2009 NBA Playoff Predictions?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
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It saddens me as a Celtics fan but here are my picks. These are with or without KG.

Western Conference

1st Round

Lakers over Jazz in 5
Blazers over Rockets in 6
Spurs over Mavericks in 6
Nuggets over Hornets in 6

2nd Round

Lakers over Blazers in 6
Nuggets over Spurs in 7

Western Finals

Lakers over Nuggets in 5

Eastern Conference

1st Round

Cavs over Pistons in 5
Hawks over Heat in 7
Magic over Sixers in 5
Celtics over Bulls in 5

2nd Round

Cavs over Hawks in 5
Celtics over Magic in 6

Eastern Finals

Cavs over Celtics in 7

NBA Finals

Lakers over Cavs in 6
I predict the NBA playoffs are a poor substitute for the excitement provided by Sooner basketball. But I suppose it will have to suffice, at least until November.:)
I predict the NBA playoffs are a poor substitute for the excitement provided by Sooner basketball. But I suppose it will have to suffice, at least until November.:)

Hop on the baseball bandwagon! There's plenty of room!
My picks... I think this is Lebron's year. I think the Spurs are just worn out and the Celtics without KG won't be able to beat a surprise Magic team. Lakers and Nuggets on the other side...

Western Conference

1st Round

Lakers over Jazz in 4
Blazers over Rockets in 6
Mavericks over Spurs in 7
Nuggets over Hornets in 7

2nd Round

Lakers over Blazers in 6
Nuggets over Mavericks in 5

Western Finals

Lakers over Nuggets in 6

Eastern Conference

1st Round

Cavs over Pistons in 4
Heat over Hawks in 6
Magic over Sixers in 5
Celtics over Bulls in 5

2nd Round

Cavs over Heat in 6
Magic over Celtics in 6

Eastern Finals

Cavs over Celtics in 6

NBA Finals

Cavs over Lakers in 7
There is no way the celtics pass orlando sans KG. I say Cavs over Lakers in 5-6. Lebron, Mo, and Big Z are too much for anyone to handle this year.
There is no way the celtics pass orlando sans KG. I say Cavs over Lakers in 5-6. Lebron, Mo, and Big Z are too much for anyone to handle this year.

hahahahahhahahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha i hope you are being sarcastic. lakers are 2 and 0 against cavs this year. one without bynum. big z? to much to handle? pau and bynum are both 10 times better than him. lebron cant dominate kobe like he does some other chumps. mo is the only player that has a big advantage over the oposing lakerhahahahahhahahhahaahahhahahgahhahahahhahahhahahhah
hahahahahhahahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha i hope you are being sarcastic. lakers are 2 and 0 against cavs this year. one without bynum. big z? to much to handle? pau and bynum are both 10 times better than him. lebron cant dominate kobe like he does some other chumps. mo is the only player that has a big advantage over the oposing lakerhahahahahhahahhahaahahhahahgahhahahahhahahhahahhah

That's a lot of ha has for one post...
hahahahahhahahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhaha i hope you are being sarcastic. lakers are 2 and 0 against cavs this year. one without bynum. big z? to much to handle? pau and bynum are both 10 times better than him. lebron cant dominate kobe like he does some other chumps. mo is the only player that has a big advantage over the oposing lakerhahahahahhahahhahaahahhahahgahhahahahhahahhahahhah
The Cavs swept the Lakers last year, didn't mean much.

The Cavs having homecourt throughout is huge.
Tony are you saying the Spurs are going to beat the Cavs in the Finals again?

Keep an eye on the Blazers. May be the sleeper......