im new but i know

TMG at pf and Willie at Center. This is what Capel is going to Danny. Wow, no offense but everyone is giving you a hard time because you do not know what you are talking about.
1. TMG
2. WW
3. TC
4. Wright? This one is up in the air in my opinion
5. Tiny
Welcome. But only two freshman will start. TMG and Gallon.
okay but i have seen him on tv and crocker doesnt have no shot.:clap
okay but i have seen him on tv and crocker doesnt have no shot.:clap
Hi Danny and welcome aboard! Crocker is a 35% 3 pt shooter but like most shooters he is streaky. He might knock down 6 in a row then miss several in a row. But, when he's on, he can light it up.
i will gave crocker one thing is defense... his defense is astounding....:clap
Why is it so hard to imagine that Capel is recruiting a guy that can come in and replace Tony Crocker in the starting line-up? If this program is going to get where we all want it the Tony Crocker's of this world are going to have to be 6th men. Yes when Tony is on he is great but we have all seen too many times when Crocker's shot is off the rest of his game is as well for the entire night or week.

Now is Stephen Pledger that guy? I don't know, but he sure looks to have the tools to be that guy. He's a shooter first who has worked on the rest of his game to become a complete player. Will he defend as good as Crocker? No probably not, not many freshmen play as good of defense as seniors do. We don't know how well his shot and game will translate to major D-1 play but if anyone on the roster has the chance to move Crocker to the bench it is Pledger.

I know many of you are defending one of your own in TC over the new guy and yes he is a 3-year starter but AJ would be next year if he had eligibility left and I don't think there is a sane person on this board that thinks if it were between AJ and TMG that AJ would be the one starting come conference play. Capel is upgrading the talent on this team across the board and sometimes that means guys get recruited over and that's not a bad thing!
i didn't say that he was going to replace him, i can stay in the lineup, but put pledger at sg or pg.
There is no way pledger starts over crock. I could see him coming in and playing over cade and ray, but not a 3 year starter, who coach capel calls one of his favorite players he has ever coached. Crocker was the one loyal guy in the transition recruiting class. Capel has talked many times about how hard losing the recruits was on him and tony was the guy that stuck with him.
i didn't say that he was going to replace him, i can stay in the lineup, but put pledger at sg or pg.

Danny, the only way Pledge and Crocker will be on the floor together is if Tony moves to the SF position and Steven plays the two. He is not a PG. Besides, he's too valuable as a perimeter shooter to play anywhere but the two (SG). TMG and Willie will share point guard duties.

That said, I can see Pledger getting plenty of minutes later in the season, and I'm not ruling out the possibility that he could start if Crocker and Cade aren't getting the job done on offense. The big question is can Steven defend at the D-1 level? Some kids find the adjustment a lot tougher than they realized when faced with the challenge of defending quicker players who are more than a match in size and strength.
There is no way pledger starts over crock. I could see him coming in and playing over cade and ray, but not a 3 year starter, who coach capel calls one of his favorite players he has ever coached. Crocker was the one loyal guy in the transition recruiting class. Capel has talked many times about how hard losing the recruits was on him and tony was the guy that stuck with him.

So if Pledger proves to be a better player than Crocker this season you think Coach Capel is going to leave the better guy on the bench because Crocker is one of his favorites? I sure as hell hope that isn't the case. I think a lot more of Capel as a coach than that.

If Greg Paulus can go to the bench at Duke for the betterment of the team Tony Crocker can as well. This is about winning basketball games not playing favorites. Coaches who play favorites don't last very long past the high school level.

I don't know that this is going to happen, none of us do, but to sit here and say that Coach Capel isn't going to start someone over a particular player because he has started for 3 years and is his favorite is selling our coach and program short.
I'm starting to think that DannyB IS Steven Pledger. If so, YES YOU CAN START. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! WELCOME TO OU!
Capelfan52 writes:

"I'm starting to think that DannyB IS Steven Pledger. If so, YES YOU CAN START. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! WELCOME TO OU!" :clap
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So if Pledger proves to be a better player than Crocker this season you think Coach Capel is going to leave the better guy on the bench because Crocker is one of his favorites? I sure as hell hope that isn't the case. I think a lot more of Capel as a coach than that.

If Greg Paulus can go to the bench at Duke for the betterment of the team Tony Crocker can as well. This is about winning basketball games not playing favorites. Coaches who play favorites don't last very long past the high school level.

I don't know that this is going to happen, none of us do, but to sit here and say that Coach Capel isn't going to start someone over a particular player because he has started for 3 years and is his favorite is selling our coach and program short.

I agree with everything you are saying. I guess I should have premised my argument by saying that i don't think pledger is going to come in as a true freshmen and be as valuable as a 3 year starter who consistently plays defensive on the opposing teams best player.

I know capel will play the best players, but if they are even close crock will start. Players like blake and willie downplay how difficult the transition from high school to D1 is for most players.

I hope pledger is good enough to start because that will make us 1 player deeper than I think we will be next year, but right now I think he plays limited minutes until he adjust to the D1 basketball.
DannyB is not Steven Pledger, I spoke to Pledger at the Boo Williams Nike event last weekend and he looks great, lost some weight and toned up...He said he's been running on the beach and at something called Mt. Trashmore...He's ready to play, He says he talks to Blake often and went to see Taylor at the PIT...I asked was he working out and he said he was shooting 800 shots a day, lifting weights and playing ball...He's said he's ready to get in here and work hard and compete
DannyB is not Steven Pledger, I spoke to Pledger at the Boo Williams Nike event last weekend and he looks great, lost some weight and toned up...He said he's been running on the beach and at something called Mt. Trashmore...He's ready to play, He says he talks to Blake often and went to see Taylor at the PIT...I asked was he working out and he said he was shooting 800 shots a day, lifting weights and playing ball...He's said he's ready to get in here and work hard and compete

This is great to hear. He sounds like he has a great work ethic. He is going to be needed next year, and I hope he comes in physically ready to play.