Trump appeal broad

lol The biggest one was Ws last. W inherited a surplus and turned it into a $1.4 trillion deficit. So funny to watch right wingers try to hang Ws massive final deficit, which was the culmination of his ruinous policies, on Obama.

Obama has brought it down every single year and really brought it down to below historical averages after his tax legislation in 2012.

Nothing could demonstrate the negative fiscal effects of tax rate cuts better than that chart. From the moment W lowered tax rates the deficit started heading in the wrong direction never recovering where he started even after years of GDP growth. From the moment Obama increased tax rates the deficit started heading in the right direction.

TARP (the bank bailout) was the bulk of the deficit in 2008. It was passed by Congress and signed by Bush after consulting with Obama. Obama wanted it. Even if you tag this expenditure on Bush, it was a one time expenditure and the government claims to have recouped the money (as I understand things). If so, where did it go? I think it was $750,000,000,000. That money should not have been in the next deficit and when it was collected should have reduced future deficits. So year one deficit should be 50% or less of the prior years deficit and this should carry through but it never happened. Furthermore, when 750 billion is collected it should have eliminated the deficit entirely (assuming collection in one year) or at minimum substantially reduced the deficit.

I agree that the Congress and Bush did not do a good job with the alleged surplus; however, two things had a major impact. The economy had crashed prior to Bush taking office. He lowered taxes. These two things had a notable impact on revenue. Additionally, the US was involved in wars meaning notably higher expenses. You can debate Iraq or even say it was a mistake but most don't feel that way about Afghanistan. As the war effort decreased, the budget deficit got better. It went up again with the surge.

The war effort is now fairly low. According to you the economy is great. Taxes (rates and I believe collections) are up. However, we still have a 1/2 Trillion Dollar deficit. Why? I believe the answer is domestic spending has increased very significantly.

Personally, I don't think Obama will be viewed all that favorably in the future. Race relations are bad. Our influence in the world is down. Our economy has not done well. Our debt has skyrocketed. We adopted a massive new entitlement program and I suspect the cost will far exceed estimates.
History doesn't get caught up in the politics of the day. A hundred years from now, nobody will have any idea what the budget was or who was involved in the latest scandal. It remembers those things that affected them. I doubt that anyone even remembers the name of the rulers in the country in which Guttenberg lived, much less the country in which he lived or what their policies might have been. They remember only the press because it affected them.

We tend to remember Presidents much the same way. How did what they did affect us? The one issue that I see that will affect people a hundred years from now more than any other is global warming. I suspect that if anyone is remembered, it is for their involvement, pro or con, in getting control of climate change. The deficit won't matter if we don't exist.
Personally, I don't think Obama will be viewed all that favorably in the future. Race relations are bad. Our influence in the world is down. Our economy has not done well. Our debt has skyrocketed. We adopted a massive new entitlement program and I suspect the cost will far exceed estimates.

Wow what a shock!! The perma-Obama critics who have been wrong on every single thing for 6 years don't think history will view him favorably. lol Hilarious. Mark up another wrong prediction.

The current deficit and spending levels are below the 50 year average in relation to GDP. Bottom line Bush cut tax rates & crashed the economy which caused tax receipts to plummet & unemployment to skyrocket, and pissed away $2 trillion on Iraq. 95% of all debt increase under Obama are due to those items. History will judge it as such. Idiots will blame Obama and be laughed at.
We tend to remember Presidents much the same way. How did what they did affect us? The one issue that I see that will affect people a hundred years from now more than any other is global warming. I suspect that if anyone is remembered, it is for their involvement, pro or con, in getting control of climate change. The deficit won't matter if we don't exist.

Hey when is that Lois Lerner contempt trial? O right, that was just another republican political sideshow to keep their base of drooling imbeciles on the edge of their seats. lol lol

Anybody who thinks the Clinton email/Benghazi is anything more than cheap politics is a moron.

I value soldiers life so yet, it is more than cheap politics.

So go ahead and call me a moron
I value soldiers life so yet, it is more than cheap politics.

So go ahead and call me a moron

So you are furious at W/Cheney for sending off thousands to die and tens of thousands to be injured in the most incompetent foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. Right? What was Iraq anyway? A lie or massive incompetence?
So you are furious at W/Cheney for sending off thousands to die and tens of thousands to be injured in the most incompetent foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. Right? What was Iraq anyway? A lie or massive incompetence?

I am furious with every elected official that wanted to go to seem to forget some of your fan boys on the left were pro war too. Ones that had the same evidence of WMD as Bush did.

I do not believe bush or cheney lied. They relied on bad intelligence (but not as bad as you or the media makes it out to be)

Believe it or not, I am anti war, anti death.
I am furious with every elected official that wanted to go to seem to forget some of your fan boys on the left were pro war too. Ones that had the same evidence of WMD as Bush did.

I do not believe bush or cheney lied. They relied on bad intelligence (but not as bad as you or the media makes it out to be)

Believe it or not, I am anti war, anti death.

That's cool. Using their vote to authorize force as being "pro war" is shaky at best. That vote was held October 2, 2002, strategically placed 1 month prior to the first elections after 9/11. The people who voted for authorization expected that vote to be used to get a UN resolution and build a broad coalition. When that didn't happen they didn't expect W and Cheney to go rambling in alone half cocked and unprepared.

We need to listen to our allies. We have made more mistakes than most other countries when it comes to foreign policy. the Iran deal is a perfect example. The entire world is for it except the same right wing neocons who stumbled into Iraq which was a disaster. It's a good deal. Thank god we don't have some imbecile like W in the White House or it never would have happened. Iran built up their program under W and it's been contained and now dismantled under Obama.

This is why Hillary will end up winning unless Trump keeps chugging. Reckless war is the worst decision for the country. It was in Vietnam and it was in Iraq. The reason Reagan, Clinton and Obama have been so successful is they didn't get dragged into some wasteful war of choice.

Just think where we would be as a country without the Iraq mistake. $2 trillion and thousands of great young men & women still alive. Hell we could have spent $200 billion to track and defend against terrorists and been safer.

It's called the "Defense Department" for a reason. We are supposed to defend ourselves, not proactively attack other countries.
If you add up the troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan under both Bush and Obama, the numbers are probably closer than you'd think. Certainly close enough to not condemn one while praising the other, in terms of keeping our troops safe.

I'm not going to debate whether the Iraqi war was right or needed, just pointing out some facts. Again. That I'm sure will be ignored.
Who sent the troops? lol @ claiming any US blood from the Iraq boondoggle is on Obama's hands.

He got them the hell out of there and saved their lives. If anything he should have done it sooner. From the moment Bush/Cheney destabilized Iraq there was nothing to prevent the chaos occurring now. It is 100% on their hands and anybody advocating against the Iran deal is doing the same thing.
Who sent the troops? lol @ claiming any US blood from the Iraq boondoggle is on Obama's hands.

He got them the hell out of there and saved their lives. If anything he should have done it sooner. From the moment Bush/Cheney destabilized Iraq there was nothing to prevent the chaos occurring now. It is 100% on their hands and anybody advocating against the Iran deal is doing the same thing.

Except Iran would be much, much worse. They have more of a professional military, better equipment, and more capability with proxies and missiles than Iraq ever did.

The military option against Iran is simply not a good one...

Some of these idiots in congress act like Iran is the same as Afghanistan or something... that we can just go in there, do whatever we want to their nuclear facilities, and get out with no consequences.

On top of all that, they just don't need to.... Iran is helping kill terrorists in Iraq and Syria. They are fighting ISIS, Al-Nusra, and Al-Qaeda across the region with their proxies.

1.) Nuclear programs aren't illegal. Lots of countries have them
2.) Sanctioning and isolating a country for a nuclear program you don't even know they have is questionable, legally speaking.
3.) They are fighting ISIS
4.) They have always seemed to have common enemies with the US, other than Israel. Saddam was their enemy, Al-Qaeda was their enemy, ISIS is their enemy, the PKK is their enemy, Sunni extremist are their enemy

There is no logical need to attack Iran.
I suspect the US military could devastate Iran in 60 days. The air superiority of the United States is really difficult for virtually all nations to handle.
I suspect the US military could devastate Iran in 60 days. The air superiority of the United States is really difficult for virtually all nations to handle.

If the goal was to screw up their economy and take out the nuclear sites, but not do any kind of regime change or nation building, you are probably right. But that leaves them standing to retaliate. They could wreak havoc in the Strait of Hormuz, they have missiles capable of taking out aircraft carriers, they have proxies all over the region, they would probably take it out on Israel, they may stop fighting ISIS, etc. There would be serious consequences, but yes, they could do it obviously.

Rumor has it they are trying to buy a bunch of Chinese (J-10) and Russian (SU-30) modern planes though, along with Russian and Chinese modern air defense. Once that happens, it becomes an even worse option.
I suspect the US military could devastate Iran in 60 days. The air superiority of the United States is really difficult for virtually all nations to handle.

A carbon copy of the genius leadership that got us stuck in Iraq for a decade. Thousands dead, $2 trillion flushed down the drain. Drive oil prices from $30 to over $100 by disrupting supply.

Republican incompetence. W is the epitome of Texas ignorance. You know the Al Qaeda leadership laughs at how easy it is to manipulate such stupidity.
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