Can you guys explain some Trump things to me?

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There is zero hypocrisy, she filed a police report THIS YEAR and the police immediately dismissed it. Her accusations against Biden were completely discredited and disproven.

Christine Blasey-Ford's accusations against Kavanaugh were not proven but they also weren't discredited. She also does not have a history as a grifter and a liar. Also, Bret Kavanaugh was confirmed and is now sitting on the Supreme Court. So you should be able to see that there is really no comparison to be made here.

HAHA ok dude. wow
One was proven innocent, the other admitted it on tape. A bit of difference there.

expand on this please

The hypocracy is astounding. The very same people that were ready to hang Kavanaough without evidence and stated that all vicitms should be heard, are the same people that when Biden was first accused, said we needed to not believe all victims and to let the facts come out. Why didn't they take this approach with Kavanaugh?
expand on this please

The hypocracy is astounding. The very same people that were ready to hang Kavanaough without evidence and stated that all vicitms should be heard, are the same people that when Biden was first accused, said we needed to not believe all victims and to let the facts come out. Why didn't they take this approach with Kavanaugh?

The approach was different based on political parties. Dems attacked & republicans defended on Kavanaugh. Republicans attacked and democrats defended Biden.

The difference I’m talking about is Trump admitting he grabs women, walks backstage in pageants to see them undress, his ex wife accusing him, 20+ accusers, sex with porn star while married.

It’s funny when people believe he’s pro life & a Christian. He panders to his following.
The approach was different based on political parties. Dems attacked & republicans defended on Kavanaugh. Republicans attacked and democrats defended Biden.

The difference I’m talking about is Trump admitting he grabs women, walks backstage in pageants to see them undress, his ex wife accusing him, 20+ accusers, sex with porn star while married.

It’s funny when people believe he’s pro life & a Christian. He panders to his following.

I'm talking about Kavanaugh vs Biden.

I don't really care if he is pro life due to pandering. It could lead to real conversion and his message is getting out there...which is not a bad thing. I do believe his wife is pro life and has a lot of influence on what he says or does. Who doesn't pander in politics? And even if he is pandering, he is taking actions as if he isn't, which is better than pandering and having nothing to show for it
The difference I’m talking about is Trump admitting he grabs women.....

Trump says a lot of things that aren't true. Dems pick up on most of them, but want to take him at his word on this. Weird.
Trump says a lot of things that aren't true. Dems pick up on most of them, but want to take him at his word on this. Weird.

Yes because he said it in private and didn't know he was being recorded. That's when a person's words are most revealing. Besides, even if he was lying, what kind of monster says something like that, especially at his age?
I'm talking about Kavanaugh vs Biden.

I don't really care if he is pro life due to pandering. It could lead to real conversion and his message is getting out there...which is not a bad thing. I do believe his wife is pro life and has a lot of influence on what he says or does. Who doesn't pander in politics? And even if he is pandering, he is taking actions as if he isn't, which is better than pandering and having nothing to show for it

I could care less about Kavanaugh, I’m talking about the pos in the WH.
The approach was different based on political parties. Dems attacked & republicans defended on Kavanaugh. Republicans attacked and democrats defended Biden.

The difference I’m talking about is Trump admitting he grabs women, walks backstage in pageants to see them undress, his ex wife accusing him, 20+ accusers, sex with porn star while married.

It’s funny when people believe he’s pro life & a Christian. He panders to his following.

"Locker room talk" is "locker room talk" and it is replete with exaggerations for that's why it is called "locker room talk." If exaggerations were not found in this type of talk then "locker room talk" would have another name and that name would be called "a conversation." When I was a spry young man I heard a lot of these conversations and not once did I ever hear a guy say "my penis is 2 inches long." Truths are not a requirement to "locker room talk."
"Locker room talk" is "locker room talk" and it is replete with exaggerations for that's why it is called "locker room talk." If exaggerations were not found in this type of talk then "locker room talk" would have another name and that name would be called "a conversation." When I was a spry young man I heard a lot of these conversations and not once did I ever hear a guy say "my penis is 2 inches long." Truths are not a requirement to "locker room talk."

Trump was not a "spry young man" and it was not "locker room talk." That's just a ridiculous thing to say. He was 59 years old when he said it. Nobody I know, not one single person has ever said anything like that around me. Mature adults don't say incredibly lewd things like that.
Philosophically me and Trump are on different planets. That being said, to be fair, I will review everything he has signed and determine what I like. I think that would be a good exercise for a 105 degree saturday afternoon :)

What was inherently wrong with the First Step bill?
There’s only 1 black congressman and 1 black senator that are Republicans. I don’t think the Republican Party will seriously back a POC for decades.

Your opinion is not fact. Which is more important to you? Facts or your opinion?
What was inherently wrong with the First Step bill?

Nothing at all. Loved it. Need more of it. Very bipartisan bill. The only opposition to the bill was Republican. It got unanimous Democrat votes, and 12 Republicans voted against it.

I guess what you are trying to say is that any bill Trump signs means it was all him? That's not even his role. Congress proposes and makes laws. He isn't legislative.
I am pretty sure Obama ratcheted up racial stuff in this country simply by being black and being President.

If you placed more value in your mother versus your father does that make your chromosomal makeup only that of your mother or are you still a product of your mother and father? You see Barak had two parents and like you he is a product of both parents and not one. Therefore, he is part black and part white. You, along with others, do not get to decide what genetic composition a person is.
Nothing at all. Loved it. Need more of it. Very bipartisan bill. The only opposition to the bill was Republican. It got unanimous Democrat votes, and 12 Republicans voted against it.

I guess what you are trying to say is that any bill Trump signs means it was all him? That's not even his role. Congress proposes and makes laws. He isn't legislative.

Did I say what you said?

I mean you either said you would review the bills that he signed or you did not. Do you have a problem with your past statements? I read what you said and reacted to it as opposed to reacting to what you did not say and I think this is a fair way for people to present themselves. Damn that rationale! You put words in my mouth likely because you do not like me asking about the two bills mentioned thus you have to make me out to be the bad guy. I deal with reality. What you deal with is foreign to me.
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If you placed more value in your mother versus your father does that make your chromosomal makeup only that of your mother or are you still a product of your mother and father? You see Barak had two parents and like you he is a product of both parents and not one. Therefore, he is part black and part white. You, along with others, do not get to decide what genetic composition a person is.

Racial constructs have very little to do with genetic composition. They are almost wholly made up by society.
I'll add that what trump has said and done is far less creepy that what Biden does to little kids. far less
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