
Good thing the "warrior" Collins "willed them to win" all by himself, tebow style.

I'm sure if you ask Cheno he'll tell you that he had the best performance out of anyone in the country.... 6 for 17 shooting, stunning effort.

He's a very good player, but all this talk from Hawk fans that he's the best player in the country (i.e. Cheno) needs to die down. Especially now; Aldrich has been better then him over the last couple of games.
Stay Classy, Colorado.


I just saw one of the most unprofessional displays I have ever seen in my life.

Frustrated that Collins wasn’t whistled for a foul, CU athletic director Mike Bohn rose from his seat and came over to press row to verbally berate the Big 12 official next to me that is in charge of evaluating the referees.

Yells and screams followed. “Why isn’t that a foul?” “They aren’t giving our guys a chance!” All this with arm gyrations and a voice loud enough for three sections around to here — and all this to someone on press row who can’t call any fouls and has no say on what is called and what isn’t. The display went on for a good two to three minutes. Bohn then banged his chair on the way back, ending his tirade.

I’m still a bit shell-shocked that I saw anyone do that, much less the athletic director of a Big 12 school.
I'm sure if you ask Cheno he'll tell you that he had the best performance out of anyone in the country.... 6 for 17 shooting, stunning effort.

He's a very good player, but all this talk from Hawk fans that he's the best player in the country (i.e. Cheno) needs to die down. Especially now; Aldrich has been better then him over the last couple of games.
Ripped out the Buff's hearts by making 1-2 free throws to tie the game with 35 seconds left.
This thread is hilarious. Lots of bitter, bitter posters here. :ez-laugh:
KU got lucky tonight. You typically don't miss 20 free throws on the road and win. The one thing about Bill Self teams is they always play hard, with effort, as a team and always play defense. That's what won the game.
No matter how you spin it....KU always plays hard.
You tell me. You seemed to want to say a bit more than you did in your original post. Finish it off.
And we're off............

You tell me. You seemed to want to say a bit more than you did in your original post. Finish it off.

:ez-roll: The jealousy of KU just oozes out of a few of you. KU won the game on the road when they shot like crap. I'll take it. :clap
J just thought your vehement insistence that "No matter how you spin it KU always plays hard" was a bit odd considering I haven't seen anyone in this thread say otherwise.
J just thought your vehement insistence that "No matter how you spin it KU always plays hard" was a bit odd considering I haven't seen anyone in this thread say otherwise.

Ahhh, you're just mad you've posted twice as much as anyone in this thread, talked smack and KU won. It'll be alright when you wake up in the morning and sleep it off. All the other nonsense is just that. Bill Self has KU rockin' at #1 in the nation. I can take a horrible shooting performance win on the road.
Survive and advance...you play like crap, you'll take the win any way you can get it.

Have to agree with Cheno, lot's of jealousy in this thread...compounded by the fact we suck this year.

P.S. Sherron is a tool.
Aldrich has been playing good but how about Marcus Morris....all Big 12 1st team as of today. Kid has stepped up his game.
"No matter how you spin it... the University of Oklahoma is still in Norman!"

"No matter how you spin it... New Coke was still a bad idea."

"No matter how you spin it... the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine is still unfinished."

Stop spinning it, you bitter OU fans!!!
Ahhh, you're just mad you've posted twice as much as anyone in this thread, talked smack and KU won. It'll be alright when you wake up in the morning and sleep it off. All the other nonsense is just that. Bill Self has KU rockin' at #1 in the nation. I can take a horrible shooting performance win on the road.
Cheno, wanna change that name back to Chenohawk?
Survive and advance...you play like crap, you'll take the win any way you can get it.

Have to agree with Cheno, lot's of jealousy in this thread...compounded by the fact we suck this year.

P.S. Sherron is a tool.

You can sense the bitterness as well huh? Good...Senior acting like I'm makin' it up. :ez-laugh: Probably cuz it's oozing out of him the most. :dance005:
Cheno, wanna change that name back to Chenohawk?

Why? Cuz I'm a Hawk fan in a Jayhawk thread? :ez-laugh:
Any minute now, since KU won the game and aren't going to lose, someone will post..."Why do we have KU threads on an OU website". Gotta love it.
Ahhh, you're just mad you've posted twice as much as anyone in this thread, talked smack and KU won. It'll be alright when you wake up in the morning and sleep it off. All the other nonsense is just that. Bill Self has KU rockin' at #1 in the nation. I can take a horrible shooting performance win on the road.

Ummmm ok big man. lol

I think if you go back and read carefully I talked just as much if not more "smack" about CU as I did Kansas.