What year did you start following OU basketball?

I became a fan during the Wayman Tisdale years. My friends and I would play ball at the park and try to imitate Wayman doing his patented turn around jumper. I can't remember the year, but I was so mad when we got beat by memphis in the NCAA tourney. I think it was mid 80s. Since that time I have attended many OU basketball games. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:clap
I started following in 1986/87, which was my sopohomore year. As a freshman the fraternity made it almost impossible to do anything but the fraternity.
Guys, I remember going to watch basketball games in the old gym when you could only get maybe 200 or so to come and watch OU basketball, now that was a very long time ago. I have been following OU since 1951, all sports.:boomer:sooner:clap:woot
Don't post a lot, but enjoy others opinions. I've been a big fan since the early 80's. Attended a Billy Tubbs basketball camp in the mid 80's and have the picture to prove it. Man I'm glad shorts are longer now....:ez-laugh:
I don't know exactly, around 1970 ... maybe late 1960's. But I was not a real avid fan, I was a TV fan and followed through the newspaper. It was hard being a real die hard in those days because hey, we did not have the communications industry that exists today.

I did not go to a game till the mid 80's when I was an employee of the University at the Health Sciences Center. I'm not an OU grad. And back then, in the 70's, I had many OU grads stick their noses in the air and state that to be an OU fan, you had to be an OU grad. So honestly, I was sort've a closet fan and did not feel welcome going to the games.

Hey , it was what it was.
Passive fan began w/Doyle Parrack; I arrived at OU on a track scholarship in '61 and we would go to games to support our bball buddies (we all lived in the jock dorms then); very few attended; Eddie Evans, Willie Wilson, and a crazy transfer from back east who was infamous around the dorms since he had been kicked out of his previous school for urinating off the 3-4th floor of his school's dorm(it was a catholic school and the nuns didn't think it appropriate); had to listen to our track teammates from Ohio talk about 'real basketball' which was played in the Big 10, midwest (Jerry West, Oscar Robinson, etc.) and east coast. Finally, the showboat of Coach Bob Stevens arrived and at least gave some personality to the program. Remembered talking to Coach McCleod about recruiting a young Putnam City standout-Alvin Adams- later on (back then apparently it was o.k. for alums to get more involved and he asked me to write Alvin a letter about the educational opportunities an O.U. degree offered); have followed ever since and enjoy it more than ever (even though I really enjoyed Billy Ball too). fwiw
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Big Football Fan back to Bud, Fairbanks and Switzer
Started following Basketball around '73- Alvan Adams Era
Started attending games during Tubbs Era
My dad took me to my first game when Wayman was on the team. I must have been elementary school. What I remember most was that we were killing the opponent and Wayman kept goal tending, just cause he could.

Sometime after that, but before high school, my folks enrolled in classes, got student tickets with additional spouse seats, and then dropped the classes. That way all 4 of us could go. We didnt really fit in with the student section, but it was awesome nonetheless. I recall hanging 150ish on Centenary.

Somewhere in here I went to Billy Tubbs basketball camp. It was going on at the same time as cheerleading camp. That was awesome.

In 1988 I cried.

When I finally got to OU, it was Billy's last couple of years. Prince Fowler, Ryan Minor, Calvin Curry, etc. Then Sampson came on. That first year was Ryan Minor, Nate Erdman, etc.

I loved Billy and Kelvin, but I have to say, I have been super impressed with the direction the program is going now. :clap
I remember being a huge fan of Jeff Webster, Ernie Abercrombie, and Ryan Minor so back when Tubbs was on the tail end of his tenure at OU (I was about 7 or 8 then). I remember how pissed I was when Prince Fowler ditched OU for TCU. OU basketball was big for me growing up. Me and Kelvin wrote each other quite a bit of letters. He'd always ask how my bulldog was. They were handwritten too so I will always like Kelvin. Have not missed a Big 12 Tournamnet since my freshman year of high school.
Late 1970's for both. I lived in Kansas City and got to see OU play in the Big 8 Tournament.
I started following OU basketball in 1985, it only took me 11 years as an OU football fan to branch into other OU sports. In all the time I lived in OK, never went to an OU BB game at the LNC. First OU BB game was feb 2006 when they came up to Colorado. I know pathetic, I'm trying to do better. I now catch them when I can, including women's BB, volleyball, gymnastics.