Regents approve $450,000 raise for Capel >>> The Oklahoman

It's about time...great job Joe C!!!!!
Congrats Coach Capel you deserve every penny.
Congratulations Coach Capel! Use it wisely! haha
Thank you Coach Capel for coming to the University of Oklahoma. Congrats on your raise. You deserve it and so much more. GREAT JOB! BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:jcapel:clap
absolutely, positively no slam on the coaches who got raises at all. I do agree that they worked hard for them and their efforts were obvious in the play of their respective teams.


this is F'd up.

The economy is a national crisis. We have many people being literally thrown into the streets with no home...the retirements of millions have all but after company being bailed out at the risk of our children's financial futures...and the salaries of SPORTS coaches goes on like business as usual?

That's a disgrace. Oklahoma is far from being exempt to the economic problems. I am seeing the effects daily at the courthouse in the form of increased property crimes, increased in drug sales, and a large rise in "crimes of frustration".

We had a person downtown get beat up for their damn sammich.

I don't agree with these raises at all. In fact, the administration should hang their heads in shame even thinking about giving raises. It's a travesty.
100% agreed. Very few professions deserve a $450,000 dollar salary, let alone a raise.
So what options did OU have? No raise and he gets hired by another school? Sports have always been in a different world than the rest of us. Tough spot for OU and Capel.
So what options did OU have? No raise and he gets hired by another school? Sports have always been in a different world than the rest of us. Tough spot for OU and Capel.

promised it to him for later.

Thinking that sports isn't part of the regular world is part of the problem. Those are real dollars being spent...but we get desensitized because the large figures and words are thrown around so casually.
Universities have created this monster and now they feel like they have to continue to feed it....and feed it....and feed it.

The NCAA should have come out last fall when the economy began to suffer and state: "Due to the downturn in the economy, no employees of the NCAA staff will receive a raise for at least one year at which time the situation will be re-evaluated. In an effort to control expenses at each of our member schools, we are asking all colleges and universities to suspend any and all pay raises for all college coaches for at least one year, unless they are already required in existing contracts."

That would have placed all colleges on the same playing field and none of the AD's would have felt pressure to "keep up" with the rapidly escalating salaries.
While I agree in premise with what CoolM has said, I certainly believe Coach Capel, Coach Stoops and other leading coaches in their industry are worth every penny. The revenue they generate far exceeds their pay. OU makes more money with Bob Stoops and paying him 3 million a year then going back to when John Blake was there even if he was working for free.
Now these CEO's and such at AIG, GM, wherever that make 30 million a year plus all kinds of bonuses, huge buyouts if they do a bad job and get fired, etc aren't worth anywhere close to what they get paid. That's Wall Street greed is all that is.
Here is last years earnings for the following entertainers (in millions): Oprah Winfrey $275, George Lucas 170, Madonna 110, AC/DC 60 , Rush Limbaugh 54, Beyonce 87, Simon Cowell 75.

I think there is more screwed up than just sports. By the way - my favorite was Ellen Degeneres made $35 millions - - - seriously screwed up.
Keep in mind that NO state funds or tax payer monies were used for these raises and therefore the tax payers were not hurt. While the economy is down you cant lump everyone into the same basket.

OU is one of a few schools that DOESN'T use tax monies for its sporting events or teams, in fact OU has given, with this year's donation, $7m to the school to help keep staff and to help keep tuition rates down. President Boren has said do to these private donations there will not be a tuition increase this coming year.

Since private monies are giving the raises who cares, in fact some of my donation money has helped in all areas.:clap
Blame Kentucky, Alabama (ridiculous what they just paid Grant), Arizona, and Missouri. We had to do what we had to do to keep Capel.

The AD just donated millions of dollars to the Univeristy to keep tuition from going up. OU doesn't take any state money for athletics.

Some of you are barking up the wrong tree.

Congrats Coach Capel!
Blame Kentucky, Alabama (ridiculous what they just paid Grant), Arizona, and Missouri. We had to do what we had to do to keep Capel.

The AD just donated millions of dollars to the Univeristy to keep tuition from going up. OU doesn't take any state money for athletics.

Some of you are barking up the wrong tree.

Congrats Coach Capel!

What you and oketex said....
I dont care who paid for it.

Do you not see that it isnt just an issue of who paid for it?
I dont care who paid for it.

Do you not see that it isnt just an issue of who paid for it?

The way I see it, as far as a fiscal point of view, the only one paying them is, themselves, so to speak. The athletics programs make enough money (mostly football, obviously) to support itself and then some.

Like I said, basically they are just reaping their own rewards from the profits/revenue. Also, from that, they are giving back.
I dont care who paid for it.

Do you not see that it isnt just an issue of who paid for it?

Without getting baited into anything political, I could care less man. If we were Alabama (over paying the market for an unproven coach) then I might agree with you....

You got to stay up with the jones' if you want to have a top 25 program. Maybe Stoops didn't need another raise (I don't think we are in danger of him leaving with the money he already made) but it was time to pay Capel or we might of lost him to Arizona.
Without getting baited into anything political, I could care less man. If we were Alabama (over paying the market for an unproven coach) then I might agree with you....

You got to stay up with the jones' if you want to have a top 25 program. Maybe Stoops didn't need another raise (I don't think we are in danger of him leaving with the money he already made) but it was time to pay Capel or we might of lost him to Arizona.

then it would be time to lose him.

I expect OU to be a leader and set a good example...not be a bunch of sheep.
then it would be time to lose him.

I expect OU to be a leader and set a good example...not be a bunch of sheep.

And I want a consistently good basketball program. Glad the regents and Joe C. agree with me.
I refuse to follow others off that cliff.

Having a social conscience is more important than a basketball game.