McConaughey Named ‘Minister of Culture’ for Longhorns’ Basketball Arena

I’d say ‘ministry of stupidity’. Geez! How much more stupid could you look sitting on the end of a collegiate basketball bench, dressed in a puke orange suit??? Embarrassing.
Lol...and jumping into the huddle like you're a

The announcers couldnt get enough last night...:ez-roll:
It was awesome. Very cool that McConaughey is such a huge fan of the program.
"Hey Shaka....have you lived up to expectations as coach??? It'd be a lot cooler if you did..."
Awl rite, awl rite, awl right! :fexas-logo:
Embarrassing.. texas filling in the A&M cringe vacuum they left when A&M left the conference
I wonder if the dye in that orange nightmare leisure suit rubbed off on the Corinthian leather seats of his Lincoln.
I liked the suit. But I'm always partial to a three-piece anyhow.
Simply means that he can now take part in recruiting. Supposedly he talked to all the football recruits this weekend.