If not Blake, who should the Thunder take?


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Mar 16, 2009
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Of course I want Blake to be drafted by the Thunder, but if not who else do you like?

I think Thabeet would be a nice addition in the middle. I see him as being about the equivalent of Tyson Chandler - great defender and a big body with offense primarily being junk baskets. I also like this Ricky Rubio kids from Spain. He seems like he could be a solid PG addition. I have a bad feeling about James Harden, but maybe I'm overemphasizing how poorly he played in the NCAA tourney.

Jordan Hill. Ultimate energy guy and he has a mid range game. My draft board for the Thunder would be Hill and Terrence Williams. I think Terrence can play som PG in the NBA.
What if Damion James ends up in OKC? Especially if Durrant has some influence.:eddie187_jpg_xs:
Although I'm not sure I believe in him as a player, I would think Thabeet makes the most sense. The two things the Thunder need the most are interior defense and outside shooting. As far as outside shooting, I'm not sure there are any shooters good enough to take with that first pick. So as far as team needs go, it seems Thabeet would help a lot.

When you look at the future of the team too, they are probably building with Durant, Westbrook and Green at the 2, 3, and 4. Kristic can option out of his contract after next season and its hard to imagine him re-signing for anything close to the $5.8 he would make that year. So Thabeet would be in place after next season where they would have more bargaining power when Nenad's contract comes up.

Also, Thabeet and Kristic would be a really nice offense/defense center rotation. I know a lot of people are down on him, but I really don't see why he wouldn't be a very good piece with the other guys the Thunder have.

The guys I am most interested in besides him are DeMar DeRozan or Jrue Holliday. I think they both are a lot better than they showed last year and I think they will be much better pros. I would rather have DeRozan than Harden as a two.
If they get the #2 pick, they have to take Rubio. He doesn't fill a need, but he's head and shoulders above the rest of the class (besides Griffin, of course). He's a pure PG who also happens to play good defense. I like Westbrook, but he's not a full-time PG; the Thunder can slide Westbrook to SG and pair him with a big PG like Rubio, with Westbrook guarding smaller, quicker PGs when necessary.

Ideally, you would pair Westbrook with a guard who has a good outside shot, but the only guard who fits that bill is James Harden. I'm not as high on Harden as I once was, but I also think people are making too much of his bad games in the NCAA tourney. I was really sold on Harden a couple of months ago, but I've downgraded him from poor man's Mitch Richmond to homeless man's Mitch Richmond. As much as I waver on Harden, I also don't see another guard who fits a need for the Thunder and is worthy of a #3-#7 pick.

Thabeet does make the most sense, but I'm also not sold on him. He's so long and athletic that I have no doubt he'll block a ton of shots in the NBA (a skill that typically translates well from college to the NBA), but as an overall defender I don't see him being nearly as effective. I have a hard time not seeing him get murdered as an on-the-ball defender, and offensive spacing is so much better in the NBA that he's not going to be able to just roam around and get a bunch of blocks as a help defender without giving up easy buckets. I can see him getting into even more foul trouble than Oden, who has a much better feel for the game. As much as people talk about Thabeet's upside, players don't just pick up a basketball for the first time in their mid-teens and develop into NBA stars (Olajuwon being the exception). I think he has enough potential as a defender to warrant a mid- to late-lottery pick in this draft, but I'm not comfortable with him as a Top 3 or 4 pick.

I'm not sold on Hill either, but someone will reach on him due to the lack of quality bigs in this class.

I don't really like anyone in the #3-#7 range for the Thunder, and that pick isn't going to have a ton of trade value. Then again, I didn't like the Westbrook pick at first, so I'll shut up and let Presti pull off another brilliant move.
If they get the #2 pick, they have to take Rubio. He doesn't fill a need, but he's head and shoulders above the rest of the class (besides Griffin, of course). He's a pure PG who also happens to play good defense. I like Westbrook, but he's not a full-time PG; the Thunder can slide Westbrook to SG and pair him with a big PG like Rubio, with Westbrook guarding smaller, quicker PGs when necessary.


if he is a true point guard, he fills a need
I would take Flynn over Rubio any day of the week.
It's not even close. They have to and will take Rubio IMO.
If Rubio's available, you take Rubio. After that, it's a toss-up between Thabeet and Hill, I give the edge to Hill based on his motor. The guy is a player, but I also can see Thabeet developing more as well.
Rubio, if available. he may still be the #1 pick depending on who wins the lottery.

Harden. he is a nice outside shooter, plays a smart, paced game and doesnt need the offense to run through him. ie: Brandon Roy.

Thabeet. they need some size in the middle and he will only continue to get better.
Rubio, if available. he may still be the #1 pick depending on who wins the lottery.Harden. he is a nice outside shooter, plays a smart, paced game and doesnt need the offense to run through him. ie: Brandon Roy.

Thabeet. they need some size in the middle and he will only continue to get better.

The most overrated euro player since Toni Kukoc. Danilo of NY is a close second.
I would take Flynn over Rubio any day of the week.

Totally agree. Flynn is proven.

It's funny how when US kids went straight from HS to the NBA many people here in the USA ran them down and said it was stupid. Then they hype all these foreigners. Flynn will be the best PG in this draft.
Totally agree. Flynn is proven.

It's funny how when US kids went straight from HS to the NBA many people here in the USA ran them down and said it was stupid. Then they hype all these foreigners. Flynn will be the best PG in this draft.

It seems like the the pendulum might be swinging back the other direction toward the proven U.S. kids after the foreign invasion a few years back.
I guess you all did not see Rubio in the Olympics. A team may take Rubio over Blake in a rare situation (maybe Sacramento since they have Hawes and Thompson). Rubio is incredible.
Rubio has a much higher upside than Flynn, imo. I hate the thought of the Thunder taking Thabeet. His shotblocking won't be near the factor in the NBA because they will pull him away from the basket to guard the pick and roll and he will be exploited that way. Just see what teams do to Greg Oden (and Shaq for that matter).

The Thunder's greatest need is outside shooting. They have the length and athleticism they need in Westbrook, Livingston, and Sefalosha but they are all poor shooters.

My list would probably be:

Rubio, Harden, Jennings, Curry, Thabeet