Trump appeal broad

Your cherry picked unsophisticated math is exactly why deficits explode under Republicans and decline under Democrats.

History will be very kind to Obama. As it will be equally harsh to W.



Six years of budget deficits, all higher than the largest under Bush.
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Six years of budget deficits, all higher than the largest under Bush.

lol The biggest one was Ws last. W inherited a surplus and turned it into a $1.4 trillion deficit. So funny to watch right wingers try to hang Ws massive final deficit, which was the culmination of his ruinous policies, on Obama.

Obama has brought it down every single year and really brought it down to below historical averages after his tax legislation in 2012.

Nothing could demonstrate the negative fiscal effects of tax rate cuts better than that chart. From the moment W lowered tax rates the deficit started heading in the wrong direction never recovering where he started even after years of GDP growth. From the moment Obama increased tax rates the deficit started heading in the right direction.
You won't hear me arguing for higher tax rates on anybody now. I think we're right in the sweet spot. But if we did cut any tax rates every penny should go to families earning less than $100k/year.

Cutting tax rates for the top brackets has proven to provide wealth accumulation with no boost to economic growth.


The Obamacare subsidies and Obama tax policies will reverse those trends. Time to just sit back and give it 10 years to work. In the meantime all focus should be on growth. I think we're on the cusp. The housing market is ready to lead which is very important after 10 years of hurting growth.
1986 where realized capital gains totaled 7.35% of GDP to 1978 where they totaled 2.20% of GDP.

The Obamacare subsidies and Obama tax policies will reverse those trends.
Won't overcome QE

Big's chart proves the liberal version of trickle down has failed. The liberals (which includes Bush) have failed us. We know you pretend to do well, so don't tell me how well Wall Street is doing. Boca and his ilk he pretends to be are the problem with this country. His (pretend) arrogance and narcissism to the middle class and poor show how bad of people he and they are. You see countless posts from little Boca demeaning the poor, and nobody is impressed. As their profits soar, the middle class and poor are left behind. Boca thinks this is a Republican problem. It's not, it's a Washington problem. Obama is no different. In fact, he's made the gap worse.
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I will say this about Hillary. She is massively intellectually superior to the brain dead house republicans conducting the fake Bengazhi investigation that has now shifted to the silly email investigation.

She will effing shred them if they ever call her to testify again. It's going to backfire on them big time using the death of those 4 Americans for partisan political purposes. Anybody with more than 2 marbles between their ears see how fake the accusations are.

The surest way for her to win the presidency is for hick republicans to keep chasing this rabbit down the hole. She will come off looking like a very strong leader when she calls them out in front of the world for their blatant charade.

Trey Gowdy is a total goober.

Question directed towards Mrs. Clinton: "Did you wipe your server clean?"

Response by Clinton: "Do you mean did I take a cloth and wipe it clean?"

She's full of it in an excremental fashion, but as you say, "she's intellectually superior." Problem is even intelligence doesn't preclude one from lying and her insistence on not being forthright will likely offset any brain power she truly possesses.
If Hillary was a normal citizen, she would be in jail already.

Hillary has been thoroughly investigated by right wing hacks for 20 years. They got nada. This is no different. Nobody cares about this outside the right wing imbecile machine. Everybody knows it's political and republicans will end up being responsible for her winning, not losing.
Hillary has been thoroughly investigated by right wing hacks for 20 years. They got nada. This is no different. Nobody cares about this outside the right wing imbecile machine. Everybody knows it's political and republicans will end up being responsible for her winning, not losing.

keep telling yourself that.

We all know that if a republican candidate was using a personal, very unsecure server/network to send/receive classified information knowingly, we would be in jail.

Shoot there was just a story about a marine that is getting in trouble for sending an email on an unprotected account in an emergency that saved lives.

Investigations are ongoing. I'm sure they will show nothing though. How many scandals does she have to be involved in before you realize what kind of person she is? Hell, benghazi by itself is worse than watergate. Now add this on top of it....

No need to respond. I know what it will be. blah blah blah fox news blah blah right wing idiot blah blah blah
What is Benghazi anyway? The same as usual, a bunch of unfounded accusations that have led nowhere.

Here's the big "classified" smoking gun. LINK

On November 18, 2012 Hillary received a forward of a forward of an email update on the Benghazi investigation. Due to the bogus witch hunt congressional hearings it was classified by the committee on May 22, 2015. lol lol lol They classified it 3 years after the fact and claim she was sending classified information.

Seriously the republican congress is the biggest bunch of braindead imbeciles in US history. You know how they get away with it? Their constituents are lemmings who fall for this ridiculous nonsense.

After 20 years Hillary has been proven guilty of ........nothing.
Trump and the Clinton "scandals" are accomplishing one thing. The Republican base is not as energetic as it has been, and they need to believe in the scandal to be the foot soldiers. Trump has some of them motivated, but maybe not for the party. I don't think the Democrats and Independents believe in any of the scandals any more. After Horton, Lewinsky, Swift Boat, and Birther, the scandal issue is pretty dead to anyone other than the base. The Democratic base if fired up by Sanders, and the women are responding to Hillary. But, the Republican base has yet to find its energy.
Trump and the Clinton "scandals" are accomplishing one thing. The Republican base is not as energetic as it has been, and they need to believe in the scandal to be the foot soldiers. Trump has some of them motivated, but maybe not for the party. I don't think the Democrats and Independents believe in any of the scandals any more. After Horton, Lewinsky, Swift Boat, and Birther, the scandal issue is pretty dead to anyone other than the base. The Democratic base if fired up by Sanders, and the women are responding to Hillary. But, the Republican base has yet to find its energy.

GOP scandals/fear mongering are pretty funny.

Death panels
Ebola terrorism
ISIS crossing the Mexican border

My uncle, who is huge into Breit Bart, was in with both feet for the Ebola thing. Obama was somehow orchestrating it, or Obama was doing a horrible job containing it, etc. Then like 1 person in the US got it because they were in contact with someone in Africa, and some other person got it but they both lived and were properly quarantined.

So 0.0000000000000000000001% of the American population got Ebola, but the GOP fear machine was out in full force.

Vince Foster Murder
Clinton Foundation

lol good lord it's hilarious how gullible the right wing knuckleheads are. Nonstop fake scandals. How dumb must you be to still fall for this nonsense? The funny thing is all the debunked scandals of the past are held up as evidence for a lack of honesty now.

What we have learned - Trust Hillary, don't trust her accusers.
What is Benghazi anyway? The same as usual, a bunch of unfounded accusations that have led nowhere.

Here's the big "classified" smoking gun. LINK

On November 18, 2012 Hillary received a forward of a forward of an email update on the Benghazi investigation. Due to the bogus witch hunt congressional hearings it was classified by the committee on May 22, 2015. lol lol lol They classified it 3 years after the fact and claim she was sending classified information.

Seriously the republican congress is the biggest bunch of braindead imbeciles in US history. You know how they get away with it? Their constituents are lemmings who fall for this ridiculous nonsense.

After 20 years Hillary has been proven guilty of ........nothing.

She's an elitist, stubborn, egotistical, power hungry, self absorbed, denigrating and pompous to name a few of her better qualities and something needs to be proven? Keep up the gumor.
GOP scandals/fear mongering are pretty funny.

Death panels
Ebola terrorism
ISIS crossing the Mexican border

My uncle, who is huge into Breit Bart, was in with both feet for the Ebola thing. Obama was somehow orchestrating it, or Obama was doing a horrible job containing it, etc. Then like 1 person in the US got it because they were in contact with someone in Africa, and some other person got it but they both lived and were properly quarantined.

So 0.0000000000000000000001% of the American population got Ebola, but the GOP fear machine was out in full force.


And democrats had no worries at all?
She's an elitist, stubborn, egotistical, power hungry, self absorbed, denigrating and pompous to name a few of her better qualities and something needs to be proven? Keep up the gumor.

Well what do you know, Ted Kaczynski has access to the internet to post his mad ramblings.
Well what do you know, Ted Kaczynski has access to the internet to post his mad ramblings.

As it relates to you? Just as much as the rest of this board, but then you make it easy. Much appreciated, Mr. Pedia.
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What is Benghazi anyway? The same as usual, a bunch of unfounded accusations that have led nowhere.

Here's the big "classified" smoking gun. LINK

On November 18, 2012 Hillary received a forward of a forward of an email update on the Benghazi investigation. Due to the bogus witch hunt congressional hearings it was classified by the committee on May 22, 2015. lol lol lol They classified it 3 years after the fact and claim she was sending classified information.

Seriously the republican congress is the biggest bunch of braindead imbeciles in US history. You know how they get away with it? Their constituents are lemmings who fall for this ridiculous nonsense.

After 20 years Hillary has been proven guilty of ........nothing.

You are kidding yourself if you don't think she received or sent classified info.

She used that private email as her gov email. Remember, something doesn't have to say classified to be classified information.