*****Oklahoma vs. British Columbia Exhibition Game Tread*****

Not bad so far, though I can't wait until we start filling up LNC.
Looks like little Miss Capel wants to be out there with the cheerleaders. :chestram2:
Wow, based on this feed I won't be signing up for the soonersports all-access any time soon...

It's hit and miss. Some state it is fine for them while others are getting a first hand look of what it is like to drop acid.
Yeesh...I'm getting far more pause in my video than playback.

There are good live feeds out there. Why can't OU get one?
My connection must just be terrible right now, oh well. Better than nothing!
My only problem with the feed so far is that the PA system and band drowns out the play by play.
I had the same pausing problem while my computer was running on wifi, I switched to landline and it is streaming quite well.
You should never run wifi when trying to get a stream, the connection is always much slower. The land line is always better bandwidth wise.