Interesting quote from Capel....

Well unfortunately duncan. We have some people on this board who pretend that they want things to get better, but they have other motives so to speak. When you mention good things that are going on with the current coaching staff and team. They take offense to that and start talking about the past. My thinking is that you should want the current team to be the best it can be. I think you can figure out for yourself who these posters are. Who cares about them though. We have an exciting young team with some very good parts. This team needs a better chemistry. That will only come through hard work in practice. We have the right coach to get this message across to the players. That's why Capel made this quote. We will be fine. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Well unfortunately duncan. We have some people on this board who pretend that they want things to get better, but they have other motives so to speak. When you mention good things that are going on with the current coaching staff and team. They take offense to that and start talking about the past. My thinking is that you should want the current team to be the best it can be. I think you can figure out for yourself who these posters are. Who cares about them though. We have an exciting young team with some very good parts. This team needs a better chemistry. That will only come through hard work in practice. We have the right coach to get this message across to the players. That's why Capel made this quote. We will be fine. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

Absolutely fantastic post. You summed up my feelings perfectly.
The lows are always made lower than they really are and the highs are always made higher than they really are.
After the first game Fitz was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Now he can't play a lick. We all know it's somewhere in the middle. That's just one example.
The fun part is seeing where it all falls. Enjoy the ride and don't get too high or too low.
I loved this board when it first started. The negativity was at a minimum and it didn't seem like posters started fires just to get responses.

I was here when it first started... I am an original, lol. :)

At the request of Adasooner, I will not post anything ill of the program, coaches, players, or performances about the first three games. We will just watch them crush San Diego, and then cheer them on in Alaska. It will be interesting to see what kind of progress they make after the Alaska tournament.
It is better if the team isn't playing their best right now. I would rather have our guys playing their best in March. There's nothing to worry about this early in the season.
Big you can talk about the early struggles all you want. Everyone can see that the team needs some work, but it seems like you're on here pointing out the negatives every five minutes. You have the right to do that. I just want you to be here when things are going good as well. You see the early part of the year isn't the only portion of the season. You have the middle of the season and the late part. Last year it seemed like when our team was having success you didn't post as much. This team has some very talented players. We're still putting the pieces together. Sooner or Later you'll have to talk about the positive aspects of the team. Let's just let the season play out. I have a very good feeling that things will get better for this team. It would sure be great to have you posting on the board when this turn of events happens. Enjoy your evening. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!! :clap


You wanna make a post like that about me, fine. It wouldn't be right, but it would be a heck of a lot more correct than making it about big.

Big is here ALL the time, good or bad. He wasn't a Sampson-pumper, and has never jumped on Capel. YOU are WAY off base with this one.
Duncan you see what I mean? Thanks for posting man. We have some very good people on this board who post simply because they love OU BASKETBALL. You'll be in great company. Look forward to reading your posts on this board. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:OUbball-logo::clap

I am here for the good times and bad, not sure anyone would question that. A few years ago I got ripped for being too positive for my support of Longar Longar, Keith Clark, and a few other players. I was too optimistic about some of these guys, lol.

Don't you worry, I will post the good things. There is always more to talk about after a loss, and I wish those things didnt turn into fights. There would be nothing wrong about being critical if other people didnt go nuts when people post their opinion about something.

I wasn't being irrational... I used exact numbers/stats, exact coaches quotes, things I saw in the game, etc. I didn't just dream any of this stuff up, yet people reject it as if I have some kind of agenda.
The bigadb:

I think it is the tone of your posts. The "let's find what's wrong" angle or "I told you we weren't any good and let me prove it" attitude. Have at it. Just don't understand the need to be a glass half empty guy as much as you do.
I don't think anybody is rejecting what you say, I just don't understand why you feel the need to say it over and over and over again. I mean seriously dude you have started between 5-10 separate threads since the game yesterday pointing out basically the same things. I can't tell if you're just really down about how we have played or if you are reveling in the fact that those that had super high expectations for this team are "wrong" (so far).
That's my feeling as well big. If someone tells me a story. I want to hear the whole story. Give me the good with the bad. I think you're leaving out the good parts of the story and you continue to do that. It makes you come off as being very negative. That's all everyone's saying. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
It's also time to give the negativity a rest! I've seen enough the past few hours to last me for a while.[/QUOTE]

Amen, Brotha. I'm tired of the entitlement generation. I am certainly not old, as I attend OU in the '90's, but this negativism that is brought about on the internet is pathetic. Go to the Insider football board, those morons want to fire the entire staff. No appreciation for what they have been given. Of course, OU is NOT going to rock the hoops world this year. They do not have an inside prescence and are all frosh. Set realistic expectations for goodness sakes!!!!!

Boomer Sooner!!!!
Faithful, bigabd has never been one who only shows up when things aren't going well. He was around when I started posting on the old board in late 2001. He was there (and here) during the good times and the bad. You must be thinking about someone else.

That said, let's allow bygones to be just bygones, and not bring up the past. Nothing is served by that. Everyone here was given a fresh start when this site was launched a little more than a year ago. Let's keep it that way. Do we have a deal? :)
I was here when it first started... I am an original, lol. :)

At the request of Adasooner, I will not post anything ill of the program, coaches, players, or performances about the first three games. We will just watch them crush San Diego, and then cheer them on in Alaska. It will be interesting to see what kind of progress they make after the Alaska tournament.

I hope you are true to your word. I will end the bet with you, if that will help. I don't want a ton of negative on this board, so let me know if the bet is going to cause you further post bad things about OU....
This is basketball...not football. Nothing matters yet. Get to the dance and we'll be good. Any team can get hot at that time of year.

I do not like censorship. People can be negative if they see the need.

I will wait and see...lots of time before March.

Although, I do reserve the right to be pissed and negative if we lose to Texas. Losing to them sets me off.
This is basketball...not football. Nothing matters yet. Get to the dance and we'll be good. Any team can get hot at that time of year.

I do not like censorship. People can be negative if they see the need.

I will wait and see...lots of time before March.

Although, I do reserve the right to be pissed and negative if we lose to Texas. Losing to them sets me off.

Amen. Man I hope we beat them this year in Norman....its going to be tough. We will need a rowdy crowd.
I find big to be extremely realistic most of the time. This thread just kinda irked me because it seemed to be making a whole lot out of nothing.
I think it is absolutely nuts to question SoonerfanTU's loyalty to this program.
I agree ADA, it is getting old....

It shouldnt take a genius to understand this team has a ways to go...but continuing to speak negatively about them gets tiresome on a board like this, unless your whole reason for doing so is to get people riled up...which i think is the point...dont act like you dont know what you are doing when you write the things you do about players and the team...

College basketball doesnt make sense sometimes and comparing wins and losses with other teams wins and losses is a waste of time...whoever watched that game could tell that team was pretty good we played Sat night, whether they play that way the rest of the season or not cannot be predicted...

All i know is that was the biggest game of their programs history at home and that was the first road game for an untested, young team that has yet to find any type of identity...

I am just excited to watch the team game to game and see the improvments in these young players, WW included...was nice to see Crocker step up as a senior and lead the team, Cade as well...This will be a challenge for Capel because of the talent and expectations coming off of last year, but i think he'd like it to be that way...just means he has the players to get it done....

Maybe we can now realize that what we lost other than Blake, with Taylor Juan AJ and Leary was a pretty big blow for this program...IMO it wont take long though for the new nucleus to be better and learn how to compete, but that is what you get when you have freshmen that are your players you depend on...

Give these young guns time to gel people!
Call me a pumper, but this team is the bright spot about being an Oklahoma fan this year. Just knowing how good we could be at the end of the year is enough at this point.