I don’t like trump as a person but character doesn’t matter anymore. The character of the president hasn’t mattered since Bill Clinton. Character isn’t part of the discussion. I find it funny that a democrat would even bring up character as if it ever mattered to them.
Not since Andrew Jackson has the character of a president been so foul.
I honestly can't believe you think character isn't an important leadership quality. Character is tied to your ability to lead, your ability to inspire, our ability to unite. Character is critical in a leadership position, and he is in a very important leadership position.
Bill Clinton has always been a morally bankrupt individual who’s likely a pedophile and a crook.
Both George Bush’s are good men as far as I know, but they’re not infallible.
Obama was a very good liar and divided the country while building his wealth. He’s also a mouthpiece for the radical left and possibly a criminal.
Nothing you said there is true.
You can’t point to any politician on either side and claim that character matters. They are professional liars and thieves. They lie to us and use our money to make themselves rich. Being a politician in America is a path to wealth, not public service. There are no moral men/women in politics. That died a long time ago.
So, you are basically saying that America is a failed stated.... It's a rigged, corrupt government on both sides and has basically become some sort of oligarchy. And instead of doing anything to remedy this situation, you just decide to go with the worst of all of them in Trump because you like some policy positions.
Seriously, if you believe what you just said, which I question, you are basically saying America as a country has completely failed. That we aren't the beacon of hope. That we aren't the shining city on a hill... .
The other possibility is you are saying that as a way to let Trump off the hook.
Democrats Have refused to even attempt to work with the president for the first time in American history. They actively fight against him and now they support and fund domestic terrorists. The democratic party has moved as far left as you can go and now they support socialism and communism. Mostly the dems support their own power and wealth and don’t give a crap about the American people.
The Dems mainly want to operate like the rest of the world does. We are being held back by conservatives. All these things you are talking about, socialism, etc are things being done by every other country. You have been conned into maintaining the status quo for a privileged few.
I don’t like trump and wish he would just shut up sometimes. However, the democrats hate real Americans and they only want to placate us long enough for them to continue their racket that they’ve perfected over the last 75 years of stealing our money and making themselves rich. They’ve never done anything for the black community and have lied to them and used them only for their votes. What they’re doing now, in this election cycle, is the lowest they’ve ever stooped. It’s disgusting.
What is a real American? What do you mean Democrats hate real Americans? I am a Democrat, I like most Americans. That's an insane accusation that Democrats hate "real" Americans. What the hell is a real American? Am I not a real American?
Man, that post was totally ****ed up... You are describing a failed state. You have gone way off the deep end dude.