>>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Buddy with is first points since the opening minutes.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

I don't see the foul on Spangler there. Drives me crazy.

Buddy finally hits a 3 though.
Can't guard inside because we can't touch them without a foul call

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Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Stop letting them catch so deep.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

and another
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Thank you for finally waking up Mr. Hield!!!
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

How was that not out off their foot?
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

That was off their foot!
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Buddy just needed to feel like it was another game??? We'll take it.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

They are making shots they have no business making.
Another terrible call, out of bounds off them

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Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Why don't they foul Odiase every time he touches it? He's a 50% free throw shooter.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Woodard, wake up!
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Get a freaking stop for gawd's sake!
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

That just was not necessary at all to do.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Texas Tech Gameday Thread<<<<<<<

Tech continues to hit tough shots. This is what happens we you let teams hang around.