Keeley Parks 2025 Offer

Her quote about OU:

“I have a pretty good relationship with Coach Mike Neal. He’s a family friend of ours who used to coach with my dad, so we have a pretty good relationship. Since OU is like 5 minutes away from me, I’ve been there a lot whether it was practices or just catching up. I love how supportive they are of me and especially Coach Jennie Baranczyk. The whole staff is really fun to be around.”
"Pretty good" to me does not mean great or excellent. Maybe it means something different to Keely. I hope so.
I think if Parks wants to be in a program that has potential to win moving forward she will choose OU over OSU - with what they have on their roster I don't see them winning a championship right now, but with the portal now, who knows. I think landing Parks to compliment Lofton could be huge for our program. Chavez added in would be a legit top 5 recruiting class, IMO, but we've never had that much luck. Here's to hoping!!