Fitz, Pledger Cited

Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

This is just horrible. Let's hope that both young men are able to learn their lesson from this and move on to be better men. One day they will look at this as one of the most stupid things they've ever done. I really hope there is more to the story. I have no idea what it would be though. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

Coale suspended Plumley for the season.
Switzer suspended Rhymes for the season.

It would seem that there has been a previously established precedent for theft.

If I'm not mistaken, Plumley and Rhymes had already been in trouble before they were booted for good. I really don't recall the details now. If I'm right, though, the precedent set for those two players should not apply to Pledger and Fitzgerald, unless they were guilty of breaking team rules prior to this incident. A temporary suspension of a game or two is definitely in order. But IMHO, an entire season is too harsh.
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

Okay, so I hear about arrested and that's what's running on the ticker. Then this is the Norman Transcript article:

"The citations came from the department store's security. Neither was taken into custody by Norman police."

I noticed that myself earlier. ESPN probably shouldn't be throwing the "arrested" word out there, because according to this they were never arrested. More SOLID reporting from the World Wide Leader.
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

If this is true then ESPN should have to correct their mistake on the ticker.

Edit: I could have sworn that the DOK article said arrested earlier today. Anyone remember?
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

The article that started this thread has the Norman police as the source and says they were booked at 8:50pm. Either way it is what it is. Hopefully they've learned their lesson.
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

If this is true then ESPN should have to correct their mistake on the ticker.

Edit: I could have sworn that the DOK article said arrested earlier today. Anyone remember?

I feel like the ESPN ticker is closer to a rumor mill, opposed to actual news stories. It seems to get altered or completely removed a lot.
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

If I'm not mistaken, Plumley and Rhymes had already been in trouble before they were booted for good. I really don't recall the details now. If I'm right, though, the precedent set for those two players should not apply to Pledger and Fitzgerald, unless they were guilty of breaking team rules prior to this incident. A temporary suspension of a game or two is definitely in order. But IMHO, an entire season is too harsh.

You are correct about Plumley, she was treading on thin ice before the Wal-Mart incident, that was just icing on the cake as far as she was concerned. You maybe right about Rhymes, I don't remember his circumstances. Actually it was Jenna's decision to leave the program. After being suspended for the 2008-2009 season, I think she wanted a fresh start elsewhere and transfered to Lamar with Coach Coales blessing.
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Wasn't B. Rhymes shooting machine guns off of dorm balconies? Come on guys.
don't understand why we aren't using willis' arrest last year as a barometer.

dui on the morning of a game>>>>>>>shoplifting after a game

he wasn't suspended for the season. for those calling for zero tolerance, let's be rational.
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

Capel needs to send a strong message and suspend them for at least two games and not start the rest of the year. I would even invoke a harsher curfew on them just for good measure if they even have one.

I cannot believe that these two thought it would be such a great idea to break the law and steal from a department store shortly after an emotional win over your arch rival while celebrating the life and career of Wayman Tisdale. As other people have stated in this thread Pledger and Fitz needs to apologize to Capel, the team, and the fans for embarrassing the program. Wayman sure wouldn't celebrate like this that's for sure.

I hate to admit this but I would suspend them one game because the team may be able to win in Norman without them. However, I don't think the team can win Stillwater without both players.
Also, the OU Daily reported that there was no arrest.

"The two were caught by a Dillard's employee, and according to the Norman Police Department they were not arrested, but were allowed to sign a ticket and were released by Dillard's security for petty larceny." (emphasis added)

I wonder if Ubben and the sports editor jumped the gun on this without really gathering all the facts?

I just spoke with someone that I trust regarding the team and my source said that he is pretty sure that they were NOT arrested.

Again, if ESPN and the DOK are wrong then they should report that they were wrong. Weird that Ubben would state that they were arrested according to Norman PD.

Bottom line is that this doesn't change anything regarding the mistake that these young men made, but I still like to see the facts straight by our media sources (whatever they may be).
don't understand why we aren't using willis' arrest last year as a barometer.

dui on the morning of a game>>>>>>>shoplifting after a game

he wasn't suspended for the season. for those calling for zero tolerance, let's be rational.

It seems to me many people believe drinking is much more acceptable than shoplifting. In some respects I agree but I also don't think this is a character defining event for these guys. They just screwed up.
Also, the OU Daily reported that there was no arrest.

"The two were caught by a Dillard's employee, and according to the Norman Police Department they were not arrested, but were allowed to sign a ticket and were released by Dillard's security for petty larceny." (emphasis added)

A Dillard's employee caught the two, who were booked at 8:50 p.m. Saturday, Norman police said.

Read more:

So the Norman Transcript says the Norman PD said they weren't arrested, and The Oklahoman says the Norman PD said they were booked at 8:50 p.m. :confused:
So the Norman Transcript says the Norman PD said they weren't arrested, and The Oklahoman says the Norman PD said they were booked at 8:50 p.m. :confused:

ESPN says they were arrested, yet the OU Daily says they were not.

Again, the end result of this doesn't change a thing as to what they did or how they should be punished, but I just want to see the correct facts by the media.

ESPN and the DOK vs OU Daily and The Norman Transcript. The Heavyweights :tiny:eek:allen vs the Featherweights :ray:tjfranklin!!!!
I don't want to see ESPN scrolling that two of our players were "arrested" all night long if they weren't. But just like typical ESPN they put it out there without any repercussions, even if it is determined not to be true later.