Arizona fans comment on next year's game


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Nov 9, 2008
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Should be an interesting game.
At least we won't be going in empty handed though. Also it's nice we won't be dealing with Blake Griffin.

yeah no blake griffin, just gonna get raped by willie & mason-griffin, not looking forward to that one, still stoked for bball to start though!

It's good that Arizona gets Oklahoma. They're a hot name but don't have the overall talent Texas is going to have. Against Oklahoma there's a chance, against Texas I think we'd be toast.

This should be a good chance to see where we are as a team. And if we can get the W it will be great as a "good win" for the committee. Then again we could easily lose this game.
Arizona is going to rebuild fast. I wouldn't be suprised to see them in the tourney next year. They have added two top 100 guys in Natyazhko and Solomon Hill, and look to add a third in recent Xavier decommit Kevin Parrom. Looks as if they'll keep Nic Wise too, to go along with Jamelle Horne. Now comes word that their working on a visit from Lance Stephenson. They have a chance to compete for the conference next year if all these stars align.
I like our chances against Zona at home without Chase Buddinger and Jordan Hill.

I dont expect Zona to be very good next year without those two.
I like our chances against Zona at home without Chase Buddinger and Jordan Hill.

I dont expect Zona to be very good next year without those two.

Jamelle Horne is an excellent player and Wise is a good PG. If they continue to build this recruiting class they'll be good real quick. Sean Miller is a hell of a coach.
Arizona will still be a tough game... They have some nice returning talent and are adding big time recruits.