#7 OU @ KSU 8pm CST on ESPN2

Where’s all the “walk in the park” guys...?... 😂

This is KSU’s type game
And another loss in Manhattan

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Terrible shot deep, kick that out to Harmon or someone open. We can't seem to win in Manhattan even without their fans packing the arena.
Wow. Reaves did get fouled. Badly.

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A selfish, long, contested 3 after zero offense being run from Reaves? Definitely didn't see that coming. Although that was a terrible missed foul call.
I honest to God thought we were going to learn something from the Ames trip regarding playing down to your competition and would come out and dust K State tonight. As it turns out, we learned very little.
Yes reaves got fouled but it shouldn’t have come down to a desperate 3
Bad loss but not unexpected

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And the favorite song of the KSU mildcats is 'With a Little Help From My Friends'.
Im sick of losing to these guys. They will be printing shirts tomorrow. Would rather lose to ku anyday over these guys