Post your favorite Bedlam game or game moment


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Nov 25, 2009
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What is your most memorable Bedlam game or moment?

Here is one of mine:

March 4, 2000
Stillwater, Oklahoma

The stage was set. It was the final game of the "old" Gallagher Iba Arena. The construction crew was lined up outside the complex ready to begin major renovations as soon as the building emptied.

Six Cowboy seniors, including star forward Desmond Mason and passing specialist Doug Gottlieb, were going to taste victory for one final time in front of their beloved fans.

OSU was riding a 16 game winning streak. It was to be a glorious ending that would usher in new beginnings for Oklahoma State basketball. And for the first 28 plus minutes of the game, everything was going according to script. The Pokes had built a 46-33 lead. Seniors Brian Montonati and Joe Adkins were beating the Sooners from the inside and outside respectively. OU's top two scorers, Eduardo Najera and J.R. Raymond were both ice cold from the field. Yes sir. Things looked mighty fine for the folks in Orange.

There was only one problem. Nobody told Nolan Johnson how the story was supposed to end. And with an impressive combination of dominant defense on Mason (held scoreless from the field) and isolation dribble drive finishes using his strong upper body and soft left-handed touch, #5 in Red willed his team on a masterful 23-6 run that led to the 59-56 Sooner stunner.

Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't all Johnson. Sharpshooter Kelley Newton hit two three pointers. Young Hollis Price scored several midrange jumpers and lay-ups. Najera grabbed three key steals over the stretch run and knocked down some clutch free throws.

But it was Johnson that took the team on his broad shoulders. Playing all 40 minutes, the junior college transfer netted a season high 21 points on 9 of 13 shooting. And during the stretch run that caused the game to turn, everyone in the building, including the ghost of legendary Coach Iba, knew what OU headman, Kelvin Sampson wanted to do on offense. It was simple really. Get the ball in Johnson's hands and spread out as far away from him as possible.

The Sooners did it over and over and over again during the second half, and not even the double and triple teams by cowboy defenders could stop the determined Mr. Johnson. The result was over 6000 long faces walking out of the "old" GIA doors for the final time, and six highly accomplished seniors having their last home rodeo ruined.

It was as gutsy of an individual performance as this poster has ever seen from an OU basketball player, and led to yet another epic moment in the Bedlam basketball series.

After the game, Coach Sampson had this to say about his team's performance: "This team has become really, really good at what we do. That's a tribute to this group of kids. They're really, really tough. I know that a lot of people get excited about talent, but talent without toughness doesn't mean much. Our kids are really tough."

Perhaps this mindset is one that the 2010 Sooners should take to heart before taking the floor for year's first round Bedlam match-up in Norman.
Last Years win in Stillwater.

I'll just repost my recap from last year.
You know they say you're only young and stupid once, so when Big Time gave me a phone call about Free Bedlam asking me if I would like to go. Being the young fool I am I said hell yes if I could get a ride up there. Less then two hours later I was jumping into a car and we were off to Stillwater. The car ride was slow going with some rough spots at times but we made it safely.

We were able to secure parking for free across the street from GIA then made our way inside. We heard a couple different stories on the free deal from secruity on where we were supposed to sit and what time we could get to our seats. In the end we were allowed in early by an elderly women sitting by the escalators. Then after a move from the front row of the 300s at center court, we ended up 2nd row from the top in the 200s behind the OSU band.

Even though GIA had all this puke inducing Orange the arena was still a sight to see. The feel as Dirty Mess said it still has a small gym feel that was perfect for a college basketball game. I am not sure if it was just because of the free ticket deal behind the goals but the students where all over behind the goals and rowdy for most of the game.

Even though I feel we did not get a full OU-OSU bedlam experience (but it was free so it's hard to complain) as it did not seem mind deafening loud. There were a couple moments when it got really rocking but a Blake Griffin dunk in the first half shut the crowd up, then Juan's slams in the 2nd half shut the crowd up for good. Of course all those Gator fans in attendance might have factored into it not being up the Legendary tales of GIA loudness. I think more Gator Chomps were directed at me then during my whole time in Miami.

The majority of OSU fans were good classy fans and outside of the natural ribbing you would expect out of a game like this were great, but we did have three "aggie incidents".

One was from a nearby young women who took particular offense to our "Home of the Sooners", lots of hateful looks from her and even a story about how her brother died in Iraq. Which I can see how this could be upsetting but it seemed to me she was more focused on showing her displeasure at us then cheering on her own team.

Another was from an older gentlemen sitting above us along the railing. Now I use the term Gentlemen very lightly in his regard, he too was offended by our "Home of the Sooners", with a no class comment. But it quickly became obvious he should not have been throwing rocks in his glass house. He yelled a couple times for his Pokes to break the Gooner's legs next time they foul. Then he capped this off with a comment made to my group in the second half "I hope one of you die on the way home." It was stunning comment to say the least, but shortly after when the old guy left another OSU fan apologized for his behavior and said he had never seen the guy before.

Then our final brush with the enemy was even funnier, after the game we were standing around in the parking lot waiting for our car to defrost. A poke fan drove by yelling at us OU Sucks and all that usual Poke Garbage. The funny thing about this is he had went the wrong way and had to turn around and go by us again, which lead to his girlfriend/sister/just female in the car throwing up the Texas Tech pistols after us, now this moment had a chance to become very epic in at this point the guy gunned it but sadly he did not lose control and hit the nearby fence as we were hoping for.

I would like to give personal thanks to OSU athletic department for the Free Tickets in watching OU win another game at our home away from home.


Definitely the Nolan Johnson game in Stillwater, as GParker posted.
"talent without toughness doesn't mean much."

Boy, that statement says a lot about this year's team......
Definitely the Nolan Johnson game in Stillwater, as GParker posted.

Isn't that the game that Eddie Najera "consoled" Desmond Mason after the game, at midcourt? LOL

Loved that game, and loved the game where Bookout scored on the dunk with just a few seconds left. Talk about a back and forth ending, geez.
And not to go off on a tangent, but I miss guys like that. Say what you want, but that team had some good basketball talent. No studs. No future NBA'ers. No high flyers. But good, tough, basketball players that knew their rolls. Fun to watch.
Isn't that the game that Eddie Najera "consoled" Desmond Mason after the game, at midcourt? LOL

Loved that game, and loved the game where Bookout scored on the dunk with just a few seconds left. Talk about a back and forth ending, geez.

The Bookout dunk game was my most memorable. I will never forget when Ratboy fell on the ground after Eaton tried to take that charge with 4 seconds left.
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The Bookout dunk game was my most memorable. I will never forget when Ratboy feel on the ground after Eaton tried to take that charge with 4 seconds left.

Lol! Eaton tackled Everett at midcourt with 4 seconds left. Man, what a bonehead play.
Lol! Eaton tackled Everett at midcourt with 4 seconds left. Man, what a bonehead play.

At that point, Ratboy and I were having a contest to see who could pass out the fastest. I was exhausted from yelling and jumping up and down after that game. :)

The LNC was absolutely rockin that night.
Lots of great games over the years.

That Big 12 Tournament game in OKC last year is pretty hard to beat in my book.

Just a tremendous game with an amazing crowd/atomsphere.
2005 in Norman

Started the game on a 19-2 run

Have you ever seen the LNC crazier than those opening minutes of the game?

It was very special indeed.
I would have loved to have been there for the Rat-boy Flop. But my last trip to a Bedlam hoops game was in '93. That's when the OU students serenaded Bryant Reeves wtih "Jethro" chants, and included some signs in the stands that were pretty funny. Pete Lewis and Ken Conley connected on a sweet alley-oop pass and dunk (Lewis threw it from half-court) that brought down the house also.

The only bummer of that game was that Ryan Minor missed two freebies with a couple of seconds left, that would have made it a 14-point lead for OU, then some Aggie hit a trey out of the corner at the buzzer to make it a single-digit win.

One of my other faves was my first live college basketball game back in '76. It was when OU beat OSU, 57-42, in the Sooners' first-ever LNC win. They played a weird schedule back then - only three non-conference home games (losing to ORU, Texas and Tulsa, all three by five points in each game).

The crowd showed up mainly for the national title trophy presentation for the '75 football team, but they rocked the place when OU started to pull away in the second half.

Neither team was too special that year, but OU's young talent came together that year for at least a decent conference run of upsets. The next year, they went undefeated at home, won 18 games, and knocked off nationally ranked KSU and Mizzou and back-to-back epic thrillers.
I was going to post about the Jethro chants too, NMSooner.

The Spirit Cup game was my favorite, probably, but there have been lots of fun moments. Winning back overtime games in '95 and '96 sticks out in my mind, as does the '99 win in GIA. That might be my favorite of all-time had Ryan Humphrey not thrown his hissy fit afterwards about not scoring.
Lol! Eaton tackled Everett at midcourt with 4 seconds left. Man, what a bonehead play.

"Tackled".... LOL.

He just set up to try and take the charge... it was a call that is 50/50 at any other point in the game.

But you are right that it was a bonehead play... that was Eaton when he was freshman... at his "most bonehead".... :)

You obviously don't try and take a charge there... you make Everett beat you with a 25-30 foot jump shot... not two freethrows.
Last year in OKC was my first Bedlam game in person. Having the crowd mixed in every section meant that it was loud no matter what was happening.

It was a fun game to be a part of.
My last OU-OSU home game as a student was 30 years ago this month. OU won, 91-82, which was a pretty big score for that time period (no three-pointers or shot clocks).

But, the things that I remember most about that:

1. OSU had just lost Leroy Combs and one other player (maybe Lorenza Andrews) to grades at the semester break. OU students rode them pretty hard about their GPA's, but that game marked the "coming out party" for little-used OSU guard Eddie Odom.

2. I think it's finally stopped, but for years, the OSU media guide listed OSU as having won that game, by the correct score of 91-82. I know for a fact that OSU never beat us in Norman while I was a student.
1988. That was the loudest most intense game from start to finish that I have ever witnessed in GIA. Geez I miss that old arena.

I loved Stacey King having to eat the ball 6 or 7 times that game. Jordan owned his butt.