Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State ***GAME THREAD***

DId you guys hear that! Moses got a tech I think and the announcer thought they went to break and said "ah ****"

LOL Moses just got a T, you could hear the whistle, and the announcer saying "oh sheesh" right before it went to commercial
Who was the player in Stillwater who punched Blake in the back of the head? Then came back in at the end and got tossed because of another physical play? Was that Moses?
what just happaned?

Well Moses shoved Blake and was called for a foul, and that fouled him out. He was yelling at the ref the ref almost t'd him up, than he shoved past Pattillo and i think that got him the T
OSU strategy=foul and double B. Griffin+let our three point shooters try to make one+stall the ball. We need to let Blake take the ball and score or shoot freethrows.