even by the age of 17 or 18 is "Live and let live." Joe (or his friends) went looking for trouble with their remarks and they got it.

Well said, SkyVue...

I don't think he paid nearly the price he should have though, but it is what it is. It's horrible for OU, I know that.
I only discussed it in terms of the legality. Thats not "victim blaming". Legally they are both wrong. She's guilty of a few misdemeanors and he a felony.

Morally? I consider both of them in the wrong morally given that I am a buddhist. Yes he should have walked away. She should have as well.

What other side is there? Intellectually? Intellectually Mixon had much more at risk so his move was the most ignorant.

Any of this talk about not hitting a woman or him hitting her harder ... these are just skewed views of what I answered above. Classifying it by gender is archaic and rather sexist. Speaking of the overkill is merely a non-informed view of the legal standard.
Lots of victim blaming here. I guess that's to be expected somewhat; it would probably be true on any team's fans site. While she shouldn't have pushed or slapped him, he was absolutely 100% wrong and should have walked away. His attack was brutal and violent and went far beyond the little slap he received. Any suggestion that Mixon was "defending himself" (yes, I've read that), or that his assault was justified or even mitigated by her hysterics is sickening. His attack was not in self-defense. It was revenge. He was angry and he responded brutally and his actions are 100% indefensible. Blaming her distracts from that.

No one says Mixon was right. She was wrong. He was wrong. He was punished. If the case goes to court, they will decide if he owes her any money. Hopefully, they've both learned a lesson.
Not relevant to story, but I am sure I could be as big of a man as Joe Mixon and knock out a 19 year old girl... He sure is a big man, I am sure you agree.

I am sure that little blonde girl hurt a 6'2'' 227 machine. Give me a break dude. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK. Are you defending this with a straight face?

The law may not, but common sense does. He is 6'2'' 227, and he punched a young woman who couldn't hurt him if her life depended on it.

If I call the cops tonight and tell them my wife punched me, I would expect them to kick the crap out of me and tell me to grow up and be a man.

This is ridiculous.

Yea, what a brave man he is... he stayed around at OU where his coaching staff, teammates, athletic department, and local police department protected him. What a brave man.

You are Joe Mixon... with an NFL future... and you just showed that you are capable of letting some dumb girl get under your skin to the point where you severely injured this girl. She is 100% innocent in this. This incident is not even 0.0000001% her fault.

I don't think he paid nearly the price he should have though, but it is what it is. It's horrible for OU, I know that.

Legally speaking you don't think he paid the price, or you don't think his punishment from OU was enough?

Legally he was punished in accordance with the law. And the chick probably had a say in that as well. And 2 of her 3 civil claims have already been tossed. Right or wrong as Joe was, you don't put your hands on somebody first. To suggest she had zero fault in this is just down right stupid and ignorant.

From OU's perspective, the only thing they could have done was kick him out of school. So he than transfers back west, ends up at UCLA or some such school, stays with the team and practices while he redshirts, plays the last two years just like he did here, and is most likely going to the NFL this year. Please tell me how that would have "punished" Joe more than what OU actually did? The kid had just turned 18, was called a slur, shoved, slapped, spat on, and had his personal space invaded by some clown with a criminal (legal) history already longer than most, and he reacted poorly. What nobody ever talks about is his reaction to the coaches, Bob in particular, and the police after that. I'm guessing he reacted appropriately, lived up to his mistake, and that plays a factor, even if it isn't in the public eye.

As for this hurting OU.....LMAO. It'll be gone and forgotten about, for the most part, within the next month or so. Christmas, a new president, college basketball kicking into full gear, the Super Bowl.....this won't be news worry very soon.
The kid had just turned 18, chose to call out (or was hanging out with someone who did) homophobic epithets at strangers in a public place, was called a slur, shoved, slapped, spat on, and had his personal space invaded by some clown with a criminal (legal) history already longer than most, and he reacted poorly.


The first slurs -- homophobic ones -- came from Joe's party, according to witnesses' accounts. NONE of the evening's events would have occurred without that happening. Why it's so hard for OU fans to include that very salient detail boggles my mind (actually, it doesn't, but it's difficult for me to accept the only conclusion I can come to based on this nearly universal tendency among our fan base).

And if you want to come off as fair-minded and evenhanded in describing a situation, maybe "chick" is not the best choice in terms.
The issue seems pretty straightforward to me. He is a tremendous football player, so he was allowed the opportunity to continue his career here at Oklahoma. If his name had been Donta Hickson instead of Joe Mixon he probably gets the boot.

The Russell Athletic Bowl pays out 5.6 million dollars (I assume that's 2.8 million per school). The Sugar Bowl comes out of the CFB Playoff revenue pool, and I assume OU will come away with a lot more than 2.8 million dollars. That's why they kept Joe Mixon around.
If me and my wife are at Starbucks, and I cut in front of her in line and she gets mad and pushes me, and I turn around and knock her unconscious, I am quite sure I leave in handcuffs.

And, on top of that, if I did so while attending a work function (representing my employer) I would lose my job instantly.

Jail, lost job, period.

joe did get arrested

And he did get kicked off the team
Lots of victim blaming here. I guess that's to be expected somewhat; it would probably be true on any team's fans site. While she shouldn't have pushed or slapped him, he was absolutely 100% wrong and should have walked away. His attack was brutal and violent and went far beyond the little slap he received. Any suggestion that Mixon was "defending himself" (yes, I've read that), or that his assault was justified or even mitigated by her hysterics is sickening. His attack was not in self-defense. It was revenge. He was angry and he responded brutally and his actions are 100% indefensible. Blaming her distracts from that.

he was walking away....and she grabbed him, pushed him, and slapped him all before he punched her.

He shouldn't have punched her. But it was an instinct. It's not like he even wound up either. It was a quick jab and the table did most of the damage

The first slurs -- homophobic ones -- came from Joe's party, according to witnesses' accounts. NONE of the evening's events would have occurred without that happening. Why it's so hard for OU fans to include that very salient detail boggles my mind (actually, it doesn't, but it's difficult for me to accept the only conclusion I can come to based on this nearly universal tendency among our fan base).

And if you want to come off as fair-minded and evenhanded in describing a situation, maybe "chick" is not the best choice in terms.

you don't know this. It is all heresay.

And it isn't OK to say chick but thug is fine right?
The issue seems pretty straightforward to me. He is a tremendous football player, so he was allowed the opportunity to continue his career here at Oklahoma. If his name had been Donta Hickson instead of Joe Mixon he probably gets the boot.

The Russell Athletic Bowl pays out 5.6 million dollars (I assume that's 2.8 million per school). The Sugar Bowl comes out of the CFB Playoff revenue pool, and I assume OU will come away with a lot more than 2.8 million dollars. That's why they kept Joe Mixon around.

Nope. Stoops doesn't care about quality of player. He cares about quality of person.

That is why he kicked off Bomar a couple weeks before the opener....and bomar was a higher rated recruit than mixon if i recall correctly.

And you will notice that most players that bob kicks off get in trouble again. The ones he gives second chances to, don't get in trouble again.

There is a hell of a lot more to it than qauality of player. I'm guessing there are a lot of players on the team that have been in trouble that we have not heard about that are still on the team

The first slurs -- homophobic ones -- came from Joe's party, according to witnesses' accounts. NONE of the evening's events would have occurred without that happening. Why it's so hard for OU fans to include that very salient detail boggles my mind (actually, it doesn't, but it's difficult for me to accept the only conclusion I can come to based on this nearly universal tendency among our fan base).

And if you want to come off as fair-minded and evenhanded in describing a situation, maybe "chick" is not the best choice in terms.

lol, keep trying to fight what you consider the "good fight". Good grief.

What I wanted to call her was way worse than "chick". So I'm okay with using that word. A word that, at least in my mind, isn't negative in connotation.
It's not like he even wound up either. It was a quick jab and the table did most of the damage

Exactly. That was the only part of the tape that IMO was different than the story we were told. I thought he wound up, stepped into it, and delivered a real hay maker of a punch. That didn't happen. As you said, that punch wasn't much of anything, actually.
Nope. Stoops doesn't care about quality of player. He cares about quality of person.

That is why he kicked off Bomar a couple weeks before the opener....and bomar was a higher rated recruit than mixon if i recall correctly.

And you will notice that most players that bob kicks off get in trouble again. The ones he gives second chances to, don't get in trouble again.

There is a hell of a lot more to it than qauality of player. I'm guessing there are a lot of players on the team that have been in trouble that we have not heard about that are still on the team


Bob has booted plenty of talented players. A couple of receivers if my memory serves me correctly, one that didn't even make it to campus. And you mentioned Bomar.

I guarantee you what saved Mixon's spot at the University of Oklahoma was his reaction to this to Bob (and probably the other coaches, maybe even Joe C). I believe he was truly sorry and upset about how it all played out. To me, that matters. That isn't the same as somebody who commits a similar act, and simply doesn't give a f*** afterwards.
lol, keep trying to fight what you consider the "good fight". Good grief.

You're damn straight I consider it the good fight -- hate speech is hate speech. The N word is a horrible, hateful, harmful word, but it's not the only one. The claim by witnesses that she used the N word is endlessly cited by OU fans because it benefits Mixon's cause, while the claim by witnesses that Joe and/or his friends started the whole thing by making homophobic comments hurts his cause, so it is consistently left out of accounts of that evening's events. As long as it's left out, I'll keep bringing it up. It matters.

Do you honestly think a woman and her gay friends are going to seek out trouble with some random guys, at least one of whom was huge (by normal person standards), for no reason at all, with no justification? She was drunk, yes, but do you really think she walked in the place and thought, I think I'll stir up trouble with that huge guy over there?

Something started the whole mess, but we don't see that part of the encounter in the tape that was released nor is there any audio. So the only way we "know" that she uttered the N word is witness accounts. That's also how we "know" that Joe's group started it with homophobic crap. You readily accept one of those as a fact but offer an LOL at the other one. I'll leave you to figure out for yourself why that is.