UNC to Get NCAA Infractions Committee Ruling Friday

the weeper put on a masterful, teary performance I am sure.
What a shock....lol. UNC basketball protected because all students could take fake classes...
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If all students could take the courses then the school should be dropped from the NCAA all together as it obviously is a bogus academic institution.
This is form over substance...cheating is fine as long as you put a facade of legitimacy over the cheating.
The message the NCAA sent is that cheating is OK as long as everyone, athletes and non-athletes, has an equal opportunity to cheat.
NCAA has already proved they can’t clean up the sport. It takes the Fed.
The NCAA is a business designed to make money for itself, university presidents, and coaches. This isn't new & shouldn't be surprising. The notion that this is amateur athletics whose primary concern is educating students is obsolete, at best and farcical, at worst.