Future of Moser

Are all of Moser's kids out of school (HS)? That could play a role in "when/if" he leaves as well.
Got any examples? What exactly is OU football doing to get butts in seats?

Fun fact, OU rarely sells out home football games. They have donors by whatever tickets are left Friday night, call it a sell out, and generally have a stadium that is 5-10% empty.

Will the move to the SEC help? Sure. For a while. Still not going to help when we play Temple or Maine.

But I'm curious what you think OU football is doing that OU basketball is not. I'm curious what you think other college basketball programs are doing that OU is not. We know about our arena, so I'm not interested in hearing about that as the end all be all to getting people to games.
Seriously? You want me to list all the ways OU marketing and communication promotes OU football, and how that differs from OU basketball? For even casual fans, it's obvious.

But first of all, I would have to dispute your number of empty seats at football. Having 10K empty seats is a rarity, and is usually tied to the weather. As a season ticket holder for 20 years in both football and basketball, I'm not sure there have been many games where the seats are empty at kickoff at that number. It is also an answer to your question as to how OU promotes football- you don't think someone is making a call from the admin or ticket office to a corporation or BMD to let them know the number of empty seats? Why not that level of interest and commitment to basketball from the University? Something more than a tweet for $2 concessions. Anything to do more to get people involved.

But to your point on differences, when was the last time you saw Sooner DNA Weekly on ESPN+, an inside look at the basketball program during the week? Or two-minute hype videos on social media and Soonersports.com. Or how long has it been since Toby did Scene Setter to all SM on game day for basketball- at least 3-4 years? How about promoting a Meet the Sooners day for kids before the season- not tied to a football game? When was the last time Porter Moser was on a national sports show, or even local sports shows? What about recruiting- does Porter Moser have a PC for signing day? Do recruits/signees get trading cards, record albums, or hype videos? I could keep going, but these are just a few things OU sports marketing & media communications do for football that don't get done for basketball.

And these are all the same types of promotions and media blitzes that get done at schools across the country that are more serious about basketball.

I get part of it is supply and demand. And certainly, the demand for OU football is HUGE. But IMO, it's a little bit of the chicken or the egg- hard to get interest in the community for OU basketball, outside that solid core fanbase, if little is being done to promote the product. Marketing 101 in business.
Seriously? You want me to list all the ways OU marketing and communication promotes OU football, and how that differs from OU basketball? For even casual fans, it's obvious.

But first of all, I would have to dispute your number of empty seats at football. Having 10K empty seats is a rarity, and is usually tied to the weather. As a season ticket holder for 20 years in both football and basketball, I'm not sure there have been many games where the seats are empty at kickoff at that number. It is also an answer to your question as to how OU promotes football- you don't think someone is making a call from the admin or ticket office to a corporation or BMD to let them know the number of empty seats? Why not that level of interest and commitment to basketball from the University? Something more than a tweet for $2 concessions. Anything to do more to get people involved.

But to your point on differences, when was the last time you saw Sooner DNA Weekly on ESPN+, an inside look at the basketball program during the week? Or two-minute hype videos on social media and Soonersports.com. Or how long has it been since Toby did Scene Setter to all SM on game day for basketball- at least 3-4 years? How about promoting a Meet the Sooners day for kids before the season- not tied to a football game? When was the last time Porter Moser was on a national sports show, or even local sports shows? What about recruiting- does Porter Moser have a PC for signing day? Do recruits/signees get trading cards, record albums, or hype videos? I could keep going, but these are just a few things OU sports marketing & media communications do for football that don't get done for basketball.

And these are all the same types of promotions and media blitzes that get done at schools across the country that are more serious about basketball.

I get part of it is supply and demand. And certainly, the demand for OU football is HUGE. But IMO, it's a little bit of the chicken or the egg- hard to get interest in the community for OU basketball, outside that solid core fanbase, if little is being done to promote the product. Marketing 101 in business.
I've been an OU season ticket holder in football since the 1999 season.

I used to go to all of the home football games. I still make several a year, including all of the big ones.

Tickets sold OU can do something about. Butts in seats, not as much. OU basketball has been announcing some games this season as sellouts. I guarantee you it's the same thing football does, ie, OU wanted a sell out so they called a donor to make it happen. That isn't a sell out, and explains why the stadium/arena isn't full.

You think Moser and the OU basketball program producing stupid signing day trading cards or hype videos is going to put butts in the seats? I'll be nice, but that is asinine. None of that stupid stuff is going to affect attendance. Maybe a new arena would. Playing a better brand of basketball certainly would. Other than that, there really isn't much that can be done. They could have made tickets free to the Cincy game earlier in the week and I'm not sure LNC would have been 85% full.

Back to football though.....every game I've been to the past several seasons, the east-side upperdeck has been damn near empty. That was true of all of the home games last year. Weather has nothing to do with that. Demand for any tickets I try to sell has been crap for a decade. Can barely give them away at times. And like I said, outside of a top 10ish type matchup, OU can't even sell the place out.

It seems to me that the things you think contribute to fans attending games, I personally don't think matter at all. I don't go to games because of the marketing department. I don't go to games because of some special for water, beer, or soda. I don't go to the games because I may get to the meet a coach or some players before/after the game. I don't go to games because of a specific stadium or arena. I don't like watching games at Jerry World, I'd much rather watch OU play at the Cotton Bowl. Same with LNC. I've never ONCE sat there watching OU and thought "man, this experience would be more enjoyable with a newer arena." Not once.
I've been an OU season ticket holder in football since the 1999 season.

I used to go to all of the home football games. I still make several a year, including all of the big ones.

Tickets sold OU can do something about. Butts in seats, not as much. OU basketball has been announcing some games this season as sellouts. I guarantee you it's the same thing football does, ie, OU wanted a sell out so they called a donor to make it happen. That isn't a sell out, and explains why the stadium/arena isn't full.

You think Moser and the OU basketball program producing stupid signing day trading cards or hype videos is going to put butts in the seats? I'll be nice, but that is asinine. None of that stupid stuff is going to affect attendance. Maybe a new arena would. Playing a better brand of basketball certainly would. Other than that, there really isn't much that can be done. They could have made tickets free to the Cincy game earlier in the week and I'm not sure LNC would have been 85% full.

Back to football though.....every game I've been to the past several seasons, the east-side upperdeck has been damn near empty. That was true of all of the home games last year. Weather has nothing to do with that. Demand for any tickets I try to sell has been crap for a decade. Can barely give them away at times. And like I said, outside of a top 10ish type matchup, OU can't even sell the place out.

It seems to me that the things you think contribute to fans attending games, I personally don't think matter at all. I don't go to games because of the marketing department. I don't go to games because of some special for water, beer, or soda. I don't go to the games because I may get to the meet a coach or some players before/after the game. I don't go to games because of a specific stadium or arena. I don't like watching games at Jerry World, I'd much rather watch OU play at the Cotton Bowl. Same with LNC. I've never ONCE sat there watching OU and thought "man, this experience would be more enjoyable with a newer arena." Not once.
Yes, to answer your question broadly, I do think OU doing more to promote the team, the program, the individual players, and the coach would generate more interest and recognition in the community and with casual fans that would lead to more butts in the seats. Is it just trading cards? Of course not. But collectively, a broad marketing blitz makes a difference. Why else do advertisers pay $9mm for thirty seconds for the SB? Because marketing attracts buyers, and in this case, fans. OU just doesn’t do enough for basketball IMO.

And I agree with you- for the real fan, they’ll show up regardless of the opponent, the weather, the promotion, the record, or the location/stadium/arena. But the problem with basketball, we need to expand that fanbase of diehard fans by getting casual fans to the game. That’s where marketing, or something exciting like a top 10 team, star player, or an arena comes into play.

An arena won’t make a difference to people like you or me, but will attract some or many casual or new fans. And, unfortunately, will make a difference to recruits.

TLDR? Just think the athletic department and marketing could be doing more to help OU basketball.
I have no qualms with getting rid of PM..I think people here overreact but it wouldn't hurt my feelings to get someone else.

I don't know why people think Kellen would leave UH to come here though. He is the head coach in waiting there with a $2 mil per year deal waiting for him.
I have no qualms with getting rid of PM..I think people here overreact but it wouldn't hurt my feelings to get someone else.

I don't know why people think Kellen would leave UH to come here though. He is the head coach in waiting there with a $2 mil per year deal waiting for him.
I don't know that he would either.

A lot can be said for continuing on at UH, coaching with his dad for however many more years, and being in the Big 12 which is a pretty salty bball conference, even moreso going forward.

That said, Kelvin has often said that Norman is "home" for Kellen. A chance to rebuild his home program? To return home?

I don't know. I said the other day I don't expect it to happen, but the idea of it excites me. A LOT about Kellen and what I anticipate he'd bring to OU fits very, very, very well.
Kellen is an OU grad with emotional ties to Norman. Whether that is enough to muddle his brain enough to leave a program like Houston’s is now anyone’s guess. Maybe he would. Maybe PM stays. I doubt anyone really knows until they get the offer (Moser for Depaul, Kellen for OU).
If one assumes that is specifically about PM, I doubt Josh Forsythe knows anymore facts than us at this point.

His reaction is most likely to the same crap we’ve seen and heard.
But if Moser really is done at OU it wouldn’t shock me if he’s told his recruits. I think he knows he needs to hit the recruiting trail asap. Especially cause DePaul is a dumpster fire rn.

I hope the kid doesn’t go there. I’m not saying he’ll stay at OU but he should go play a fun style of basketball somewhere.