Fitz, Pledger Cited

I can't help but think of back to the future, where the headlines change from "committed" to "commended"

oh I wish that were true..
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

Agreed. If I had read the headline and not the story, I would never have guessed that Pledger and Fitz were the players arrested for petty theft.

What were they thinking?!!! Never mind, they weren't thinking, and therein lies the problem. I just don't understand why would anyone would risk their reputation and their career on merchandise they could purchase by picking up aluminum cans on the side of the road?

I was thinking the same thing Ada. I would take it little farther. I would have them pick up cans and trash around the campus, during the next game, since they shamed the institution. I would have them work at a homeless shelter, serving food on Sunday, so they may remember the benefits in life they enjoy. Finally, I would have them clean the team's locker room, showers, toilets and wash their uniforms. This will remind them of the shame they brought to their team. Once they complete these acts, they have the opportunity to run stairs (while the team practices) until the coaches and team members are convinced they will remember pain and puke of their "mistake" enough to never want to cross that line again!
Re: Fitz, Pledger Arrested

College athletes are held to a higher standard than normal students and teenagers. They are there on a free ride, getting a free education and they should be held to a higher standard, so something like this cannot be overlooked. Just because the crime has "petty" in the official term doesn't make it any less severe. Attempting to shoplift, whatever it may be, is still theft and they still should be punished for it.

With that said when handled internally you can't imagine what some of that punishment is and some would probably rather miss a game than go through that.

I'm so not ready to condemn these guys. Capel hasn't been shy about dispensing discipline in the past so his no comment reply has me curious about the events. For instance, what involvement if any did the Police have. From the sketchy reports we're heard one could draw a conclusion that a security guard saw them put some shirts in a bag and he assumed they were going to shop lift. Did they leave the store without paying ? That's a very relevant question which shows intent.

One is left under the impression at times they have overstepped boundaries and gone too far. Here is a link:

I trust Capel to get to the bottom of this and I will respect his decision.
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I'm so not ready to condemn these guys. Capel hasn't been shy about dispensing discipline in the past so his no comment reply has me curious about the events. For instance, what involvement if any did the Police have. From the sketchy reports we're heard one could draw a conclusion that a security guard saw them put some shirts in a bag and he assumed they were going to shop lift. Did they leave the store without paying ? That's a very relevant question which shows intent.

One is left under the impression at times they have overstepped boundaries and gone too far. Here is a link:

I trust Capel to get to the bottom of this and I will respect his decision.
Good post.
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I'm so not ready to condemn these guys. Capel hasn't been shy about dispensing discipline in the past so his no comment reply has me curious about the events. For instance, what involvement if any did the Police have. From the sketchy reports we're heard one could draw a conclusion that a security guard saw them put some shirts in a bag and he assumed they were going to shop lift. Did they leave the store without paying ? That's a very relevant question which shows intent.

One is left under the impression at times they have overstepped boundaries and gone too far. Here is a link:

I trust Capel to get to the bottom of this and I will respect his decision.

At the very least, this should be a reminder that we have a court system and we should reserve judgment until all of the facts are out. The fact that these two guys don't seem to be the kind of guys to do this, coupled with that story, gives me some concern as to the veracity of the allegations. Additionally, it just seems odd and frightening that the store can "cite" someone for a crime, without a police investigation. Are there security tapes that have been reviewed? Did they leave the store?
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I'm so not ready to condemn these guys. Capel hasn't been shy about dispensing discipline in the past so his no comment reply has me curious about the events. For instance, what involvement if any did the Police have. From the sketchy reports we're heard one could draw a conclusion that a security guard saw them put some shirts in a bag and he assumed they were going to shop lift. Did they leave the store without paying ? That's a very relevant question which shows intent.

One is left under the impression at times they have overstepped boundaries and gone too far. Here is a link:

I trust Capel to get to the bottom of this and I will respect his decision.

Ok- Fine; I will say it this way. IF they stole anything during this incident- my comments stand. IF they did not steal anything; I am sure they will deny any wrong doing.

Your link is interesting; it shows there are Dillards throughout Oklahoma and there has never been a discrimination incident. I don't think it shows innocence, rather it shows that Dillards in Oklahoma are not the problem. By-the-way, I have friends and family that have worked at Dillards. I don't think they have much of a problem with false accusations of shoplifiting towards people of any color.
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We have people suggesting that this is normal behavior. It may be usual, but not normal. It is also unacceptable.

We have people suggesting that athletes are held to higher standards, that they would suffer no consequences if they simply had academic scholarships. What is this based on? What evidence suggests that those on academic scholarship are permitted such behavior? We are talking about a potential felony theft. We used to suspend students from school for such behavior, any student. Has that changed? Would we want any representative of the university involved in a felony?

We have seen suggestions that Rhymes and Plumley had prior history that resulted in what should have been harsher punishment. The accusations about Plumley came out after she was arrested. Until then, we did not know of her prior problems. Rhymes----firing machine guns? Get serious.

If these young men did commit a felony, a one or two game suspension is inadequate. That is the type of stuff that we railed about when it happened at Nebraska and Texas, when 60 Minutes did a story the tendency of the Nebraska administration to let that stuff slide. You don't let this happen without letting them know that they will suffer the consequences if they do not represent the university properly. A scholarship is a privilege, and it comes with conditions. I don't think larceny is one of the accepted conditions. Don't soft pedal this.
We have people suggesting that this is normal behavior. It may be usual, but not normal. It is also unacceptable.

We have people suggesting that athletes are held to higher standards, that they would suffer no consequences if they simply had academic scholarships. What is this based on? What evidence suggests that those on academic scholarship are permitted such behavior? We are talking about a potential felony theft. We used to suspend students from school for such behavior, any student. Has that changed? Would we want any representative of the university involved in a felony?

We have seen suggestions that Rhymes and Plumley had prior history that resulted in what should have been harsher punishment. The accusations about Plumley came out after she was arrested. Until then, we did not know of her prior problems. Rhymes----firing machine guns? Get serious.

If these young men did commit a felony, a one or two game suspension is inadequate. That is the type of stuff that we railed about when it happened at Nebraska and Texas, when 60 Minutes did a story the tendency of the Nebraska administration to let that stuff slide. You don't let this happen without letting them know that they will suffer the consequences if they do not represent the university properly. A scholarship is a privilege, and it comes with conditions. I don't think larceny is one of the accepted conditions. Don't soft pedal this.

They did NOT commit a felony.
We have people suggesting that this is normal behavior. It may be usual, but not normal. It is also unacceptable.

We have people suggesting that athletes are held to higher standards, that they would suffer no consequences if they simply had academic scholarships. What is this based on? What evidence suggests that those on academic scholarship are permitted such behavior? We are talking about a potential felony theft. We used to suspend students from school for such behavior, any student. Has that changed? Would we want any representative of the university involved in a felony?

We have seen suggestions that Rhymes and Plumley had prior history that resulted in what should have been harsher punishment. The accusations about Plumley came out after she was arrested. Until then, we did not know of her prior problems. Rhymes----firing machine guns? Get serious.

If these young men did commit a felony, a one or two game suspension is inadequate. That is the type of stuff that we railed about when it happened at Nebraska and Texas, when 60 Minutes did a story the tendency of the Nebraska administration to let that stuff slide. You don't let this happen without letting them know that they will suffer the consequences if they do not represent the university properly. A scholarship is a privilege, and it comes with conditions. I don't think larceny is one of the accepted conditions. Don't soft pedal this.

Good post. Agreed, you said If in your post, not saying they did commit a felony. As I said in an earlier post. Stealing is Stealing. They need to suffer the consequences and live with it. Soft pedalling does nothing but confuse the situation. Again as I said in an earlier post. What ever the punishment that Coach deems fair, I think he will make the proper decision. I have no problem with him dealing with it internally, because he will do the right thing. The important thing is just as you said Syb, their scholarship is a priviledge and with it comes responsibility to themselves, coaches, team mates and the University. I agree, petty larceny is not one of the conditions accepted at the University.
We have people suggesting that this is normal behavior. It may be usual, but not normal. It is also unacceptable.

We have people suggesting that athletes are held to higher standards, that they would suffer no consequences if they simply had academic scholarships. What is this based on? What evidence suggests that those on academic scholarship are permitted such behavior? We are talking about a potential felony theft. We used to suspend students from school for such behavior, any student. Has that changed? Would we want any representative of the university involved in a felony?

We have seen suggestions that Rhymes and Plumley had prior history that resulted in what should have been harsher punishment. The accusations about Plumley came out after she was arrested. Until then, we did not know of her prior problems. Rhymes----firing machine guns? Get serious.

If these young men did commit a felony, a one or two game suspension is inadequate. That is the type of stuff that we railed about when it happened at Nebraska and Texas, when 60 Minutes did a story the tendency of the Nebraska administration to let that stuff slide. You don't let this happen without letting them know that they will suffer the consequences if they do not represent the university properly. A scholarship is a privilege, and it comes with conditions. I don't think larceny is one of the accepted conditions. Don't soft pedal this.

Felony theft? What are you talking about?
The Senior outing at a local highschool in the DFW Metroplex was taken to Midevil Times, a restaurant on I-35 just north of downtown Dallas that also has a gift shop. Although I have not been, I understand that the meals are eaten while "knights" on real horses joust, raising dust clouds. I never quite saw the intrigue in jousting knights or in having horses stir up dust on my steak.

After the kids left the restaurant, they boarded a couple of buses to go back to the school and to home. I guess that a bus seats about fifty kids?

Some people came out from the restaurant along with a security guard or cop an said that some kids had been seen shop-lifting. They told the kids that they wouldn't ask any questions, but just pass any shop-lifted merchandise to the front of the bus.

They ended up with over 130 items that had been taken by about thirty of the fifty (?) kids. The teachers were mortified. The school was banned from having any more outings at the restaurant.

Typical? Maybe. Trashy? Definitely. Representative of anything that you want to be proud of?
Dillards has off duty cops and other law enforcement guys working undercover all the time. I know because I sold a home to a guy who works with ATF during the day and he works part time as a undercover cop for Dillards at Penn Square.

If it's under $500 they get you charged with Larceny from a retailer, over $500 you get charged with a Felony Grand Theft. They don't cut any shoplifters any slack because they loose a bunch of dough every year to shoplifting.
Dillards has off duty cops and other law enforcement guys working undercover all the time. I know because I sold a home to a guy who works with ATF during the day and he works part time as a undercover cop for Dillards at Penn Square.

If it's under $500 they get you charged with Larceny from a retailer, over $500 you get charged with a Felony Grand Theft. They don't cut any shoplifters any slack because they loose a bunch of dough every year to shoplifting.
They do something similar to this in Dallas. At one time, I had the wire-rims off my 1986 Cadillac stolen three times in two years. Each time, they only took three hubcaps.

I expressed the opinion to the officer taking the report the third time that they must have seen someone coming since they didn't get the fourth hubcap. He said that was deliberate. The wire rims cost about $240 per wheel to replace. If they took over $750, it was a felony. If they took only three rims, they might spend a week in jail for a misdemeanor. The severity of the crime was defined by the dollar amount.
we have people suggesting that this is normal behavior. It may be usual, but not normal. It is also unacceptable.

We have people suggesting that athletes are held to higher standards, that they would suffer no consequences if they simply had academic scholarships. What is this based on? What evidence suggests that those on academic scholarship are permitted such behavior? we are talking about a potential felony theft. we used to suspend students from school for such behavior, any student. Has that changed? Would we want any representative of the university involved in a felony?

We have seen suggestions that rhymes and plumley had prior history that resulted in what should have been harsher punishment. The accusations about plumley came out after she was arrested. Until then, we did not know of her prior problems. Rhymes----firing machine guns? Get serious.

If these young men did commit a felony, a one or two game suspension is inadequate. That is the type of stuff that we railed about when it happened at nebraska and texas, when 60 minutes did a story the tendency of the nebraska administration to let that stuff slide. You don't let this happen without letting them know that they will suffer the consequences if they do not represent the university properly. A scholarship is a privilege, and it comes with conditions. I don't think larceny is one of the accepted conditions. Don't soft pedal this.

No we aren't.
"If" these guys were caught shoplifting then.... their actions were pathetic! This happened right after the Wayman Tisdale was honored! That time of honoring a man of great character was obviously lost on these guys.