Future of Moser

I'm sure Oweh did improve over four months of practice. I absolutely don't believe that he went from being so "unready" that he barely got off the bench to being so ready that he was a starter pretty much overnight. There should have been a period between where he was playing 12-15 minutes on a team that was less athletic than some men's rec league teams.

I guess the one question that no one on this board has answered is this: what possible harm could have come from giving Cooper 10+ minutes in blowout wins early in the season? I don't want to hear that Moser is coaching for his job. Winning a game by 22 instead of 30 if Cooper played like crap wouldn't cost him his job. And likewise, what would be the harm of throwing him out there midway through our dismal game in Ft. Worth to see if he could be a spark? Another comp that comes to mind is Weaver, the Texas freshman. His numbers were/are very modest, but he played really well against us and has since moved into the starting lineup. Kelvin said last week that he thinks he does a great job using his athleticism and was their best guard at disrupting Houston's offense. Cooper could be that gut for us, but unlike Weaver, he hasn't had a chance to show whether he can provide that in games.
it could very well be something that we aren't privvy to unrelated to basketball

This may stem from a Trilly post indicating the coaching carousel may really pick up if a coach from the Big East and a coach from the Big 12 move on.

Are we to a point where we now need to start speculating about who we might want to hire?
I can’t imagine Joe C not fighting to keep Moser around. Having said that, this might also point to Joe C hanging up the fedora soon, as well.
Please just finish the season strong. I hope the speculation doesn’t create issues on the team. Ugh. If Moser goes he goes. But this season still has promise to it.
Are we talking DePaul, Louisville, or someone else regarding moser? How much is Mosers buyout?

I think we will be fine if moser leaves, AS LONG AS we hire a good coach.
one site reporting Moser " might" want out of Norman and things seem to be "off" right now within the program, whatever that means. Arena, competitive NIL and a return to the midwest seem to be factors according to report. Who knows. If these rumors blow up in the next few days its going to be a distracting end to the season.
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one site reporting Moser " might" want out of Norman and things seem to be "off" right within the program, whatever that means. Arena, competitive NIL and a return to the midwest seem to be factors according to report. Who knows. If these rumors blow up in the next few days its going to be a distracting end to the season.
That would be our luck. Finally have a chance to go to the tourney and then kaboom
I just want to finally go dancing again and this crap is lingering?! If this is true moser has an incredible poker face and should be playing no limit holdem in vegas instead of coaching.
Moser was only in this so he could say he was friends with Toby, and now it’s all gonna blow up mid season.

But seriously, this seems like a really strange time for it to be this known that he wants out, if that is as true as it seems. Would have to think he wouldn’t be on top of his coaching game, and that it would also be in the players heads.
Moser was only in this so he could say he was friends with Toby, and now it’s all gonna blow up mid season.

But seriously, this seems like a really strange time for it to be this known that he wants out, if that is as true as it seems. Would have to think he wouldn’t be on top of his coaching game, and that it would also be in the players heads.
Agents handle stuff. If it nose dives. I think things could change.

Coaches want to win. Assistants want to win. It’s how they get paid.

I don’t expect a blow up.
Agents handle stuff. If it nose dives. I think things could change.

Coaches want to win. Assistants want to win. It’s how they get paid.

I don’t expect a blow up.

Hopefully just posturing by the agent to get more money/investment in the program.

Things seem to really be heading in the right direction rn imo. The high school recruiting is on a different level than I’ve ever seen at ou. Would be rough to start over again.