>>>>>OU-Oral Roberts Gameday Thread<<<<<

OU darn near shot 60% from three as a team

They were16 of 27 for 59.2%

That is crazy. This team is very good
fun game to be at. our guys when they decide to turn it on are damn good.
Good offensive game for almost the entire game. Lot of good open shots. Good ball movement most of the game.

Thought our defense lacked their usual energy the first half. Reserves really had a tough run on both O & D to blow an 11 point lead. Still a work in progress. Probably still developing confidence and a sense of what they can and can not do at this level. Great penetration and dish by Odomes in the second half.

Second half very good overall. Kruger kept the reserves on the bench for the most part. Manyang seems to be moving better. Think he has a lot more upside on defense. Too many baskets scored over him by smaller players. I think Lattin is playing better than Manyang on D at this time. Lattin beginning to come into his own. He and Manyang got a bunch of blocks.
Emegano is a very nice player. I wonder how many stars the recruitniks bestowed upon him during his high-school career.