Future of Moser

That is honestly surprising. I don't ever hear this

But if you act like a Yankee, you are likely to be treated like one...
What does a Yankee act like? It's possible it was my insecurity, but I will tell you that my entire friend group at OU minus my future wife and a couple others were from outside the state of Oklahoma. And most didn't stick around.
What does a Yankee act like? It's possible it was my insecurity, but I will tell you that my entire friend group at OU minus my future wife and a couple others were from outside the state of Oklahoma. And most didn't stick around.
Not sticking around and being treated badly are two different things. It is perfectly reasonable for someone not to like the state. But I've very rarely heard someone from out of state criticize the people and how they were treated by okies.
ESPN reporting that while things aren't as far along as social media suggests, there is interest and DePaul would be willing to pay the buyout. Fingers crossed!
Nice on the buyout. That will certainly help with things. Maybe we can use it to build a really small new arena. What would $6k get us? A nice outdoor court? Maybe some lawn chairs? lol
Every year that goes that by with Moser doing Moser things, I think it's safer to say that was some kind of magical run. I'll stop short of calling it lucky, but.....

What about the sweet 16 two years later? They beat a 1 seed to get to the sweet 16, also.
But if you act like a Yankee, you are likely to be treated like one...
How exactly does a Yankee act?

I grew up in Oklahoma and am proud of it, but I certainly have experienced close-mindedness and unwelcoming attitudes in the Sooner State. I was once accompanied on a visit home by someone whose appearance wasn't conventional (prominent tattoos, a nose piercing) and while no one was assertively rude to her, the reception she received was, on more than one occasion, less than warm.
Not sticking around and being treated badly are two different things. It is perfectly reasonable for someone not to like the state. But I've very rarely heard someone from out of state criticize the people and how they were treated by okies.
True, it’s mostly people who were born there and left who have that opinion lmao. Like myself and several of my friends from college (OU and elsewhere). Growing up there in what passes for schools in Oklahoma left me wanting to nuke it from orbit for a while lol. Still home though.
What about the sweet 16 two years later? They beat a 1 seed to get to the sweet 16, also.
Loyola got to the Final Four through the same regional where #1 seed Virginia was beaten in the first round by #16 UMBC. That bracket was busted. But they deservedly got through that regional, and followed it up with said Sweet 16 run.

With that said, I don't know if Joe C will go back to the Valley for a coach this time.
What about the sweet 16 two years later? They beat a 1 seed to get to the sweet 16, also.
I mean, what do you want me to say? I personally don't think that automatically qualifies him as a good coach. He also had 14 and 11 loss seasons between those two runs. And absolutely NOTHING else on his resume that is/was impressive. Those two seasons/runs are it. In 20 years of coaching.

Here is a list of coaches that have made a Final Four. There are some names on there that really weren't very good coaches. You coach long enough, you get enough chances, sometimes you can catch lightning in a bottle. I don't like using the word lucky, but man, when you have 18 other seasons to look at, it's tough to give too much credit. At least, that is how I view it.

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That is honestly surprising. I don't ever hear this

But if you act like a Yankee, you are likely to be treated like one...

I'm a Yankee as well, but have no idea what you are talking about. I live in the south now (NC), but never had any trouble fitting in. In my 61+years on this planet, I have met anywhere from great people to utter losers and everything in between in both the north and south. People are people wherever one chooses to live.

As for Coach Moser, I doubt anyone will lose sleep if he really want to go to DePaul. This isn't Kelvin leaving for a blue blood. My worry is I don't have the same level of confidence in Joe C now as I did in years' past. There was a time he did give a crap about basketball, but those days seem to be gone. In Coach Capel's last season, OU spent the 6th most money in men's college basketball. That means Joe C had to approve those expense reports. As such, it showed he was willing to invest in the success of the program. I just don't see any recent evidence to think he still views it as a high priority. Perhaps some of that is on the fans, but someone of importance needs to step up.
I mean, what do you want me to say? I personally don't think that automatically qualifies him as a good coach. He also had 14 and 11 loss seasons between those two runs. And absolutely NOTHING else on his resume that is/was impressive. Those two seasons/runs are it. In 20 years of coaching.

Here is a list of coaches that have made a Final Four. There are some names on there that really weren't very good coaches. You coach long enough, you get enough changes, sometimes you can catch lightening in a bottle. I don't like using the word lucky, but man, when you have 18 other seasons to look at, it's tough to give too much credit. At least, that is how I view it.

I agree with your point that making a FF doesn't automatically make you a great coach, just like not winning an NBA title doesn't mean you're not a HOFer.

But from that list, I would say there are more GREAT coaches who coached for a long time making only one FF, than those who only got there because they caught lightning in a bottle. Even recent ones. I mean old school like Billy, Rick Majerus, Don Haskins, Tubby Smith, Digger Phelps, Judd Heathcoate, Johnny Orr, and Bobby Cremins. More recently- Rick Barnes, Scott Drew, Tony Bennett, Bruce Pearl, and Tom Crean.

A lot of great coaches and names on that list who are or will be in the CBHOF. And they all had down seasons with double-digit losses. That's not an exclusionary mark either.
I grew up in Iowa and Nebraska. The area doesn’t give me the Yankee tag but it is different than Oklahoma. I’ve been treated great but would say my college friends were all out of state guys. Mostly because we were only guys left in dorm over Labor Day. Also wasn’t in a fraternity to meet mostly Oklahoma natives.
There are many mixed opinions on Moser but if you see him at social events he is extremely friendly. Most seem to like him off the court.
I grew up in Iowa and Nebraska. The area doesn’t give me the Yankee tag but it is different than Oklahoma. I’ve been treated great but would say my college friends were all out of state guys. Mostly because we were only guys left in dorm over Labor Day. Also wasn’t in a fraternity to meet mostly Oklahoma natives.
There are many mixed opinions on Moser but if you see him at social events he is extremely friendly. Most seem to like him off the court.
Also grew up in Iowa. And believe me, I was labeled a Yankee by some. I’ll never forget walking into my now wife’s uncle’s house and him asking her why she brought a Yankee home.
There was a time he did give a crap about basketball, but those days seem to be gone. In Coach Capel's last season, OU spent the 6th most money in men's college basketball. That means Joe C had to approve those expense reports. As such, it showed he was willing to invest in the success of the program. I just don't see any recent evidence to think he still views it as a high priority. Perhaps some of that is on the fans, but someone of importance needs to step up.
I think Joe C. likes basketball. He's connected enough to have served a term on the NCAA men's basketball committee, including a year as chairman. He knows basketball. I don't know if he's willing to commit to it as the OU athletic director, one who has been there for 25 years. He has donors willing to buy tickets for football points, but not donors willing to back the program to the extent of expanded NIL and a new arena.

I think they've counted beans and have decided to invest in being great in football and average/above average in basketball. That's what the donors and the fan base demand.

If we had a Tilman Fertitta that was willing to give mega-$$$ to the program, it might be different.
Unless you hire a unicorn coach (rare breed of coach who can achieve amazing things ( by OU basketball standards bfore tiring of tlting st bsketbsll gisnts and even AVERAGE SCHOOLS TO WHOM BASKETBALL IS WELL SUPPORTED .If you take OUt the 24 year span of Tubbs -Simpson andthe Sooners are only a blip on NCAA men's basketball .We are not a basketball school and I learned a long time ago just to enjoy what success we do achieve.

sorry for not editing but am still locked in a struggle with a virus from hell.