Big 12 Tournament | Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State | Game Thread

I hope we let Trae shoot every shot in the tournament. At this point it's the most interesting possible outcome.
Hahaha screw this team. They don't care. Its sad that i still do
The better team won tonight. It isn’t close. OSU is clearly the better team.

We are going to be one of the worst at large teams to ever make the tourney.
He's not even ORU caliber. He can only do one thing and that one thing is driving with his left hand uncontrollably into the lane and either getting stuffed at the rim, or blowing a wide open layup.

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You're probably right.
Guys, OSU just the better team right now, OU made it close at times but overall talent the edge goes to OSU
Good thing we gave minutes all year to freeman and lazenby all year to get to this point.. might have avoided some of the egos being developed this season and maybe got our guys better if all of their minutes went to the D1 players on this team..

Heck we coulda got a decent player over NOC lazenby
Is it possible that after this year OU will have the largest margin loss in final 4 and entire tournament history?
Kruger in 2 seasons has regressed ou basketball so far not sure he can fix it