the colors have been all over the place on the football unis, but the sticker has been unchanged since the mid 70s. I'm an aesthetics freak, so stuff like that jumps out to me. The last major change to the standard uni, aside from the bring the wood bastardizations, was a switch to a thicker stripe on the pants in 2000. That also coincided with the current helmet color (metallic sparkle paint), as well as a reversion back to "Sooners" on the road jersey. We're also going to forget 1995 and Schnellenberger ever happened as well!
Re: colors. If you watch the GOTC II in Lincoln in 1987, our red is damn near eATMe Aggie red. It's amazing how dark they let it get in the mid-80s.
Regarding the sticker, the thickness first showed up on the bring the wood nonsense. They kept the standard sticker unchanged when we wore our classic unis. I've just always been very partial to it. It's the Paperclip!