Is everybody done defending him now?

Like I said. Liberal Agenda. I assume you think the Redskins should change their name? Spanking your child is wrong? I said he went to far, he admitted to the mother he went to far, but havent we all disciplined our children too hard at times?

Im sure youre perfect Boca.

O I'm far from perfect. But willing to admit mistakes and wrongs. Just because my parents used the belt and fly swatter and anything else laying around does not make them bad people. But all it did was make me laugh at them thinking they were crazy people. And guess what, when I used my hand to spank my son it made him think the same thing.

Now hopefully him and my daughters will use reason and intelligence which what I migrated to by the 3rd child. Hopefully when I remind them what an idiot I was for spanking them they will remember not to do that with their kids.

Society and individuals evolve by eliminating ignorant behavior. The founding fathers did a lot of good, but yeah, the slavery and discrimination against women thing? They were dead wrong. Didn't know any better. They were ignorant in that regard.

When you know better, you're supposed to do better.

As for the Redskins, of course they should change the name. It offends a large group of people. It's a stupid name. They can change it now or wait until it costs them more $ which is 100% inevitable.

This thread was just another way that Boca makes sure everyone knows he is superior to them.

Nonsense Bounce. The Peterson situation needs to be a learning experience for all of us. Seriously, beating or spanking your kid is lazy parenting. And worst of all it doesn't even work!! If your 4 year old bites his sister and draws blood talk to him. Ask him if he loves her, chances are 99% he will say yes. Tell him when you love people you don't bite them. Tell him good people don't bite anybody. Ask him if he wants to be a good person, chances are 99% he will say yes. Ask him if he can be a good boy for daddy and not do that again. Chance are high he won't and he will hold his father and himself in higher regard.

You know it's true! If you're like me after spanking you kid you felt like an idiot. That's because we were! The old saying you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar is absolutely true. Especially with you own damn kids. They are programmed to love you.
But all it did was make me laugh at them thinking they were crazy people.
Sounds like you needed a switch

Now hopefully him and my daughters will use reason and intelligence which what I migrated to by the 3rd child. Hopefully when I remind them what an idiot I was for spanking them they will remember not to do that with their kids.
Oh brother

Society and individuals evolve by eliminating ignorant behavior.
Debatable. People still drink and drive, text and drive and their is the whole abortion thing.

As for the Redskins, of course they should change the name. It offends a large group of people. It's a stupid name. They can change it now or wait until it costs them more $ which is 100% inevitable.

Please don't use the term stupid. It offends me
Nonsense Bounce. The Peterson situation needs to be a learning experience for all of us. Seriously, beating or spanking your kid is lazy parenting. And worst of all it doesn't even work!! If your 4 year old bites his sister and draws blood talk to him. Ask him if he loves her, chances are 99% he will say yes. Tell him when you love people you don't bite them. Tell him good people don't bite anybody. Ask him if he wants to be a good person, chances are 99% he will say yes. Ask him if he can be a good boy for daddy and not do that again. Chance are high he won't and he will hold his father and himself in higher regard.

You know it's true! If you're like me after spanking you kid you felt like an idiot. That's because we were! The old saying you catch more flies with sugar than vinegar is absolutely true. Especially with you own damn kids. They are programmed to love you.

You have no idea what the **** you are talking about. are different. Do you honestly think that people that spank their kids don't talk to them at all? Here, let me slap the **** out of you and not say a word. You are so far up your own ass it isn't even funny. Obviously whatever your parents did to you didn't do ****. I"m guessing that your son that you spanked has turned out to be the best kid out of your kids.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that spanking works and it is effective. That doesn't mean parents spank their kids for everything. It may never happen, or it may happen a lot. Get over yourself
Idiots never change. Beat away. LOL @ your kids biting each other & drawing blood. They have been taught violence from the parents.
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Idiots never change. Beat away. LOL @ your kids biting each other & drawing blood. They have been taught violence from the parents.

Yes, that is exactly it. You are so wise Boca.

Let's see. A two year old was having issues with biting. Usually it wasn't "bad" and we would do timeout and talk with them. Biting continued. He left a mark and blood and He got spankins and hasn't bit again. Hmmmm. Believe it or not, you can talk all you want with a two year old boy but it doesn't always get through to them.

There is nothing wrong with using fear in control behavior. Obviously the first choice isn't physcial punishment but it is needed sometimes. There is a reason for the term Fear of God.
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Sounds like you needed a switch

Oh brother

Debatable. People still drink and drive, text and drive and their is the whole abortion thing.

Please don't use the term stupid. It offends me

Haha this had me rolling.

Boca by your own admission you used a firmer hand to discipline your children until you "knew better" isn't that what AP did too? why so quick to crucify? You make him out to be some delinquent in your thread topic but as far as I can tell he's been considered a class act by all until this surfaced.

Personally I'm with Bounce. To think that a universal method of discipline would work in all situations is absurd. Everyone is different and certain actions or situations could call for a firmer hand.

Did he go overboard? absolutely. Is he a monster? No way.
O I'm far from perfect. But willing to admit mistakes and wrongs. Just because my parents used the belt and fly swatter and anything else laying around does not make them bad people. But all it did was make me laugh at them thinking they were crazy people. And guess what, when I used my hand to spank my son it made him think the same thing.

Now hopefully him and my daughters will use reason and intelligence which what I migrated to by the 3rd child. Hopefully when I remind them what an idiot I was for spanking them they will remember not to do that with their kids.

Society and individuals evolve by eliminating ignorant behavior. The founding fathers did a lot of good, but yeah, the slavery and discrimination against women thing? They were dead wrong. Didn't know any better. They were ignorant in that regard.

When you know better, you're supposed to do better.

As for the Redskins, of course they should change the name. It offends a large group of people. It's a stupid name. They can change it now or wait until it costs them more $ which is 100% inevitable.

See you are wrong here. Poll after poll has proven a large group of people are not offended. Liberal Agenda. Native Americans embrace the name!

Keep on TROLLIN demi!
Also I believe the term "Redskin" in origin had nothing to do with race. The nickname was coined because a tribe of Native Americans would cover themselves in red paint.... At least that's what some simple Google research has shown me.
I find it really funny the people who claim we are experiencing the wussification of american because intelligent people don't beat their wives or children ... are the exact same people frightened to death over these ISIS dopes 7,000 miles away. Who is really the wuss?

The fact is people are a product of their environment. Beating your kids does not make them well behaved, it makes them immune to being beat. But hey, it's a lot easier to lash out in uncontrollable anger than to be smart enough to sit down and lovingly charm a child into thinking and acting properly. That takes actual intelligence.

Well said. I never hit my children because every time I felt like hitting them I was angry. And I just don't think that's the proper mindset to administer corporal punishment.

Also, I was hit and frightened by my father and that's not something I want my child to experience. I don't believe that parents who spank are child abusers. But I believe that spanking should not involve bruising and breaking the skin. It can be a very fine line. I would rather our society err on the side of protecting children (and women).
Well said. I never hit my children because every time I felt like hitting them I was angry. And I just don't think that's the proper mindset to administer corporal punishment.

Also, I was hit and frightened by my father and that's not something I want my child to experience. I don't believe that parents who spank are child abusers. But I believe that spanking should not involve bruising and breaking the skin. It can be a very fine line. I would rather our society err on the side of protecting children (and women).

I don't spank when angry. I talk to them and let them know they are getting a spanking
Anybody that beats or condones beating a 4 year old with a stick repeatedly hard enough to cut their skin open is an ignorant moron. Period. End of discussion.

Suspended indefinitely until he reaches a plea deal admitting he was 100% wrong, undergoes counseling and is put on probation. Or he can fight it and remain suspended the rest of the year.

Only a complete backwards imbecile beats a 4 year old. Period.
Suspended indefinitely until he reaches a plea deal admitting he was 100% wrong, undergoes counseling and is put on probation. Or he can fight it and remain suspended the rest of the year.

Only a complete backwards imbecile beats a 4 year old. Period.

Putting "period" at the end of your sentences doesn't make it gospel.

He has never tried to fight it, in fact he's been forthcoming about the entire ordeal.

He's admitted he was wrong and said he will use this as a tool to become a better father and that talking with proffessionals has opened his eyes to other forms of discipline.

Have you looked into any of this or do you just enjoy stirring the pot? I'm definitely seeing a pattern of ignorance as well (and I don't mean with Peterson).
Link with quotes?

Because all I've seen was Peterson defending his actions saying the discipline he received as a child made him the man he is today (I guess having a handful of baby mamas and beating your toddlers bloody is to be admired in his eyes).

I see his attorney saying "I have spent my entire career asking people to wait until all the facts are in, and I'm doing so again today. Ultimately, it will be up to a judge and jury to decide this case, which is the way it should be. "

Bottom line is the NFL ran for cover as sponsors rightly were disgusted and appalled by Peterson beating his toddler bloody and acting like it was no biggie.
Link with quotes?

Because all I've seen was Peterson defending his actions saying the discipline he received as a child made him the man he is today (I guess having a handful of baby mamas and beating your toddlers bloody is to be admired in his eyes).

I see his attorney saying "I have spent my entire career asking people to wait until all the facts are in, and I'm doing so again today. Ultimately, it will be up to a judge and jury to decide this case, which is the way it should be. "

Bottom line is the NFL ran for cover as sponsors rightly were disgusted and appalled by Peterson beating his toddler bloody and acting like it was no biggie.

lol. i'll give you that you are consistent.
Sounds like Peterson is going to plead not guilty & demand a speedy trial. He's making the right call. Admitting to anything will be used against him by the NFL. We saw what happened to Ray Rice. All his heartfelt apology & confession got him was thrown under the bus. Even after the justice system deemed his actions were worthy of only a slap on the wrist and he completely told the truth he was thrown out with the trash.

Deny deny deny. That's the only winning solution when there's a PR witch hunt underway. And if AD can win in court he can tell the NFL they have no basis to punish him.
And if AD can win in court he can tell the NFL they have no basis to punish him.

Not true. Like you just pointed out, the league rules and the country/state/city laws are completely different. I already read this morning that AD is likely facing a lengthy NFL suspension, regardless of how the court case turns out.
Not true. Like you just pointed out, the league rules and the country/state/city laws are completely different. I already read this morning that AD is likely facing a lengthy NFL suspension, regardless of how the court case turns out.

They can try but the players association would fight it and win. Not guilty means not guilty. Rice admitted guilt and the players association is fighting his suspension too.