***Oklahoma vs. Syracuse Game Thread***

This team is playing so great right now. Even on turnovers they never give up.
Tony... wow...

AJ great block!

WW... Pass it to the man cutting to the open basket.
Overall the officiating has been, I'll say, "even". But the discrepancy of what it takes to get a body foul call under the basket from our end to theirs, is quite amazing.
back to back TO's on Willie..I wish he would have just thrown to the basket and let Blake go for it...
Hahaha, our Tulsa area weatherman who broke in to talk about tornadoes led off by saying that wasn't a walk by Willie.
i warned the cuse poster that AJ was a shot-blocking PG!:austin686_jpg_xs::austin686_jpg_xs::austin686_jpg_xs::austin686_jpg_xs::austin686_jpg_xs:
And that is why no one can stand Jim Nance: "now that is WALKING in MEMPHIS" KILLLLLME
The key number is 10 and 4. If we have a 10pt lead by the under 4 minute mark we'll be in good condition.