The First Time Coach has been in over his head


New member
Nov 12, 2008
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As I watched the game last night with some friends I really believe that Coach is lost with this group if kids. I think he has really come to a part of his early coaching career when no matter what he says or does it is not coming over the right way to the players. Today's no everything and sometimes it takes the hard nosed coach to get the word across to them. I know that from when he has started coaching he has been a players coach. Maybe, it is time for him to either demand players accountability or allow himself to go deeper in trouble with this team....
Capel is playing with zero upper classmen. Anybody is going to struggle when you have no juniors or seniors worth a flip.

This year is the depths of the phone gate probation made worse because the elite player in our junior class was the #1 pick in the NBA draft and we had a couple flunk outs.
Capel is playing with zero upper classmen. Anybody is going to struggle when you have no juniors or seniors worth a flip.

This year is the depths of the phone gate probation made worse because the elite player in our junior class was the #1 pick in the NBA draft and we had a couple flunk outs.


Crocker isn't worth a flip?

There are teams everywhere that are relying on young guys to lead their teams. Some years, and some teams, more than others. Had Capel not struck out on guys like Neysmith, Early, and Maze.....and to some degree Willis, Patillo, and Allen.....maybe we'd have some guys, some of which might be upperclassmen, that could lead.

The "situation" Capel was left with hasn't helped, but using that as an excuse, for this team's play, is ridiculous. And deep down you know that, but you are grasping for straws.
This year is the depths of the phone gate probation made worse because the elite player in our junior class was the #1 pick in the NBA draft and we had a couple flunk outs.

Phone gate can not be brought up 4 years down the road.... What we see today is the result of poor recruiting and bad coaching. The one thing Capel has been lavished with praise over was not warranted. He got some high level guys, but he has signed a ton of flops... Neysmith, Hardrick, Early, Maze, Davis (he should be a 5-10 minutes per game guy), Orlando, Wright, etc...

Capel has signed lots of guys who simply werent good enough to play at OU. Most of them transfer out, and others just sit around and make OU a bad team. The high level guy that is leading this team is not a team player, he is selfish, he has a bad attitude. The two other "best" players got benched for skipping practice. Capel needs to get control of his team, or this will end up being the worst team in a LOOONNNNGGGG time at OU.

This is Capel's team, and bringing up Kelvin Sampson is ridiculous.
There is always a way to get players to play the right way. Off course maybe, I remember watching Coach K back when they had Grant Hill and that group. I believe they where playing some scrub and where not playing well and Coach pulled all of them for the rest of the half and didn't start them the second and when they all came back to the court they went on a 20-2 run. Nobody is so good they have to play and I believe until WW gets the point he will never lead this team.
When you have players that realize they are struggled and believe if they hold out they will play then the team is in big trouble and I believe we are at that point.....
Phone gate can not be brought up 4 years down the road....

Really? What recruiting classes were affected by phonegate? What years would those guys be right now?

Last time I checked 4 years is how long most kids play.
Sampson sure did sign a lot of guys that weren't good enough to play at OU either. Please don't make me start naming names. This list is way bigger than some of the players that didn't work out for Coach Capel. By the way this is not a Sampson vs Capel post, but trust me. Coach Sampson signed some players that were terrible. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Sampson sure did sign a lot of guys that weren't good enough to play at OU either. Please don't make me start naming names. This list is way bigger than some of the players that didn't work out for Coach Capel. By the way this is not a Sampson vs Capel post, but trust me. Coach Sampson signed some players that were terrible. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

Yea, but most of those guys were never counted on to be in the 7-8 man rotation. Say what you want about Kelvin, but just about every season he was here, barring injuries, he could put together a 7-8 man team that could make the Dance, and beat anybody on a given day, with defense. Who cares if Alex Spaulding was the 9th man on that team? He certainly wasn't starting.
Last I checked Coach Capel's career at OU wasn't over. I bet you at the end of it you will be able to say the same about Coach Capel and maybe better. Stay tuned. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Capel is still early in his career and he's probably in a situation that he's never experienced before as a coach. Does he go from being a 'players' coach to being a 'tough-love, hard-nosed' coach? Would he even be comfortable in that role?
Last I checked Coach Capel's career at OU wasn't over. I bet you at the end of it you will be able to say the same about Coach Capel and maybe better. Stay tuned. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

I'm not saying Capel is destined to have this problem forever. But some coaches haven't had that problem at all, or only once or twice in a decade. Capel has had, as I call them, roster contstruction issues his entire time at OU. And yes, I realize the timing of him coming to OU had a bit to do with that, but at this point, I'm not inclined to continue blaming problems on things that happened nearly 5 years ago.
I dont disagree that coach might be in uncharted waters right now. IMO he needs to find his inner-arse and crack a damn whip.
I am doing my best to try to suspend judgment of Capel's performance this season until after the year. But this team needs to start getting better at some point. If we don't see any improvement by the end of the year, I'm going to start to get very concerned about this abilities as a coach.
Can't disagree coolm...question for those frustrated with Capel: Who would you rather have at the helm of our program? Personally I cannot think of anybody.
Just to add, the above question does not mean that I am not frustrated, just trying to get a feel for what others are really frustrated about.
Sampson sure did sign a lot of guys that weren't good enough to play at OU either. Please don't make me start naming names. This list is way bigger than some of the players that didn't work out for Coach Capel. By the way this is not a Sampson vs Capel post, but trust me. Coach Sampson signed some players that were terrible. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!

He signed guys that fit his roster. Everyone one helped in one way or another. Yes some didn't help on the court but everyone helped in one way or another in practice and there was always a team atmosphere. Even the walk-ons that never played in close games were part of those teams. That's what a team is all about. There is no team with OU right now. Capel even said that last night.
This team is poorly balanced with capable players. Not only do we not have any inside depth, we can't even put two legitimate inside players on the court. That being the case, this team was always going to succeed or fail on outside shooting. I continue to think that not playing Pledger from day one as a starter was a mistake.
I have my opinions, and I have actually told a few people in private that I am waiting for Capel to bring this team together.

I believe it is only fair to wait until we at least get to conference play before we write him off as a coach.

He knows his basketball when it comes to x's and o's. I just wanna see how he does when he has a handful of lower classmen and no true on the floor leader.

Success comes with time, especially when you are dealing with the youth that Capel is dealing with.

Nobody can deny the fact that we have talent, but at this level, you have to expect alot of ups and downs when you have a bunch of young guys trying to find their rhythm as a team.

This team may not be a legit sweet sixteen team for a year or so. We just have to accept that and give Capel the time that is necessary to teach this team and bring them together as a unit.

Like all of you, I want results NOW, but we have to be realistic. We have no legit low post threat other than Gallon, and he is far from proven to be a force down low. He is obviously talented, but it is raw. He is average at best on the boards, but he really wasn't a big time low post power in high school. He was more known as a finesse big man. I know what Capel is doing. He is forcing Gallon to learn to use his size on the post. Then, he will slowly take the leash off him and let him showcase the full set of skills that he enjoys. I think it's a good idea actually, but I'm impatient so I have to just deal with it and hope for the best.

We really need Warren to step up and be a leader. He is an obvious future NBA basketball player and he knows it along with the rest of the team. Obviously, we need him to be consistent night in and night out. That's what big time players do. Now is not the time to be a self-oriented basketball player. I'm not saying he's a "me" teammate, but I'm not saying he isn't either. I want to see him step up and become a vocal leader on and off the court and I hope Coach C is telling him the same thing.

I have always said that Tony Crocker could and should be the X-factor of this basketball team. That guy has nothing but respect from me. He busts his tail every single play and he NEVER gives up on his game. He makes me proud to be a Sooner.

TMG will go down as one of those guys that just tick opposing coaches off. I don't know what else to say other than the sky is the limit for him in the NCAA.

As for the rest of the hoops squad, what else can I say other than those guys are young and talented. We may see a pretty dang good basketball team, starters and subs, once we hit the halfway mark of the season.

Just give it time, guys. Show up for the games and support your Sooners. They need us more now than ever. Now is when you show why you are a REAL Sooner fan.

Boomer Sooner
Hey, don't get me wrong. Coach is still learning. Just because I think he might be dealing with new things here doesn't mean I dont want him to be our coach.

He's our guy. I just believe he's really getting stretched and taxed right now. We'll get through it and be stronger for it eventually.
Hey, don't get me wrong. Coach is still learning. Just because I think he might be dealing with new things here doesn't mean I dont want him to be our coach.

He's our guy. I just believe he's really getting stretched and taxed right now. We'll get through it and be stronger for it eventually.

And he'll be a better coach for it, as well.