Dragan Sekelja- Baylor commit


The "Dragan lair" might be alive and well at the Bear Pit. This league is going to be very tough next year. I can't wait for hoops season!

Yes- it is going to be a fun league. A lot like the Big East last year. For those of us that enjoy good basketball, it will be a good year.
(1) Kevin Rogers was a much better player last year than when he arrived at Baylor.

(2) Are you really evaluating Drew's overall coaching ability based on what happened his first four seasons?

(3) His talent did not get up to big 12 capability until two years ago........
I think it is fair to criticize him for their conference record last year.

(4) KU fans were calling for Bill Self's head two years ago before he won a national championship.

(1) Dude what guys leaves D1 after 4 years worse than he was when he enrolled? That's a crazy statement. You have said numerous times that Rogers really wasn't that good. Well, he was a fantastic prospect coming in which by your statements didn't live up to it.

(2) I'm evaluating his coaching on his entire career in the games I've seen his teams play. Rarely do they look ready to play to the best of their abilities. That's my opinion.

(3) So? His teams still didn't look ready those early years. And last year he took a MAJOR step back. I mean seriously you have all that talent he had last year in Jerrells, Dunn, Carter, Rogers, Dugat, Jones, etc, etc and finish 9th in conference. Win 5 games. No excuse.

(4) It's comments like these that just make me laugh. Don't take what a few internet idiots say and speak it as the gospel. 95% of KU fans weren't calling for Bill Self's head. That's crazy. KU won the conference both years of the 1st round losses. Once with a bunch of Fr & So who nobody expected to do anything.