If OU wins a national championship, you will _______________

I have no idea. It has never happened at OU in basketball before. I thought it would in 88 or with Courtney Paris. I was so sure in 88.
I will probably cry tears of joy unlike 88 when I cried real tears of sadness. It took me a few days to get over that deal.

I do wish Wayman were still alive to see what he and Coach Tubbs started though I will say Coach Dave Bliss or maybe even John McLeod actually started the OU basketball revival in the 70's. Tubbs though created the monster so to speak where losing seasons would no longer be tolerated. Wayman was his chief architect.

I would love for Lon to invite John McLeod, David Bliss, Billy Tubbs and Kelvin Sampson to help cut down a net if we can get there. They all deserve to be a part of the celebration. Maybe William Tisdale could be there for Wayman...I would definitely cry if this happened.

But, I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Let's beat Villanova first. :chestram2:
Nova First... then It will be unreal playing for the ship!
Just don't let Bliss bring any of his former Baylor players with him. ;)
I've already arranged to take a personal day on Tuesday if we're playing on Monday. I'll be a mess following the title game either way.
Get a tattoo of Lon Kruger's face on my right butt cheek.