I don't get the comparison to other countries. Each country has a unique set of circumstances. The US is the frickin' hub of the world in terms of business and such. I'd guess we have more business travel than most other countries. But there are many factors.....average age of citizen, population density, visitors/travel, culture, government (some countries are used to being told how to live and what to do). The list goes on and on and on. Reporting is going to be different. I don't trust a lot of those Asian countries to report accurate data. At the least, there are probably differences. Some of these countries can shut down for 5 months and not be hurt economically b/c of how they operate. That isn't the US. Parts of the US.....land-wise, LARGE parts, have done just fine. Why should Wyoming or Alaska have to wear masks, b/c kids in Florida like to party on the beach? That is an over-simplification, but the point remains. Any blanket policy across the entrie 50 states would be idiotic.