Uh Oh, Clippers owner

I don't follow the NBA closely, but isn't he supposed to be one of the worst owners in the NBA as far as putting competitive teams on the field? Does he even care whether the Clippers win or not as long as he makes money?

I agree that it would be funny if any players whose contracts were expiring would leave for other teams and all free agents would sign elsewhere, but I'm not sure he would care.

Yea, some good players would sign with him, They may have to overpay but someone would sign,
It depends on the ownership structure of the league, which I'm sure is complex. But equity partners in accounting and law firms can be forced out by their partners. Had the NBA been created in the last 30 years, I can guarantee you that fellow owners would have the ability to boot a colleague, but since the NBA was created in the stone age, it's quite possible that nothing of the sort exists.

Also, why is Bounce still allowed on this board?

I believe the only legally palatable way to force him to sell would be financial insolvency, which is not even close here. There are no by-laws or provisions that give the commissioner or the other owners legal standing to force him to sell because he's a racist jerk.

Silver CAN suspend him indefinitely which would remove him from all League activities, with the hope that he will sell just to end this nightmare. But he's a stubborn old fool, so who knows.

Regarding your 2nd paragraph, no comment. :-))
I don't have time to read every post, so I'm moving this thread to the smack talk board. You guys can fight it out over there if you want. :facepalm
Perfect solution in the LA Times. The commissioner allows any player who wants to void their contract and become a free agent.
Perfect solution in the LA Times. The commissioner allows any player who wants to void their contract and become a free agent.

Absolutely terrible idea. Pandora's box

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Some might think this harsh but I do have a theory I'd like to run out as why Sterling's being brought down now when he could've just as easily taken a fall for all his misdeeds and wrong thinking many years earlier. I call it the Sam Kinison syndrome and it boils down to "God will get ya when He's good and ready." If you remember when Sam Kinison died, you'll understand it. Kinison died in car accident (being hit by a drunk while changing a tire) on his honeymoon after marrying the love of his life who not only got him off drugs and booze but had him heading back to Jesus. Prior to meeting his wife, Sam was a profound boozer and abuser, and sacreligious performer who could have overdosed a hundred times and everyone would have understood his plight and his unhappiness.

However God waited until Sam was in bliss, totally clean and totally happy so that he could completely understand his punishment.

I see Donald Sterling in the same way. He could have had his comeuppance dozens of times but the Clippers were crap. Sterling may have even thought that he had mellowed, changed his ways, that he was becoming less racist in his mind by employing the two highest Q and well liked black guys in basketball - Blake Griffin and Chris Paul. He even employed the best liked black coach in the NBA. And there was a strong likelihood he might finally win an NBA championship. He was even in line to get another NAACP award. His lifetime of works, the goods and the bads, it was all getting ready to pay off prestige wise. That's when God sends the sexy model Vanessa Stiviano his way.

It's the Sam Kinison payback - wait until everything seems to be going your way - then Zap - sorry 'bout that. "Vengeance is Mine. And I'll do My Way." Sorry, Frank S.
Perfect solution in the LA Times. The commissioner allows any player who wants to void their contract and become a free agent.

How could the commissioner do that? They are contracts and enforceable under state law? Could the team Or NBA allow an owner to void a bad acting players contract? This proposal doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Personally I suspect the owners do very little. They will use the excuse that it was a private conversation that was illegally recorded or claim they lack authority or come up with some other excuse. I believe this because I think they won't want to establish a precedence that your private conversations can result in divestiture
How could the commissioner do that? They are contracts and enforceable under state law? Could the team Or NBA allow an owner to void a bad acting players contract? This proposal doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Personally I suspect the owners do very little. They will use the excuse that it was a private conversation that was illegally recorded or claim they lack authority or come up with some other excuse. I believe this because I think they won't want to establish a precedence that your private conversations can result in divestiture

They have to do something publicly. The bad PR they'll get if they do nothing will cost them tons in goodwill and brand association.

They aren't going to try to take the team away from him, but all 29 owners will be putting the heat on him to sell. Silver will want to act authoritatively to get his rein as commissioner off to a positive start and establish himself as a powerful figure.

Who knows what Sterling will do. In addition to being a racist piece of crap, Sterling is a certified lunatic. He showed up to games to HECKLE HIS OWN PLAYERS. It seems highly doubtful he'll just accept his "punishment" of having to sell the team for $600 million dollars. Should be interesting to say the least.
They have to do something publicly. The bad PR they'll get if they do nothing will cost them tons in goodwill and brand association.

oh please. This will do nothing to the popularity of the NBA. And they won't do nothing, they will fine him. The NBA won't lose anything. I bet the franchise doesn't even see a hit.
Clippers have lost a lot. Red Bull, Car Max, Kia, Virgin America, AQUAHydrate, Sprint, Loan Mart, Amtrak, Lumber Liquidators, Mercedes Benz, Yokohama Tires, State Farm all suspended their sponsorship with the Clippers. All of these companies also asked that their signage be removed from the Staples Center.

This also means something, because in the next couple of years sponsors logos will appear on NBA jerseys.
Clippers have lost a lot. Red Bull, Car Max, Kia, Virgin America, AQUAHydrate, Sprint, Loan Mart, Amtrak, Lumber Liquidators, Mercedes Benz, Yokohama Tires, State Farm all suspended their sponsorship with the Clippers. All of these companies also asked that their signage be removed from the Staples Center.

This also means something, because in the next couple of years sponsors logos will appear on NBA jerseys.

But it will pass and new sponsors will sign up. Think about Paula Dean. She isn't in the news anymore. Think about Don Imus. He is working again. People have short memories. The media will soon find another story and move on.
Clippers have lost a lot. Red Bull, Car Max, Kia, Virgin America, AQUAHydrate, Sprint, Loan Mart, Amtrak, Lumber Liquidators, Mercedes Benz, Yokohama Tires, State Farm all suspended their sponsorship with the Clippers. All of these companies also asked that their signage be removed from the Staples Center.

This also means something, because in the next couple of years sponsors logos will appear on NBA jerseys.

it's only temporary. Other companies will fill in the void until society forgets about this in two weeks and moves onto the next American guilt story (Rwanda, Kony,etc)
it's only temporary. Other companies will fill in the void until society forgets about this in two weeks and moves onto the next American guilt story (Rwanda, Kony,etc)

Genocide in Rwanda is not a "guilt" story.
Rumors are that Sterling's punishment will be a lifetime ban from the NBA, 1 million dollar fine, and the league will help him sell the team.

Also, if Sterling fights and is still the owner next year, looks like Doc Rivers is out and the players will do anything they can to be free agents.
He is tarnishing the NBA brand. It's the quintessential definition of "their business". No different than pro players being suspended for getting arrested.

Since this is his umpteenth violation time for a lifetime ban.

As usual. I was right and the barking dogs were clueless. The precedent is set and it's a good one. White trash is the plight of the country and everything must be done to throw them in the trash can forever.