Can you guys explain some Trump things to me?

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not true at all. Of course there will be some rednecks that would never vote for a black man, but a black conservative has a great chance to be elected. Conservatives care more about policy and beliefs vs skin color and gender.
not true at all. Of course there will be some rednecks that would never vote for a black man, but a black conservative has a great chance to be elected. Conservatives care more about policy and beliefs vs skin color and gender.

There’s only 1 black congressman and 1 black senator that are Republicans. I don’t think the Republican Party will seriously back a POC for decades.
Exactly! 95% of them can’t be trusted. I take the other 5% with a grain of salt until the handful of reporters I do trust continue to prove they’re worthy.


Any comment on Trump's tweet with no evidence that a rickety old man bleeding from the pavement is an Antifa plant?

Would you call Trump watching OANN and tweeting out baseless conspiracy theories about an old man who just cracked his head open a good sign of competence and leadership?
I don’t like trump as a person but character doesn’t matter anymore. The character of the president hasn’t mattered since Bill Clinton. Character isn’t part of the discussion. I find it funny that a democrat would even bring up character as if it ever mattered to them.

Bill Clinton has always been a morally bankrupt individual who’s likely a pedophile and a crook.
Both George Bush’s are good men as far as I know, but they’re not infallible.
Obama was a very good liar and divided the country while building his wealth. He’s also a mouthpiece for the radical left and possibly a criminal.

You can’t point to any politician on either side and claim that character matters. They are professional liars and thieves. They lie to us and use our money to make themselves rich. Being a politician in America is a path to wealth, not public service. There are no moral men/women in politics. That died a long time ago.

Why trump? Because he creates jobs and makes the economy better which makes American lives better. The economy was booming before COVID. He’s at least trying to do what’s right for America, which is why the establishment is fighting so hard against him. The government should not be legislating morality. It’s the governments job to make our society as free as possible while protecting the rights of each individual to pursue their life, liberty, and happiness. They provide the law and order, help create jobs and maintain a successful economy.

Democrats Have refused to even attempt to work with the president for the first time in American history. They actively fight against him and now they support and fund domestic terrorists. The democratic party has moved as far left as you can go and now they support socialism and communism. Mostly the dems support their own power and wealth and don’t give a crap about the American people.

I don’t like trump and wish he would just shut up sometimes. However, the democrats hate real Americans and they only want to placate us long enough for them to continue their racket that they’ve perfected over the last 75 years of stealing our money and making themselves rich. They’ve never done anything for the black community and have lied to them and used them only for their votes. What they’re doing now, in this election cycle, is the lowest they’ve ever stooped. It’s disgusting.

Minnesota has institutional racism and corruption and every major political office in Minnesota is democrat. Why would you continue to vote democrat in Minnesota if you wanted things to change? If you want nothing to change, keep voting democrat. If you really want change, STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT.

Any comment on Trump's tweet with no evidence that a rickety old man bleeding from the pavement is an Antifa plant?

Would you call Trump watching OANN and tweeting out baseless conspiracy theories about an old man who just cracked his head open a good sign of competence and leadership?

ABD, I can say without any hesitation whatsoever that Trump is wrong on that one! I have no idea what he was watching!?

A younger, stronger man would almost certainly have fallen over backward after being pushed by two officers. A 75 year old man does not have the strength or the balance to stay on his feet. Believe me, I know!

I don’t approve of a lot Trump does and says. I shake my head in disgust and disbelief at some of his tweets and his off-the-cuff remarks. As I have said before, he’s a public relations nightmare and his own worst enemy sometimes.

But, when my only option as a voter is Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, I cast my vote for the best candidate. The stakes are too high to vote for anyone else. Sorry, but that is my honest opinion of why Trump will get my vote again. I realize you want me to give my opinion about him without the footnotes. However, doing that does nothing to explain why I support him at the polls despite his obvious faults.

Assuming you plan to vote for Biden in November, will you be able to do that with a straight face and a clear conscience? Is hating Trump a sound reason to vote for Biden? Can you picture the poor guy in a debate, or in the same room for that matter, with a group of world leaders? I feel sorry for him, I really do. Just not enough to waste my vote on him. You can blame the leaders of my own party for that.
Assuming you plan to vote for Biden in November, will you be able to do that with a straight face and a clear conscience?

Voting for Joe Biden instead of Donald Trump will be the easiest thing I've ever done in my life. I will do so with a straight face, and certainly with a clear conscience. I will go to bed that night knowing that I didn't cast a vote that keeps a pathological liar and possible sociopath in the White House to continue another 4 years of this complete madness.

Can you picture the poor guy in a debate, or in the same room for that matter, with a group of world leaders?

Absolutely I can... and I can tell you that at the next G7 Joe Biden will be standing with Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Merkel, Macron, etc and rebuild our alliance. He won't be being made fun of by the rest of the world leaders and leaving early because nobody likes him. Yes, that happened.

Is hating Trump a sound reason to vote for Biden?

Honestly, it is. Anything that rids the country and world of Trump is a good move.... However, I wouldn't be voting for Biden just because I hate Trump, although I think its a perfectly valid reason.
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Absolutely I can... and I can tell you that at the next G7 Joe Biden will be standing with Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Merkel, Macron, etc and rebuild our alliance. He won't be being made fun of by the rest of the world leaders and leaving early because nobody likes him. Yes, that happened.

Dude, you care WAY TOO much about what people think. WAY TOO much. I don't give a crap about those countries. First, we're the USofA. We don't answer to anybody. Second, and more importantly, of course they are going to be upset with us (Trump) when we start holding them accountable and stop doing things and making policy that isn't in our best interest. And it's about danged time we started doing that.
I don’t like trump as a person but character doesn’t matter anymore. The character of the president hasn’t mattered since Bill Clinton. Character isn’t part of the discussion. I find it funny that a democrat would even bring up character as if it ever mattered to them.

Bill Clinton has always been a morally bankrupt individual who’s likely a pedophile and a crook.
Both George Bush’s are good men as far as I know, but they’re not infallible.
Obama was a very good liar and divided the country while building his wealth. He’s also a mouthpiece for the radical left and possibly a criminal.

You can’t point to any politician on either side and claim that character matters. They are professional liars and thieves. They lie to us and use our money to make themselves rich. Being a politician in America is a path to wealth, not public service. There are no moral men/women in politics. That died a long time ago.

Why trump? Because he creates jobs and makes the economy better which makes American lives better. The economy was booming before COVID. He’s at least trying to do what’s right for America, which is why the establishment is fighting so hard against him. The government should not be legislating morality. It’s the governments job to make our society as free as possible while protecting the rights of each individual to pursue their life, liberty, and happiness. They provide the law and order, help create jobs and maintain a successful economy.

Democrats Have refused to even attempt to work with the president for the first time in American history. They actively fight against him and now they support and fund domestic terrorists. The democratic party has moved as far left as you can go and now they support socialism and communism. Mostly the dems support their own power and wealth and don’t give a crap about the American people.

I don’t like trump and wish he would just shut up sometimes. However, the democrats hate real Americans and they only want to placate us long enough for them to continue their racket that they’ve perfected over the last 75 years of stealing our money and making themselves rich. They’ve never done anything for the black community and have lied to them and used them only for their votes. What they’re doing now, in this election cycle, is the lowest they’ve ever stooped. It’s disgusting.

Minnesota has institutional racism and corruption and every major political office in Minnesota is democrat. Why would you continue to vote democrat in Minnesota if you wanted things to change? If you want nothing to change, keep voting democrat. If you really want change, STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT.

Excellent post.
I will go to bed that night knowing that I didn't cast a vote that keeps a pathological liar and possible sociopath in the White House to continue another 4 years of this complete madness.

LOL at Biden not being a liar.
Are you one of those that will vote for Joe whether he raped women or not?
Dude is creepy AF
Dude, you care WAY TOO much about what people think. WAY TOO much. I don't give a crap about those countries. First, we're the USofA. We don't answer to anybody. Second, and more importantly, of course they are going to be upset with us (Trump) when we start holding them accountable and stop doing things and making policy that isn't in our best interest. And it's about danged time we started doing that.

yeah I have always thought it was a good sign when leaders of other countries are pissed at trump. Shows he is making changes that benefit the US and not other countries.
I don’t like trump as a person but character doesn’t matter anymore. The character of the president hasn’t mattered since Bill Clinton. Character isn’t part of the discussion. I find it funny that a democrat would even bring up character as if it ever mattered to them.

Not since Andrew Jackson has the character of a president been so foul.

I honestly can't believe you think character isn't an important leadership quality. Character is tied to your ability to lead, your ability to inspire, our ability to unite. Character is critical in a leadership position, and he is in a very important leadership position.

Bill Clinton has always been a morally bankrupt individual who’s likely a pedophile and a crook.
Both George Bush’s are good men as far as I know, but they’re not infallible.
Obama was a very good liar and divided the country while building his wealth. He’s also a mouthpiece for the radical left and possibly a criminal.

Nothing you said there is true.

You can’t point to any politician on either side and claim that character matters. They are professional liars and thieves. They lie to us and use our money to make themselves rich. Being a politician in America is a path to wealth, not public service. There are no moral men/women in politics. That died a long time ago.

So, you are basically saying that America is a failed stated.... It's a rigged, corrupt government on both sides and has basically become some sort of oligarchy. And instead of doing anything to remedy this situation, you just decide to go with the worst of all of them in Trump because you like some policy positions.

Seriously, if you believe what you just said, which I question, you are basically saying America as a country has completely failed. That we aren't the beacon of hope. That we aren't the shining city on a hill... .

The other possibility is you are saying that as a way to let Trump off the hook.

Democrats Have refused to even attempt to work with the president for the first time in American history. They actively fight against him and now they support and fund domestic terrorists. The democratic party has moved as far left as you can go and now they support socialism and communism. Mostly the dems support their own power and wealth and don’t give a crap about the American people.

The Dems mainly want to operate like the rest of the world does. We are being held back by conservatives. All these things you are talking about, socialism, etc are things being done by every other country. You have been conned into maintaining the status quo for a privileged few.

I don’t like trump and wish he would just shut up sometimes. However, the democrats hate real Americans and they only want to placate us long enough for them to continue their racket that they’ve perfected over the last 75 years of stealing our money and making themselves rich. They’ve never done anything for the black community and have lied to them and used them only for their votes. What they’re doing now, in this election cycle, is the lowest they’ve ever stooped. It’s disgusting.

What is a real American? What do you mean Democrats hate real Americans? I am a Democrat, I like most Americans. That's an insane accusation that Democrats hate "real" Americans. What the hell is a real American? Am I not a real American?

Man, that post was totally ****ed up... You are describing a failed state. You have gone way off the deep end dude.
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Dude, you care WAY TOO much about what people think. WAY TOO much. I don't give a crap about those countries. First, we're the USofA. We don't answer to anybody. Second, and more importantly, of course they are going to be upset with us (Trump) when we start holding them accountable and stop doing things and making policy that isn't in our best interest. And it's about danged time we started doing that.

This type of thinking is insanely selfish. I care that the world gets better, not just America. How has Trump kept other countries accountable? Mexico build the Wall? Trade wars that have hurt farmers? Losing peaceful progression with the Middle East? Random and baseless threats on other countries?
Donald Trump has some significant personal flaws. As has been repeated throughout this thread. But, I can tell you why Evangelicals, Orthodox and Roman Catholics support him. First, these above groups have been called out and smeared....even by their own co-religionists. But, IMO, it comes down to three things:
  • his support for life (pro-life from conception)
  • religious freedom (his supreme court and other appointees....and the courts' role in protecting religious freedom)
  • his support for Israel.

They believe he has advanced the common good and the left would have countered fervently on each of those issues specific to Christianity.

Also, since I'm an originalist (constitution), I believe that a portion of people who don't like Trump (even some Republicans) come at it from an aesthetic point view, not a constitutional point of view. If the "never Trumpers" in his own party would look at not only his results, but also recognize that he did it with massive pushback from dems and an overwhelming media complex against him, then they might could at least swallow their pride momentarily and recognize his accomplishments.

I will admit even I a took a flyer on him....but have been pleasantly surprised with the results of his governance (yet not necessarily the tweets, bs, etc.).

And BTW, Bush not voting for Trump is a completely false story (by the surprise) per President's Bush' former spokesman (Freddy Ford).

Another notch in the belt of journalism being pretty much dead. Journalists are activists now. Don't trust big media.
Not since Andrew Jackson has the character of a president been so foul.

I honestly can't believe you think character isn't an important leadership quality. Character is tied to your ability to lead, your ability to inspire, our ability to unite. Character is critical in a leadership position, and he is in a very important leadership position.

Nothing you said there is true.

So, you are basically saying that America is a failed stated.... It's a rigged, corrupt government on both sides and has basically become some sort of oligarchy. And instead of doing anything to remedy this situation, you just decide to go with the worst of all of them in Trump because you like some policy positions.

Seriously, if you believe what you just said, which I question, you are basically saying America as a country has completely failed. That we aren't the beacon of hope. That we aren't the shining city on a hill... .

The other possibility is you are saying that as a way to let Trump off the hook.

The Dems mainly want to operate like the rest of the world does. We are being held back by conservatives. All these things you are talking about, socialism, etc are things being done by every other country. You have been conned into maintaining the status quo for a privileged few.

What is a real American? What do you mean Democrats hate real Americans? I am a Democrat, I like most Americans. That's an insane accusation that Democrats hate "real" Americans. What the hell is a real American? Am I not a real American?

Man, that post was totally ****ed up... You are describing a failed state. You have gone way off the deep end dude.

I’ve gone off the deep end? LOL. You support a rapist and a professional liar who is in the early stages of dementia. You whine about Andrew Jackson when Bill Clinton is the worst person with the character of a serial rapist, but you support him.

Democrats only invoke the “character matters” argument when it suits them. You don’t give a crap about character when a democrat is in office. You only care about character when propping up an argument against a republican.

Biden and the dems support domestic terrorism and they would gladly burn it all down just to win an election. They only care about their own power and wealth. Real Americans are the people that do most of the Real work in this country. They are black, white, red, yellow, and brown. The political establishment likes to foment division and fear to maintain their grip on the power.

You blindly support the party of mayhem instead of law and order. When have the dems ever helped the Black community? The answer is NEVER. They throw money and a little power to a few black men in order to win the vote. That’s it. They have lied to and manipulated the black community for 75+ years.

You would vote for Biden, a rapist, a liar, and a criminal. Yet your conscience is clear? LOL
You blindly support the party of mayhem instead of law and order. When have the dems ever helped the Black community? The answer is NEVER. They throw money and a little power to a few black men in order to win the vote. That’s it. They have lied to and manipulated the black community for 75+ years.

I saw a video on twitter yesterday, a black lady probably in her 20's, and she BLASTED the democratic party for intentionally holding back the black race through policy and fake outrage, in order to control them and constantly feed their need for "government."

She had a lot more to say, and it's fits pretty closely to how I feel, that a large majority of the black people living in poverty have no real desire to get out of that situation, b/c of how easy the democratic party has made it for them to continue living that way.

If I can find the video, I'll post it.
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