Future of Moser

The semantics argument over the buyout is hilarious. I remember the days when coaches salaries were $100,000/ yr and then they’d get millions of “outside” revenue because the university can only pay so much. LOL. Saying the university can’t use the money is just a dumb argument.

Getting the $6 million buyout will help ease the transition and give us dry powder to hire a good coach. Then, we save $6 million elsewhere that can be put to use buying players. It may not all be directly connected, legally speaking, but it’s still connected. It’s still the basketball “budget”.

Some of you will argue about the dumbest things, just to argue. But the university can’t use that money!?!? LOL.
I don't get it either, that job and especially city are a dump.
You live in ok and see Chicago on the news and think it’s a dump with people getting killed in the streets. Any major city, Chicago, NY, LA, etc has a lot to offer people with money. Moser makes millions of dollars and can afford to live in the nice parts of any city. It’s a different world. Some people prefer the city life vs a more rural life. I’ve enjoyed both and have traveled enough to know, if you have money, anywhere can be a great place to live.
$6M is chump change to a school like OU. No way it changes anything within the athletic program in terms of decision making around hiring coaches or directing donor money.

6M is enough to bump up your pay from around #25 to #10 for an entire decade.
brownstones in Chicago are nice.

Wife's family filthy rich...

This isnt a money issue.
I mean, this is a "how do you choose to view the stats" to affect your argument answer I am about to give.

Moore/Soares are having their best seasons, career wise.

Los and Oweh are having better seasons than their FRESH, but Oweh is clearly struggling and Los isn't where we wanted him to be.

Hugley IV has been a wash from the previous year and not close to his best Soph year.

You could say LeTre took a big step back, but I think we all didnt expect those numbers from him going into heavy competition.

Javian has struggled in Big12 play, but I would say from Siena to here he has been even, no more no less from his previous year.

Godwin has taken a big step forward, but that could also be because of his minutes increase.

Luke is playing better than his redshirt year, :p

Sucks Cooper isn't getting playing time.

I think you can slice it to fit your narrative. To say he hasn't developed any players would be false. To say he hasn't gotten the full potential out of his HS recruits would be more accurate. Maybe we just stick to P5 transfers and get them one or two good years before they bounce? Who knows. Seems to be 50/50 on the development front, all things considered.
For the record idk how you say thay Dart has taken a big step back but JM is even..

JM has regressed to a really inefficient/ineffective player
I can pretty confidently say that anyone on that Houston staff would have little to no interest in this job.
The city of Norman's lack of cooperation on a new arena has turned off many of the alumni of the program. The facilities literally have not changed since Kelvin left. That's a problem.

Also, they're all well aware of the lack of NIL support.
For the record idk how you say thay Dart has taken a big step back but JM is even..

JM has regressed to a really inefficient/ineffective player
I am fine with this, I am going off of my subjective opinion here.

I am looking at a a scoring option G5 guy who is taking a BIG leap up in competition. He has absolutely regressed since conference play, but his numbers from last year to this year:


His per40 totals show a regression in 3pt%, but increase in 2pt% with just a 3 point dip in PPG going from Siena to OU. He is still the leading scorer on OU, fouling less and, weirdly, turning it over less.

I would say that is even to improved in a jump expected from Siena.

Le'Tre Darthard is harder to pin down bc he was brought in for defense, not for scoring and had lesser competition where he was at. He wasn't the STAR, like JM was.


His per40 splits don't show near the level of evenness that Javian's do. But he also started 37 games at Utah Valley, I didn't expect any starts here, so it is tough to judge based on usage how to manage his improvement or drop-off.

Hope that helps in hashing out my reasoning for saying what I said.
Investment in other sports over MBB hasn't helped either.
Like what? Football rules the school and even it only got a partial renovation. There is still A LOT that could be done to our football facilities.

Softball got a new field, but they are a historically good program and Loves paid for a lot of it.

Basketball has gotten a bunch of upgrades to the practice facilities. People never want to talk about that.