Fitz, Pledger Cited

It says cited and released in the Daily Oklahoman article. It looks like they changed their headline as well. Booked could just mean written up in a ticket book, I guess.
So the Norman Transcript says the Norman PD said they weren't arrested, and The Oklahoman says the Norman PD said they were booked at 8:50 p.m. :confused:

i think the oklahoman took the assumption that the citing at 8:50 was a booking.
I don't want to see ESPN scrolling that two of our players were "arrested" all night long if they weren't. But just like typical ESPN they put it out there without any repercussions, even if it is determined not to be true later.

That is the SID/AD's fault. If the information is wrong, the University should have a relationship to correct it in a respectful manner. (you don't want to make a scene and get more attention).
I am 100% positive they were NOT arrested and never stepped foot in a jail cell.
Maybe they were practicing on their defense? You know steals and all! ;)
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

If this is true then ESPN should have to correct their mistake on the ticker.

Edit: I could have sworn that the DOK article said arrested earlier today. Anyone remember?
Two OU men's hoops players arrested
By David Ubben, Staff Writer The Oklahoman
Published: February 8, 2010

NORMAN—Two Oklahoma basketball players were arrested in connection with shoplifting from the Dillard's department store at the Sooner Mall.

Steven Pledger, a 6-4 freshman guard, and Andrew Fitzgerald, a 6-7 freshman forward were arrested, cited for petty larceny and released after Saturday's upset win over Texas.

A Dillard's employee caught the two, who were booked at 8:50 on Saturday night, Norman police said.

A team spokesman said they were aware of the situation, but all team matters would be handled internally.

Pledger played 24 minutes and scored nine points in the win. Fitzgerald started the game, played 19 minutes and scored three points.
Obviously the DOK changed their story, above is how it was originally published.
Please tell me that all of you that are suggesting game suspensions and running as a punishment is sarcasm or a severe momentary lack of judgement.

Warnings and expectations should be given and understood by the scholarship recipient prior to scholarships being awarded and accepted.

Being kicked off of the team for the remainder of the season and re-evaluation in the future should be where Coach Capel begins at the very least. Some on this board wanted Willie dismissed for far less.

Ask yourselves what Texas or OSU should do if they were faced with a similar situation.
Please tell me that all of you that are suggesting game suspensions and running as a punishment is sarcasm or a severe momentary lack of judgement.

Warnings and expectations should be given and understood by the scholarship recipient prior to scholarships being awarded and accepted.

Being kicked off of the team for the remainder of the season and re-evaluation in the future should be where Coach Capel begins at the very least. Some on this board wanted Willie dismissed for far less.

Ask yourselves what Texas or OSU should do if they were faced with a similar situation.
I try to never pass judgment on what other schools should do when their athletes get into trouble. There are too many things behind the scenes that we are not usually privy to so it does not concern me much what punishment they dish out. If the punishment seems harsh, it's probably because that player has had other issues known to the coaches. If the punishment seems light, there may be facts which warrant less action by the coaches. Sometimes we don't know all of the punishment which is handed out. All I worry about are our coaches doing the right thing. I believe Jeff will.
Please tell me that all of you that are suggesting game suspensions and running as a punishment is sarcasm or a severe momentary lack of judgement.

Warnings and expectations should be given and understood by the scholarship recipient prior to scholarships being awarded and accepted.

Being kicked off of the team for the remainder of the season and re-evaluation in the future should be where Coach Capel begins at the very least. Some on this board wanted Willie dismissed for far less.

Ask yourselves what Texas or OSU should do if they were faced with a similar situation.

Wow, huuuuuuuuuuge troll alert.
No troll, just stating what should be done.

Contrary to some popular beliefs, these are not kids. They are young MEN that, if by now, do not know right from wrong, must be taught a hard lesson. A hard lesson is learned by a harsh punishment.

And in case anyone is interested, I have had the same opinion about some of Bob Stoops' decisions on player behavior off the field. Most notably, Ryan Broyles, DeMarcus Granger and Dusty Devoracek.
Let me ask you this question: would a normal OU college student on academic scholarship lose their scholarship for getting a ticket - not arrested, a ticket - for petty larceny? The answer, NO, they wouldn't. Much less be kicked out of school. Should they be punished? Yes. I think a game suspension is appropriate. Some of you are going a little overboard with this deal.
Let me ask you this question: would a normal OU college student on academic scholarship lose their scholarship for getting a ticket - not arrested, a ticket - for petty larceny? The answer, NO, they wouldn't. Much less be kicked out of school. Should they be punished? Yes. I think a game suspension is appropriate. Some of you are going a little overboard with this deal.

Seniorsooner, I appreciate your post, and agree with what you are saying, however it only works if all things are being equal. The academic student is not going to have their name splashed all over the media, no one outside their immediate family and maybe a few close friends will ever know it happened. Unfortunately the student athlete is held to a higher level. I am not saying it makes it right, its just the way it is. Because of that they will be held accountable more for embarrassing their Coaches, teammates, and the University. Stealing is stealing. As far as the law goes, both the academic student and the athlete will be handled the same way. However, Coaches expect more from their student athletes, and what ever punishment Jeff deems fit for these two players, I am sure he will take all circustances into consideration and apply what he thinks is fair and appropriate for the situation. I won't speculate on whether it will be running stadiums, suicides, game suspensions, or what ever. I am comfortable in leaving it in his capable hands.
First of all, I am not familiar enough with Oklahoma law to definitively say whether they met the definition of being arrested. Considering the conservative nature that the state of Oklahomas seems to lean towards, I would venture a guess and say that they were arrested.

I'm in PA and here, if caught stealing any item for any dollar amount, you are arrested for theft and processed, which is to mean that you are fingerprinted and photographed, regardless of age. And PA, although not Mass., is quite a bit more liberal than OK.

A normal college student on academic scholarship is not in the public eye like, say a division 1 scholarship athlete enrolled at an elite athletic program. Like it or not, athletes at high profile institutions such as OU have to tip-toe a little softer than the normal college student on academic scholarship.

To answer your question, a normal student probably would not be kicked out but perhaps should be, especially if the crime occurred on campus.

The sports program is "the front porch of the college or universities home." It is the first thing that is looked upon by the public. Keep it in excellent shape or potential buyers will walk right on by.
First of all, I am not familiar enough with Oklahoma law to definitively say whether they met the definition of being arrested. Considering the conservative nature that the state of Oklahomas seems to lean towards, I would venture a guess and say that they were arrested.

I'm in PA and here, if caught stealing any item for any dollar amount, you are arrested for theft and processed, which is to mean that you are fingerprinted and photographed, regardless of age. And PA, although not Mass., is quite a bit more liberal than OK.

A normal college student on academic scholarship is not in the public eye like, say a division 1 scholarship athlete enrolled at an elite athletic program. Like it or not, athletes at high profile institutions such as OU have to tip-toe a little softer than the normal college student on academic scholarship.

To answer your question, a normal student probably would not be kicked out but perhaps should be, especially if the crime occurred on campus.

The sports program is "the front porch of the college or universities home." It is the first thing that is looked upon by the public. Keep it in excellent shape or potential buyers will walk right on by.

They were not detained, arrested, however you want to put it. They signed a larceny "ticket" and were released on the spot.
I posted the original story and it absolutely said "arrested." I'm pleased to see that they've updated it though.
Seniorsooner, I appreciate your post, and agree with what you are saying, however it only works if all things are being equal. The academic student is not going to have their name splashed all over the media, no one outside their immediate family and maybe a few close friends will ever know it happened. Unfortunately the student athlete is held to a higher level. I am not saying it makes it right, its just the way it is. Because of that they will be held accountable more for embarrassing their Coaches, teammates, and the University. Stealing is stealing. As far as the law goes, both the academic student and the athlete will be handled the same way. However, Coaches expect more from their student athletes, and what ever punishment Jeff deems fit for these two players, I am sure he will take all circustances into consideration and apply what he thinks is fair and appropriate for the situation. I won't speculate on whether it will be running stadiums, suicides, game suspensions, or what ever. I am comfortable in leaving it in his capable hands.

I agree that they are held to a higher standard, which is why they will be punished. They will likely miss at least one game and run until they're ready to die. The normal college student wouldn't see any punsihment other than what they received from the legal system. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, I'm just saying they shouldn't be kicked out of school on the spot and banished to Siberia for getting a petty larceny ticket.
I agree that they are held to a higher standard, which is why they will be punished. They will likely miss at least one game and run until they're ready to die. The normal college student wouldn't see any punsihment other than what they received from the legal system. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, I'm just saying they shouldn't be kicked out of school on the spot and banished to Siberia for getting a petty larceny ticket.

Seniorsooner you and I are on the same page.
I wonder if the Coaching Staff will pull an Urban and only say they "won't start the game" like he did earlier this year with Dunlap. I'm not saying its right or fair, i just wonder since his job is to teach young men AND win games. It's not right or fair but one has to wonder.