I think you are seeing what you want to see. What policy of Trumps can't you discuss with family? The only thing that is really all that controversial is the border stuff. Unless you and your family sit around talking about American international trade policies?
It was the same under Obama whether you want to admit it or not. Obama Care was probably argued about more than any single policy in the last 2 decades.
It's more about HIM, as a person. Trump supporters, even in this very thread, don't want to talk about him, they want to talk about policies. I don't know if thats because talking about his leadership qualities, what he says, his intelligence, his lack of character, etc is a losing argument for Trump people or they simply don't care, but these are most of the things you can't talk about.
He hasn't really done much as President from a policy perspective to discuss. He updated NAFTA but that hasn't gone into effect yet. He pulled out of Paris Agreement... He spent more money on the military... He chipped away at Obamacare... He pulled out of the Iranian deal.. He got into a trade war with China... He picked a fight with NATO... A lot of his stuff was changing or reversing things that were already done. I think it's dumb, but some think its good. The other world leaders know he is a clown. You see that thing with Trudeau the other day? Took him 20 seconds to answer a question about him... At the G7 summit, all the other leaders were talking **** about him and Trump went home early. He's a clown.
The biggest thing he has done from a policy perspective is the tax plan, which I personally think is a total disaster, especially when you are $22 trillion in debt. I get the concept.... I understand trickle-down economics... Lower taxes, encourages growth, then the economy grows faster, tax revenues go up (because people have more money to spend) as a result of said growth which pays down debt, and companies hire more workers as they grow, and with their prosperity they pay people better wages, offer better benefits, etc.
I get the idea, it's just not true.